Babel Mythic Content

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Common Terminology

Allowed Content: options that may be selected by anyone.

Restricted Content: options that must be applied for in order to use. This includes all third party content and all optional rules (first party or otherwise) not banned or listed as allowed.

Forbidden Content: options that are off-limits; they may be applied for but access to them is extremely unlikely.

Playtest Content: options that may be selected by anyone, but are subject to change at any time during the playtest period. Playtest content may or may not be removed or integrated based on its trial run.

Mythic Content


  • Paizo's Mythic rules are in use as well as Mythic Spheres content (Including mythic traditions). Note that this refers only to the mythic options for spheres itself. The other mythic content that can be found on the wiki is Restricted.
  • We use all of the Mythic Feats on this page, including the 3pp ones.
    • If you have not gained mythic by level 5, you automatically ascend to Mythic tier 1.
  • When becoming Mythic, you will have to post an application (if applicable) for your tradition on the #mythic-apps channel. Mythic Traditions are required for you to have access to Mythic.
    • To clarify, If you choose to use mythic, you must have a mythic tradition, this is mandatory. That being said, if you do not wish to do anything with your mythic tradition, you may just have only one drawback, no qualities or boons.
  • Characters either acquire mythic trials by being rewarded them through sessions or automatically as they level up.
    • Characters who reach level 5, automatically ascend.
    • Characters who reach level 10 without having gained any trials, automatically gain a trial.
  • Characters who start at a level higher than 5th, start with a mythic tier equal to 1/3rd of their level, rounded down. For example a character made at level 10 starts with mythic tier 3.
  • You gain a mythic feat at every tier instead of every other tier.
  • Mythic Drawbacks/Flaws cannot be countered or negated in any way unless the drawback itself includes a means to. Although mythic characters can benefit from powers and abilities that may make the consequences less severe. Ex; You cannot benefit from immunity to rage via mind affecting immunity if your flaw causes you to enter a rage like state, but you could use the raging spell metamagic to allow you to cast spells whilst under it.
  • Characters may have two mythic qualities instead of one with their mythic tradition, however When All Seems Lost, Combat Instincts, and Flowing Power count as two mythic qualities.
  • The 'Expertise' mythic boon cannot be taken more than once.
  • We use the Mythic Solutions Perfectly Hidden Characters Alternate Rule 2 (altering the Undetectable Legendary Item Ability) found here.
  • Effects that temporarily grant mythic (such as the Ascension spell) allow one to use mythic powers without an app, but without the benefits of a mythic tradition.
  • Familiar Cohorts and Animal Companion cohorts that acquire mythic power through Mythic Leadership may take mythic traditions. However, doing so requires a separate app on our #mythic-apps channel.

Mythic Class Abilities


  • Mythic Power Attack no longer benefits from the following text: 'In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a critical hit, before it’s multiplied by the weapon’s critical multiplier'.
  • We use the Mythic Solutions Too Few Mythic Feat Slots Alternate Rule 1 found here.
    • Instead of gaining one Mythic Feat at every odd tier, you now gain one at every tier.
  • The Extra Path Ability feat may be taken a number of times equal to half your mythic tier (minimum 1). Each time you do, you gain another path ability.

Legendary Items

  • Legendary Items upgraded to minor or major artifacts lacking destruction criteria (which must be applied for on the #3pp-and-custom-apps channel) can be sundered and broken as normal magic items.
  • All Legendary Items that meet the prerequisite gain the Eternal Bond item quality for free.
  • Resonant Regalia, the legendary item ability, is Allowed as long as your Resonant Power is one of the base legendary item abilities.



  • Mythic path abilities with the [Location] tag are presently Restricted, since the locations are in Golarion. You will also need a session request.


  • Using Augmented Mythic Time Stop for downtime related benefits is Forbidden.