Character Creation Guide

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Character Creation Guide

Greetings Adventurer, welcome to Babel! Please do read the following, as it will give you the basics of character creation as well as Houserules, Forbidden, Restricted, Altered and Allowed content.

Additionally, you may wish to check out the following link for making use of our server currency: Babel Coins!

We use Myth-Weavers for all our character sheets. Do not use the Experimental Sheet.

Common Terminology

Allowed Content: options that may be selected by anyone.

Restricted Content: options that must be applied for in order to use. This includes all third party content and all optional rules (first party or otherwise) not banned or listed as allowed.

Forbidden Content: options that are off-limits; they may be applied for but access to them is extremely unlikely.

Playtest Content: options that may be selected by anyone, but are subject to change at any time during the playtest period. Playtest content may or may not be removed or integrated based on its trial run.


Backstories are important for any roleplaying medium. It is encouraged--but not mandatory--that you create and develop some form of a backstory either here on the wiki, your character sheet, or a Google docs, that way both you and staff can use it to help curate stories that assist in the growth and development of characters in the world.

Babel is a large and diverse place, and could host all kinds of strange and exciting places to be from. Information on Babel and its inhabitants can be found here!

Whilst anyone can be a simple commoner, having a more esoteric or flamboyant background, such as being a descendant of, or related to some important figure is a tad more difficult, and will require contacting a GM or Moderator to make sure everything is in line! But don’t be afraid, we don’t bite!

Once you've done all this, please post your sheet into our #character-apps channel, and when your sheet is approved, please link it on the notes section of your roll20 sheet. Thanks!

Helpful Links

  • Babel Downtime Rules
    • Outlines the various rules specific to Downtime that we have.
  • Babel FAQ
    • A list of various common questions that have come up over the years, that were easier to put in this document, than to clutter our other rule documents with misc rulings.
  • Babel Spheres Content
    • Further listings of our rules involving Spheres content
  • Babel Mythic Content
    • Further listings of our rules involving Mythic content
  • The Setlaar Player Options Document
    • A homebrew document of various Allowed content produced by one of our long-time GMs for his established setting of The Setlaar.
  • Cohort Rules+Leadership Perks
    • Additional information of content we added to cover interacting with Cohort mechanics, and 'leadership perks' one can make use of while interacting with the Leadership system.
  • Babel Approved Archetype Packages
    • A homebrew list of expanded options for the Archetype Packages introduced on d20pfsrd, to encompass our allowed systems.
  • Player-side Benchpress Document
    • Guidelines of general values of 'good', 'bad', 'excellent', for people to look at for our server. It is not 'caps', you can exceed them, but keep in mind the higher you go, the more likely your GM will tell you to chill out.
  • Babel Template Guide
    • Short guidelines on the way in which we allow players to gain access to templates, for their various characters.


All characters start at level 2, and the appropriate wealth (1,000 gp). With a 25 point buy (Calculator if needed).

We use the Medium experience track and characters gain maximum hit points per level (no need to roll when you level).

Please list your pre-racial point buy somewhere easy to see once you’ve decided upon one. (Note, some point buys might be asked to be changed if they’re too skewed towards optimizing)

Additionally, please use Archives of Nethys for content unless otherwise stated.

For those wondering how we’d like for a sheet to look, refer to this Basic Character Sheet (made by vladimir002).

We use Gestalt Rules, including the Spheres Gestalt Rules. Additional info here.

