The Towers of Magic

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The Towers of Magic, ancient mega-structures of mysterious origin that baffle all of Etera. Though several towers have been discovered thus far, there is speculation that many more exist. These strange monoliths of power are so complex and potent, that their magic breaches the confines of the towers themselves. The lands around them warped and changed by proxy of this leaking magic.

Multiple towers have been explored so far, and several strange properties have been noted that may be consistent to its counterparts. The makeup of the towers seem to be of impressive technology, far beyond the norm for Etera. Once activated, the effects of the towers on the regions around them is pronounced and at times devastating, the tower in the Ghostlands so far the most catastrophic instance as undead were unleashed from it in great numbers.

The towers themselves represent the many different types of magic found within Etera. At times, the towers act as a source of the specific form of magic, or simply a strange and dangerous display of it.

Each tower is ran by a being known as the "Prime," which comes in many different forms, but who acts as a caretaker and guardian of the different towers. Typically these prime beings have one-word names that associate them with the tower they are attached to. These beings are typically cold-hearted and ruthless, though their desires and personalities may be influenced by the tower they represent.

There is speculation that the towers were originally created by a race that once populated Etera that has discarded much of their organic makeup, trading them for technological implants and other modifications. These beings have lost access to their magic, though their true history and their reason for creating the towers is still a mystery left unsolved.

The Variety of Towers

  • The Tower of Death; situated in the Ghostlands and caused undead hordes to attack.
  • The Tower of Light; Situated on the rather unkempt island of Roshanee, there is talk that natives worship the tower as a being of the sun, it seems to be rather hard for anyone to make any progress on expeditions to the island... perhaps an adventure is possible?
  • The Tower of Time; travels and appears at random intervals in the timeline. Is also capable of transforming into a massive construct that fights those who threaten time's natural flow.
  • The Tower of Life; a parasitic creature that gathered the flesh of its victims in order to form. The Tower of Life is both a structure and a disease that nearly crushed Babel beneath its feet.
  • The Tower of Fate; a casino that mysteriously appeared within the borders of the Ghostlands, filled with odd undead, strange games of chance, and a near imperceptable aura of luck and misfortune for those in and around it. The goals of those in and involved with the tower remain a mystery.
  • The Tower of Telekinesis; A tower that cannot be simply seen from outside, as it is created entirely of Force and invisible things. Within, one could hear a rather humnored voice throughout their time, with potential for being pied once or twice, encountering invisible things that shit invisible projectiles, as well as being able to change its structure through puzzle solving.
  • The Tower of Illusion; Hidden behind a veil of, understandably, illusions, a massive number of adventurers delved into research to uncover the hiding spot of this tower, the first party to gather the secrets needed to locate it, was able to put together a team to storm it, ahead of the rest.
  • The Tower of Necromancy; A gigantic tree, by the name Aer'Drasil, that once sucked massive amounts of life force and nutrients from the miles around it, to fuel some goal. Many examples of such contained life force took the form of life beads and orbs, necromatic objects constructed to house the essence of life.
  • The Tower of Divination(Vancian); Dwelling within the city of Babel itself, going near it is extremely dangerous to ones mind, due to the sheer information coursing through it.
  • The Tower of Weather; Not yet discovered, it lies dormant below the depths of the lake in Kuapuiwi
  • The Tower of Blood; In the open plains southwest of Fort Ragathiel, a labyrinthian castle stands tall, surrounded by rivers of blood, as it spreads corruption outward. A pillar, visible for miles outward in any direction.
  • The Tower of Nature; Formerly the location known as Moon Bright, it is surrounded by a 20 mile aura of natural disasters, over in the southwestern part of the continent.
  • Tower of Mana; One of the more powerful towers. The tower of Mana acts as a core for the various leylines that flow across Chronus. It's initial appearance caused those with the Spark to explode with an overabundance of magical energy.

The following is a list of the towers that either don't have a page yet, but were worked on enough to be added above, or they don't even have that much, and are simply written below so that you know they exist OOCly:

Spheres: Alteration, Blood, Conjuration, Creation, Dark, Destructions, Divination, Enhancement, Fallen Fey, Illusion, Light, Mana, Mind, Nature, Protection, Telekinesis, War, Warp, Technomancy, Bear, Veilweaving, and Weather.

Vancian: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.

Psionics: Athanatism, Psychometabolism, Psychokinesis, Psychoportation, Clairsentience, Metacreativity, and Telepathy.

Akashic: ???, probably can just sum it up in the Veilweaving power, tbh, unless someone chooses to categorize akasha.

Pact Magic: ???, likely some kind of spirit based tower, unless someone wants to categorize this system too.

Other Magic Systems: Best to not press your luck. Perhaps, but eh. Not likely ever going to add towers to systems we don't allow.

All you have to is type in "The Tower of Blood" or something, to make that wiki page.