The Setlaar

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The Setlaar flag; thirteen stars for its current member states, red and blue stripes for strength in both wartime and peace, and the eagle to symbolize freedom and courage. A proud people indeed.


The march of progress is everlasting, with the concept of improvement of both self and society being so endemic to mortals. In the same vein, that march tends to tread over those in the way. No nation embodies this as much as the Setlaar, whose knack for technological innovation and rapid cultural advancement is matched only by their often ruthless ambition.

The Setlaar as a nation were formed in the desert land of Eatash Alram as the result of a multinational expedition that found the country rich in resources. The name itself was created by the tribal natives of Alram, in their mangled pronunciation of what the foreigners described themselves as, and has since been adopted as the official name of the coalition. While at first the Setlaar were mainly formed to properly divide the resources they ‘discovered’ (which had been mapped out and used by Alram’s natives for centuries), the twelve nations that made up the economic coalition found that they rather liked working together, sharing information and unique goods that created a tight bond between their people. The infrastructure originally formed to ease the logistics of trade eventually blossomed into a unification of sorts, with each nation still existing as separate states, but bound in a single political, economic, and most importantly military entity.  

In more recent times, the relative peace and stability in most Setlaar territories has lead to an explosion in population, to the point that even magic-assisted construction efforts strain to accommodate them. Many have chosen to leave the cities, making a life for themselves in The Wildlands, the overall term for undeveloped land on the Setlaar continent. Doing this though, they are without the protection afforded by security employed by the Alinibal Court and their MiCo successors detailed below, and must fend for themselves against bandits and monsters.


A wandering knight of the Setlaar, dressed in the past, armed with the future.

When the initial Setlaar expedition made contact with the tribes of Eatash Alram, they were tutored by the natives in the advancements they made in lieu of magic. Simple combustion engines, firearms, and more had been put forward by the tribes of the desert region due to the unique problems with magic they had, detailed in Eatash's entry below. Centuries later, the Setlaar have now combined the intelligence and industriousness of civilization with the technological foundation created by those tribes into an advanced society. Every state of the Setlaar has access to it, with some making more progress than others, but still wondrous compared to other countries of Chronus. The average Setlaar citizen has access to mobile phones, advanced firearms, electronic gadgets, modern appliances (convection ovens, televisions, etc) and vehicles.

Magic still has its place in Setlaar society, with many of the more advanced technologies making use of enchantments for ease of use, such as ovens making use of elemental magic to keep a consistent temperature while minimizing power use. or mobile phones using limited, built-in scrying for face-to-face communications. Many Setlaar schools also have magical education included in their basic curriculum,allowing most educated citizens a ground-level understanding of magic and making smaller magicks such as cantrips a regular sight.


The first members of the Setlaar were a company of adventurers under employment by several nobles who just so happened to represent the interests of the governments of the original twelve nations; merchant princes, barons, and other members of the upper classes. While there was originally some amount of friction, the nobles quickly realized the potential Eatash Alram held and that armed conflict could be prevented through honest cooperation. To avoid any favorability, it was agreed that their headquarters should be in the first city representing their combined interests in the desert land itself. Taking the name The Alinibal Court, they grew from a handful of nobles to a full-blown informal government, made up of not only wealthy landowners but diplomats, tradesmen, and other bureaucrats in fields both political and economic.

Lady of the Alinibal Court, hailing from Patrie

As a general rule, the nobles of the Court tended to have enormous material wealth at their disposal due to their family's private business and investments in the market, along with the metaphorical strings to pull such connections afford them. By societal convention, they were often expected to put their resources to use primarily in furthering the good of their people. Cultural celebrations, agricultural or industrial facilities, scholarships and other charitable endeavors were seen not just as a way to endear Court members to the public, but also as a form of competition between themselves.

In the end, however, it seemed the Court failed to meet the expectations put upon it. After two centuries of holding the reins of power, the Alinibal had grown decadent and complacent. Rather than truly uplifting their people, the nobles placated them with mass media, economic manipulations, and multiple welfare programs for a variety of causes. In the background, they cemented their power and ensured their wealth by nefarious means. Stealing the products and research of non-Court innovators under the guise of 'public protection', brewing horrible experiments in blacksite laboratories for seemingly little purpose but their own amusement, and other means of shadowy power-plays were but a few ways the Court kept themselves intact, and atop the heap.