  • You may pick any Paizo race up to 20 Race Points. Most can be found in the Core or non-core sections of AoN (note some races like Drow Noble and Svirfneblin are above 20 Race points).
  • Your character must be an Adult for its race, as defined by the PRD, with a minimum of 18 years old, for races of adulthood below 18.
  • Both Chained and Unchained versions of classes are allowed, with some minor alterations found below.
  • You may not use any third party (3pp) content that has not been approved, either for you, or for everyone as such content is considered Restricted. If you have a question about this, ask a GM or Mod.
  • You may select 2 traits, and may take 1 drawback to gain a third trait. Taking additional drawbacks does not give any benefit. Campaign and Region Traits are Restricted, and may be applied for in the #minor-approvals channel.
  • You may take a Major Drawback and gain an extra Feat. Multiple Major drawbacks, while roleplay-wise a cool choice, will not give additional benefits.
  • You may take a Background or Occupation. Alternatively, you may select up to three skills to become class skills or give a +1 competence bonus if the skills in question are already class skills, in addition you may choose a bonus feat as part of a custom background or occupation.
  • You are allowed one Achievement and one Story feat per character, but you must take them in normal feat slots. The Storied leadership perk counts as a one-time ‘normal feat slot’.
  • The Skill Unlock system is in use, limited to Unchained Rogues (and other classes with explicit access) and those who take the Signature Skill feat.
  • We use the Variant Multiclassing system for characters.
  • We use the Background Skills system, so make sure to give it a read!
  • We use the Stamina Rules. You must take the Combat Stamina feat to benefit from them.
  • We utilize the Hero Points system, Including the Antihero option. If You choose to use Hero Points, you start with 1 regardless of level.
  • We use the Elephant in the Room Feat Tax changes. In case of our homebrew changes overlapping with the document’s, ours take precedence. Note, we use whatever is in the latest PDF of EiTR, not ‘just’ the old blog post. For a brief list of summarized changes, here is a separate, shorter, document: here
    • If your class gives you a bonus feat that is removed by these rules, please refer to the Class Errata section of the document first and observe the changes there; if your class is not listed however you gain a combat feat in the replaced feat’s place.
  • We allow Corruptions, additional info here.
  • If starting at higher levels you start with the appropriate wealth by level of that level.
  • Once you are finished with character creation, submit your character in #character-apps on our discord, following the new character format carefully.
  • When creating a character, you may opt-in for SLOW XP - If you do, you gain 5 bonus oath points to spend as you see fit. Your maximum Oath points increase by this number. A Slow XP character cannot downtime XP past level 10, and cannot have GM XP rewards applied at levels 10,15, or 20. IF YOU WISH TO OPT-OUT, you must create a full app in #3pp-and-custom-apps specifying such, at which point you will be asked to remove the bonus oath points. Once this decision is made, you CANNOT opt back in.

Finally, do not privately message staff to look over your applications, or otherwise post your applications in public channels asking them to be looked over; all applications will be looked over eventually, and any delays, however short or long, do not indicate by themselves that something is wrong with the application; we ask for your patience in these matters. Those found breaching this rule may find their applications automatically denied.

Allowed Content List

This list denotes which third-party content is in use, including major 3pp systems, alongside some homebrew content.


  • Archetype Packages are Allowed. This refers specifically to the first party classes.
    • An expanded system for archetype packages can be found here.
  • The Setlaar, a sub-setting of our world, provides a variety of player options, which are all Allowed. This includes more modern firearms, weapon modifications, firearm ammunition, misc equipment, etc.

Legendary Games

The following classes are Allowed for play, so long as it is from Legendary Games, and is listed on the page(s) linked.

Spheres of Power

Path of War



  • The Akashic system by Dreamscarred Press, and its supplements by Lost Spheres Publishing (Co7S, etc) and Cobalt Sages Creations (Stormbound, etc) are Allowed.
    • Trinity Angel/other unrelated or non-Akashic Co7S content remain Restricted.

Pact Magic

  • The Pact Magic system by Radiance House is Allowed.





Note: Crafting them specifically is done at the cost of ‘its full power’, rules show how to determine these prices in both base pathfinder and spheres. Furthermore, we do not allow you to purchase them from NPCs here, you must get them as session rewards or from player crafting.

  • Further Allowed items are here.


Houserules are just that, major content changes.

  • Minions, such as leadership sphere cohorts, conjuration companions, eidolons, animal companions, etc. all have full hit dice (no roll necessary) and act on their leader's initiative.
  • If you have a class feature that adds a non-standard ability bonus to a stat, you may only add a bonus up to the number of class levels you have in the class that grants the feature. If you have class levels in a class with this feature equal to your hit dice then there is no cap. This also does not cap limited duration bonuses.
    • Levels in Prestige Classes add up with levels from the class they build upon when determining the limits on these bonuses.


  • The Downtime System is in use. Currently, Time (generally) flows at a rate of two in character days per real day, which will be announced in the calendar channel.


  • Everyone gets Leadership for free at creation. You may choose to opt out if you’d like.
    • Perks are gained at every even level, starting at level 2. See here for more info.
    • Note: Leadership feat cohorts are separate PCs, needing to go through the normal approval process. These cohorts may not be brought on sessions together with their leader, unless played by different players than the leader.


