Getting Started

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Set on the world of Chronus, events have molded and shaped the world into one of diverse and prolific opportunities. So called 'Sparkbearers' embark on grand quests, face down powerful foes and influence the development of nations and continents.

These, the player characters, are a cut above the typical denizens of world. However, there the reception Sparkbearers get is mixed, history shaped by their actions of, and not always for the better.

To get a better understanding of past events, please refer to our Timeline.

The State of Chronus

Chronus is a world of unexplored lands and unique societies, just waiting to be charted and discovered. All the while existing organizations continue to rise and develop, forging new ideas and alliances.

Etera, the central continent of Chronus, recovers from the wounds of its past, free of the once-dominant Verk Empire, the gradual decline of which saw the formation of the cursed Ghostlands. It would be following this that disaster would strike again in the form of The Four Horsemen, defeated only thanks to the combined efforts of those from the nations of Siacros and The Setlaar States. With relative peace restored, the Kingdom of Aetveris has formed to stabilize the still mostly wild lands, an aggressive campaign of military expansion mirroring the early, more glorious days of the empire whose void it seems to fill.

On the continent of Siacros, Sparkbearers have long since spread their wings, forming nations of their own. These once fledgling politicians and rulers had their own upheavals during the Horseman War, though the intensity of destruction varied. With this behind them, they have turned their efforts inward to rebuild and repair, tending to the needs of their people.

While peace is welcome for many, it is also just as alien. After decades of constant strife and near-world ending events some question what comes next, while others simply wait for the next threat, preparing as ever they have.

Starting Locations

Below are options for players to become a part of to immerse themselves within the world of Chronus. These are brief overviews with links that you can use to learn more.

Aetveran Gathering.jpg

The Nation of Aetveris

Founded on Etera, a continent stricken by conflict and brought to the brink of ruin time and time again by powers both within and beyond its borders, Aetveris has emerged as a bulwark through which Eterans might finally thrive. With a past that has not soon forgotten the oppression of the Verk Empire, this militaristic society is ironically engrossed with the idea of unifying the rest of the continent under a single banner.

One of the youngest nations on Chronus, the sudden and rampant development in both infrastructure and the military of Aetveris has allowed much of Etera to fall within the dominion of its sovereign. Likewise, despite the homeland through which was birthed being nothing short of a ‘land of monsters,’ this hostile environment has provided a crucible through which some of the world’s greatest heroes and soldiers have been created.

It remains to be seen how this young nation, constructed from the remains of societies long-gone, continues to grow; and what that means for the world at large.

Alignment: Any Lawful. Though founded from the desire to establish an orderly home for the Eteran people, the calamities that have befallen the continent have created divergent opinions as to how that order should be designed.

Religion: Any except evil. Despite having a variety of religions within its borders, the worship of the General of Vengeance undoubtedly holds a majority of the faithful. This has caused somewhat of a strange development to take hold, as the once Mystery Cult now finds itself as the basis for a major religion on Chronus.

Languages: Common remains the most spoken tongue in Aetveris, though because of its close association with Dun Holvar and Alzhak Reger, it is not uncommon for Dwarven to be a secondary language for many.

Government: The Throne of Aetveris is that of an absolute monarchy and is of a patrilineal line of descendancy. Much of the management of the nation however is dependent on various Knight-Captains and Seneschals spread throughout the realm.

Races: Etera has historically held a multitude of different races, and this is much the same with Aetveris. However, among other locations, the Eteran continent has had a unique propensity to receive creatures from other worlds or realities. These ‘starborn heroes’ often arrive with no or very limited memory of where they came from, yet many have possessed some amount of power that has allowed them to survive Etera’s hostile environment.

Ideal Starting Location For: Characters from other worlds, orphans of war, barbarians, crusading knights

Should all of the above fall flat, you can always ask around on our discord. Someone will be sure to help find the right start with you!


The Holy Kingdom of Sarent

Towards the south of Siacros lies a kingdom upon a mountainside, basking in the sun and proclaiming the glory of Sarenrae. Though the people of Sarent feel that other kingdoms are naturally vulnerable to corruption, they regard their society as a utopia, showing others how people and the gods should coexist in an ideal world. The people of Sarent view themselves as saviors and often feel compelled to help those in need as they fight for the “greater good.” The Kingdom of Sarent is also viewed as a place of healing, where diseases that could not be cured elsewhere are dealt with by powerful clerics who represent the epitome of their faith.

Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good

Religion: Primarily Sarenrae, though other good deities are represented.

Languages: Common and Celestial.

Government: Theocracy - The rulers of Sarent are chosen by the divine…or so they claim.

Races: Primarily Human, Ifrit, and Aasimar.

Ideal Starting Location For: Clerics, Inquisitors, Paladins, light magic users, and healers associated with Sarenrae or any other good-aligned deities.


Old Scarlet

The remains of the cold, dark Scarlet Kingdom, a bastion the forsaken and the damned. Fractured into five baronies, ruled each by a powerful undead or fiend, these lands vie with one another in vain attempts to reunite their land as one. Most of the ‘population’ comprises of mindless undead servants that work the lands for their masters while the true citizenry are more often than not necromancers, displaced fiends, vampires, other intelligent undead or other ne’er-do-wells unwelcome for the most part in well meaning society. What ‘normal’ humans do dwell there are the now questionably emancipated human stock previously kept to satisfy ‘vampiric tastes’. Culture varies from barony to barony, largely based on which aspect of the former kingdom each one is trying best to emulate, with feudal lands ruled by a vampire lord to a bitter and cold region in the grip of a powerful death knight.

Alignment: Any Evil

Religion: Urgathoa, Orcus, Zura,

Languages: Common, Necril, Abyssal, Infernal, , various outsider languages (Protean, Demonic, etc.)

