Court of Seasons

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After countless ages of strife, the fey of the Summer and Winter courts agreed to settle their differences and merge into a new, more-powerful Court of Seasons jointly led by two queens. Whether they were inclined to do so anyway as part of the natural cycle of things to which they are so intimately bound is anyone's guess, for the fey do not think in the way that others do.

The Unity Of The Seasons

As Summer follows Spring and Winter emerges from Autumn, so too does the Court of Seasons emphasize unity throughout the cycle of time. Most positions in the court are held jointly, with specific holders rising or falling in prominence based on which season currently affects the land. The fey do not seem particularly bothered by this, possibly because the wedded queens Mara and Tara remain monarchs throughout the year and aggressively discourage those who threaten the court's unity. This is still a rather new thing for all of them, and they've made their intentions quite clear.

Worth noting is that despite their theme of unity, the monarchs of the Court of Seasons (and, by extension, the rest of the court) are not even remotely "safe" as mortals would define it. Nature is hurricanes and blizzards as much as gentle Spring sunshine, and though mortals may try to coexist with nature most of the time, it's inevitable that there will be times when all they can do is hunker down and try to endure its wrath. The fey are not good or evil and do not evaluate their own actions based on such criteria. They simply are.

The Queens

Queen Mara

The two queens of the Court of Seasons are its undisputed rulers. Their words and whims alike are law for the lesser fey that follow them, and they issue most of their commands in tandem. Although not of one mind on all matters, the two queens seek balance in all things for the court, and a solo proclamation by one gives the other the right to do the same on another subject.

Both queens are now among the fey-lords known as the Eldest, immortal demigods capable of granting spells and mythic power to mortals they deem worthy. The two only ever do this jointly; to praise one is to praise the other. In addition to their myriad other powers, the two queens are capable of creating and unleashing the Tane, the most feared of all living weapons of the First World.

Queen Mara, formerly of the Winter Court, is a young woman eager to express herself and explore. Having risen to the position of a fey queen, she has slightly settled down from a previous interest in expanding the power and might of her old court. She generally prefers the company of women - particularly Queen Tara - and often sets up gladiatorial games and combats for them to pit their powers against each other.

Queen Tara

Queen Tara, the daughter of Titania and former princess of the Summer Court, is Queen Mara's co-regent on the throne of the Court of Seasons. Although less directly involved in the events that led to the two courts joining forces, she is a full fey monarch in her own right with all of the awesome and terrible power that title means. Tara is often regarded as the kinder of the two queens, although this is a misunderstanding of her basic character. Tara represents Spring and Summer the way Mara represents Autumn and Winter - while Tara is vital and energetic, happy to nurture life, she can also be a raging storm when angered and is, in fact, rather more terrifying than Mara because of the sheer passion in her rages. Fortunately, her moods can be like passing storms, and once placated she'll near-instantly be calm once more.

Tara is also rather smitten with Mara, and their close personal bond is the main thing holding the Court of Seasons together. She considers her wife to be her proper partner, and although either of them may have the occasional fling, they are always drawn back to each other. After all, the seasons are inseparable and always come around.

As Mythic Patrons

The monarchs of the Court of Seasons are, collectively, a mythic patron for those willing to bargain for power from the wily and creative fey. They are insistent that all of those gifted mythic power from them know at least some fire or ice magic to represent the power of the seasons (preferably both), and can have demands that are as strange as they are complex. However, they are fonder of followers who actively promote unity in places where fighting is unnecessary.

Mortals who receive patronage from the two queens are more welcome at their court than others and can typically visit it by passing through faerie rings of fire, ice, or mushrooms. Although not completely insulated from the tricks and machinations of other fey, such mortals rarely suffer more than a couple of pranks due to the obvious favor of the queens.

Knights Of The Court

The Summer and Winter Knights are the two most powerful warriors of the courts (save, perhaps, the fey queens themselves), and are usually mortal champions gifted with unique and fearsome powers. A combination of bodyguard, enforcer, and hitman, the Knights get their orders from both of the queens (although each has a favorite they use more often) and help to keep other fey in line.

The Home Of The Court

The primary home of the Court of Seasons is - surprising nobody - a part of the First World where the fey in general come from. This strange land of life and wonder makes mockery of time and distance as mortals understand it, but the greater court seems capable of touching many different lands as needed. Though far from the only court of the faeries to exist within the First World, it is certainly one of the more powerful thanks to embracing the strengths of unity.

The court itself is mutable in form, changing based on the desires of its inhabitants, but the great hall is a mostly-fixed structure that represents the heart of the court. The massive chamber features a single throne that the two queens share together (often not needing the extra space, given their closeness), while the ground and walls feature flowers, vines, and other natural construction. These clearly display all four of the seasons and visibly rotate through them in a slow spinning motion, going through each of the seasons several times per day to represent the eternal cycle.

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