  • The Fame/Infamy Rules are in place, although Prestige Points are currently Forbidden. Spheres of influence are not in use, meaning Fame (or Infamy) are universal across the game world for a given PC.
    • Gaining/Losing fame for Succeeding at a DC 30 check or crafting a powerful magic item can only be done once (for all of these options, not each one) per in character month.
  • The Fractional Base Bonuses rules are used when multiclassing. Adjust the BAB fractions in case of classes with non-standard BAB progression.
  • Versatile Performance may benefit from any bonuses applicable to the original skill, as well as any bonuses affecting the relevant Perform skill. Bonuses of the same source affecting both skills (such as having Skill Focus or masterwork tools for both skills) are only applied once. Bonuses of the same type do not stack unless specified by the type of bonus. Penalties to the original skill apply as normal.
  • Prestige Classes may trade out their capstone for an alternative one at level 20. Prestige Classes with the Aligned Class, class ability do not allow you to get another capstone within the same track.
  • For post-20 content, see here for more info.

Altered, Restricted, and Forbidden

Altered Content


  • Paladins may be of any good alignment as long as their alignment matches their deity.
  • Unchained Monks may take base Monk Archetypes as long as they could gain every feature to be replaced with their (unchained) ki powers class feature. They lose access to ki powers at the respective levels.
  • Unchained Summoners may take base Summoner Archetypes as long as they possess the unchained summoner class features that the Archetype trades out. If an archetype exists for the Unchained Summoner, you can't take its (chained) version.
  • If a class/archetype gives you a hard-locked Item Creation feat, such as Wizard's Scribe Scroll feat, you may exchange it for a bonus feat of your choice instead, upon taking the class/archetype. You must still meet per-requisites like normal. 'Choice'-based features, like Insights, Discoveries, etc. do not count as 'hard-locked' choices for purposes of feat replacement. This choice cannot be undone, and if one desires to swap their feat choice later, you must apply in #minor-apps to change it. Any other hard-locked feature changes would be a Mechanical Tax application like normal.


  • An animal companion's base attack bonus is equal to its Hit Dice. See here for more info.


  • Staves automagically recharge one charge a day.
  • You cannot buy scrolls or spellcasting services of 7th level spells or higher nor with a Caster Level higher than 14 from NPCs. You must buy these from PCs.


  • Spells below 7th level that cost less than 1,000 gp do not have material components.
    • If you gain eschew materials as a bonus feat you may trade it for any feat you qualify for.
    • This is reduced to less than 500 gp for spells such as animate dead (such spells are still [evil] though).


  • The Self Contained crafting boon is now a mythic tier 3 universal power.
  • All crafting traditions require an application on the #crafting-apps channel.
  • Any familiar (not including improved familiars) may grant any base familiar bonus.

Restricted Content


  • Acquiring the service of outsiders through Planar Binding the spell or similar abilities, such as Call Planar Creature require an app for each creature summoned. You will need to explain why you want the creature, how it fits your character, what the goals are, and all of the other variables (caster level, gold paid, their objective, etc) within your application.
  • Acquiring undead / corpses via downtime requires a full application on the #3pp-and-custom-apps channel. Please explain how they will be acquired and the exact details of the creatures you will be taking. The required downtime to acquire these undead will vary from app to app, decided as part of the process. Suggest a number of days you think will be fair. This does not apply to animal corpses obtained through the Rangers Leadership talent.
  • Simulacrums require a minor approval to create and use. These applications have a special format as outlined in the #minor-approvals channel and require a moderator vote for approval.
  • Trompe L’Oeil requires an application on our application channels. You will need to explain how you acquire certain creatures.
  • Robots with AIs will require an additional application, with the exception of Tech sphere (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) AIs.
  • Homunculi or any other construct without a max HD requires an application.


  • Travel to the Dimension of Time (including the Akashic Record) is Restricted.
  • All custom creatures (not drones, familiars, animal companions, etc), that is creatures without a bestiary entry from allowed sources that contain the creature and any templates or other modifications within the single entry are Restricted. This includes but is not limited to creatures created via applying templates, but does not include those gained via temporary means such as Summon Monster and Reanimate. You only need to submit for it if the template is being applied to a custom-built creature. This is to restrict custom creatures made via open-ended systems.

Forbidden Content





  • Using Augmented Mythic Time Stop for downtime related benefits is Forbidden.



  • Planes with the Erratic, Flowing or Timeless traits may not be used for downtime related benefit.
  • The Fame/Infamy Rules are in place, although Prestige Points are currently Forbidden.
  • Ultimate Charisma content is Forbidden except for what is outlined here.

Mythic Content

Mythic is an optional system. Players that wish to use the mythic system can find the rules for such here.