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Here is where we have an overall listing of all the (mostly) non-player 'entities' of whom pages are written in the World of Babel. If you are looking for player content, that is a different section of the wiki. Although some of the options may contain content ran by a player or is played by a player, that is due to them being the subject of worship or mythic power, generally. The focus is more on npc content, nonetheless.

We have the following sub-sections, with their own links for further filtering. It is important to note, however, that each of these categories may have potential for overlap, but nonetheless, it can be expanded upon as needed.

And remember, adding more pages is not limited to just staff. Players can make various entries too. They just cannot run non-player entities as a player, generally.

NPCs: Here would be for all of the regular characters who are not controlled by Players, that are not necessarily powerful individuals. They could even be a level 2 commoner for all it matters. However, higher level beings can exist, usable in any level range. They could be interacted with by players, in theory, should one be willing to consult with staff to arrange such an interaction.

Deities: This would be for where all of our player "gods", custom deities, and custom demigods, would all be recorded into. Whether they be Demon Lords, Empyreal Lords, or otherwise, they all have the ability to be worshiped by the regular mortals, or even each other, potentially.

Category:Silent Ascended: Dozens of people seek godhood, but many lose themselves in the process. This is a list of those that sought Ascension, and have since become lost. They may return, some day, but for now they grant no spells, hear no prayers, and their followers pray in silent desperation for their return. Deities/churches in this list are PCs or specific gods or Quasi-Deities whose Players are on a hiatus or have left the server. They may become active again on their return, but for now they are unable to grant boons or participate in the world at large.

Churches: This would be for where all of our active player Churches would all be recorded into. regardless of the type of worship that occurs. This focuses more on the church page, so if the "deity" has its own separate page, it would be linked under Deities, otherwise the Church page may also be the Deity page too. Be sure to account for the overlap when tagging pages.

Pathfinder Deities: These are very specifically any Babel unique changes, interpretations, and expansions, upon the lore of existing Deities from Pathfinder lore. If you cannot find the one you are looking for here, either the person who added more to them didn't record it, or no further information beyond the base deity has been done up until then.

Mythic Patrons: Mythic Patrons are deities, powerful outsiders, unique mythic creatures, and other entities capable of granting mythic power to others by becoming Patrons (as the drawback in Mythic Traditions). Category page, which is different: Mythic Patron

Bestiary: As for this section, it covers a much more mechanics heavy part of the wiki. The intention is to make use of it for player knowledge when they make skill checks, as well as being a repository of custom creatures, so that staff may make use of them in sessions. Overall, they may also be used to add further weight to other pages on the wiki, by allowing individuals to know of common creatures in a given location, minions of a custom npc, etc.

Races: Here is a compilation of various custom races, all established by players for the most part, to add additional options to our world. Little in the way of individual entities, it is still important nonetheless for the extension of racial options for other entities.

Pages in category "Entities"

The following 105 pages are in this category, out of 105 total.