User:King of the Pit

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User page for the player.

Here you can find expenses, characters and wiki pages.

They will be added according to their creation.



Hellknight, defender of civilization, Judge Dredd in plate armor.

Wiki Pages

This is where any faction, event and other miscellaneous pages that are not player characters will be listed.

Player Information

I am not anyone's friend. I come to Babel to play tabletop games and I make it a point to remain cordial, but I am a private person and do not actively seek friendship or ties that would bleed outside of the server. This has nothing to do with being antisocial or not liking anyone's company. A second point I want to raise is that I keep a very strict policy of separating character and player. Others are free to immerse themselves and method act, but I do not and never will consent to being referred to as any of the characters I control. If we're in a session and you refer to me as Pentagia, for example, I will point this out and request you to refrain from it. If you slip up once in a while, however, it's no big deal. This is just a game. Still, my characters often end up doing horrid deeds and I do not want to relate to anything they're responsible for.