Government: Varies, mostly feudal lords - Those with noble ‘blood’ and a claim to power make up the ruling class.

Races: Vampires, Mindless Undead, Intelligent Undead, Fiends, other outcasts of various races.

Ideal Starting Location For: Antipaladins, Death Knights, Necromancers, undead, evil characters in general


The Setlaar Confederacy

Made up of thirteen distinct states, The Setlaar are a confederacy made manifest through diplomacy and the desire for shared economic success. Early limitations of magical innovation gave cause for them to seek progress elsewhere, giving rise to what is now modern Setlaar technology, the bleeding edge compared to the other nations of Chronus.

The Setlaar Diaspora on Siacros is a newly formed colony, away from the meddling of the confederacy’s Alinibal Court back home. They lack a strong cultural identity that sets them apart from any one state, making them the closest thing to generic among the Setlaar.

Alignment: Virtually all alignments. Everything from Lawful noble courts to Chaotic anarchist rebels to everyday citizens trying to get by. Evil characters, if drawing from criminal backgrounds and the like, can be present.

Religion: All non-Evil gods are openly worshiped, most especially in the state of Latreia. Evil gods are worshiped in secret.

Languages: Each state has its own language

Government: Differs between each state, usually limited to small-scale leadership such as mayors or the personal policies of landowners. On a wider scale, there’s the Alinibal Court, the nobles/upperclassmen of the Setlaar, pulling the strings of the economy and media in the background.

Races: Humans, elves, drow, lizardmen, gnolls, and orcs are native to certain states, with dwarves being spread extremely thin throughout the Setlaar. In the state of Hnizdo in particular is a race of ratfolk that may or may not be telepathic, naturally-occurring clones.

Ideal Starting Location For: Characters with backgrounds in technology or modern societies, especially ones with an affinity for firearms.


Cathair na Stoirme

Founded by the once-Dryad Autumn Eiskae, the City of Storms is a living temple and city rolled into one. Currently under construction in the newly-formed floating Isles of Storm (or Thunderhome, as the locals refer to it), residents currently live in temporary housing clustered around Crann Tintreach “The Lightning Tree.” Autumn rules the city from her primary temple around the Tree, though said rulership is remarkably laissez faire. Given her teachings of self-sufficiency and freedom, her citizens look to her for guidance and occasional arbitration, much of which can easily be fulfilled by her advisor-priests.

Cathair na Stoirm is a city-state that values freedom over all else, and laws focus on protecting her own citizens as opposed to those of other nations.  As such, it is a favored state for privateers, adventurers, and any that lean toward a chaotic bent. It is a carefully-balanced and volatile young state, and is always looking to welcome new blood to bolster its ranks.

Religion: Primarily The Storm Siren. Free worship of all excluding hostile evil gods.

Languages: Common and Fae

Government: Free Theocracy

Races: No primary race represented..

Ideal Starting Location For: Free-Spirits, Fae, Sky-Pirates, and Adventurers.


Alzhak Reger

The Subterranean Sanctuary of Alzhak Reger, carved out by the toiling works of its founders alongside most surviving dwarves from within the depths of ‘The Pickaxe’, the local nickname given to the mountain chain in which it is based. The name refers to how its shape is just that of a pickaxe. Above all else, this land was made to be one of ‘peace’. Not to say they would not protect from those who would seek harm, but… a refuge, to all those who tire of war. Of loss. Of hatred and fear. As stubborn as the rock upon which their land is hewn, the hardy folk of Alzhak Reger put their all into making a land to last. To be unbroken before all, be it Demon Lords, cataclysms, taxes, or even the gods themselves. Let those who wish for rest have their reward. The land is split between the industrious desires of its people, and the resources needed to fulfil those desires, allowing supply of most of the continent’s alcohol, metal, and stone.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Religion: The main subjects of worship are the Dwarven Pantheon, minus Droskar, however, various other deities hold lesser, but existent, influence.

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran, and other non-secret languages.

Government: Republic- A ruling body of ‘clan heads’, or thanes, representing the various races dwelling there.

Races: Dwarves, various earth-type creatures, ground-dwelling folk, tiny awakened animals, a large quantity of sentient constructs and robots, as well as plenty of outsider immigrants.

Ideal Starting Location For: Earth-type and subterranean folk, Crafters, Dwarves, Earth/Metal magic users, those interested in learning most non-magic fields, technologically inclined beings, artificially created beings. Those desiring peace from conflict.


Circle of Mirrandrar

The proud Circle of Mirrardrar boasts one of the most magically advanced mages school on the continent. With access to a copy of almost every magical written text made available to them, countless scrolls, elixirs, potions and wands, Mirrandrar attracts magical creatures of all types. Above the planarly-resettled former capital city Adranach floats the University of Mirrandrar, training anyone that shows arcane magical potential and the will to learn. No magic is outlawed, though the city does prize its peaceful ways and encourages darker magic to only be used for research. For usage of other forms of magic, one may look to the other cities and universities upon the southern coast of Siacros, where Mirrandrar resides.

Alignment: True Neural

Religion: Nethys is the primary deity in Adranach, in the demiplane it resides, though any deity of magic, secrets, or knowledge  may hold religious sway in the city. As for the nation at large, there is not a particular god of worship, however, those who practice divine magic will naturally find their own places with which to perform their faith.

Languages: Any

Government: Magocracy - Those with magical power make up the ruling class, in the form of 'The Circle', consisting of Circle Mages.

Races: Because of the planar nature of the city, and the excessive use of portals even in the rest of the nation, any realistically available race would be common, though some of the rarer races may crop up as well, due to the ease of access to the nation, and its lack of bias towards anyone with magical prowess. Understandably, a culture based around heavy magic use would consider non-magical folk as a minority.

Ideal Starting Location For: Mages (any system).