When Lady Bosu and Lord Hekko saw the state of the Court when Silent City joined the confederation, they both did, and did not, like what they found. A network of powerful, wealthy men and women who put their capabilities to little use but furthering its own existence, living lavish, yet idle lifestyles. Such a waste of potential it was, they formulated their own plan. Building a reputation, a web of allies, and twisting the menagerie of contracts that codified the Court's power in the Setlaar to their favor, the duo spent over a decade establishing themselves before they made their move, wresting control of the confederation's military and police in a bloodless coup with massive public support. The Court, officially, was dissolved as an entity. In its place now, was the Ministry of Confederation, or, 'MiCo'.

Now, the Ministry of Confederation rules with much more official power, with a much more benevolent bent. At the very top stands Bosu and Hekko, High Ministers of the Confederation. From there, the duo formulate the direction and attitude of the Setlaar as a whole, the slush funds and network of experts gathered by the Alinibal put to their use. Foreign policy, deployment of the military, adjudication of issues among their inferiors in the Ministry, all those duties, and powers, lie with them. For all purposes, they rule as king and queen of the Setlaar, even if they very consciously avoid such titles, and no plans are known for the passing of power.

Below them are the State Ministers, one for each state of the Setlaar Confederation. The State Ministers care for, as the name implies, their home state instead of the confederation at large. Security, mass trade deals, and other matters of public policy lie under their purview, aided by their own smaller collective of administrators. So far, with the relative youth of the MiCo government, no immediate issues are apparent, but as time goes on it remains to be seen if they can do any better than the Alinibal Court in leading the Setlaar.


SAF Magus Corps squad in combat

The only aspect of the Setlaar that matches their economic power is their military might. Consisting of a navy, army, amphibious forces, and even an expansive airforce, the latest military census put the combined forces of active duty personnel across all components of the Setlaar Armed Forces (SAF) at about 1,800,000 units. In addition to sheer numbers, the Setlaar military is heavily mechanized, making use of armored divisions consisting of infantry, tank, artillery, reconnaissance and helicopter units following a modern combat arms doctrine based around the concept of power projection and full spectrum operations, which combine offensive, defensive, and civil support operations simultaneously as part of a combined force to control the battlefield, employing synchronized action appropriate to the mission and informed by a thorough understanding of the operational environment. In other words, the Setlaar military revolves around flexibility, cooperation, and use of their massive resources to achieve its goals while limiting their expenditure.

The Setlaar Armed Forces also make use of magic in most areas, combining mundane munitions with arcane power to provide lightning-fast and secure communications, infantry support, and heavy firepower. Most standard infantry forces are trained in the use of cantrips to aid in logistical matters, with further magical study and training available for those who prove skilled in the arcane arts. A special division of the military known as the Magus Corps makes heavy use of battlemages to fight where technology fails, often clashing with extraplanar threats.

Due to the threat of overpopulation in Setlaar states, the main purpose of the modern Setlaar Armed Forces is to accommodate expansion. Clearing of dangerous wildlife, low-level terraforming, and security operations for in-progress cities are among the most common duties of the regular SAF infantry.

Haris Patrol

STAG officer ready for duty with spell-charged rifle.

Not all of the forces under the command of the government are strictly military. As part of the old Alinibal Court's service to their people, they created a police force known as the Haris Patrol. The Patrol were under contract to serve the people of the Setlaar, investigating crimes, capturing criminals, and generally keeping the peace. The Alinibal Court did not create laws, being more of a cultural and industrial institution rather than technically political, and thus the duties of the Haris Patrol were mostly at the whim of the locals that accepted the Alinibal's private law-enforcement contracts. Some communities that, for example, may dislike the use of certain narcotics encouraged the Patrol to keep them out, while others had no such restrictions, and thus the Patrol did not include them in their duties. Some cities or towns didn't make use of the Patrol at all, preferring to police their neighborhoods themselves instead of relying on the Court's aid.

With the rise of the Ministry of Confederation, the Haris Patrol was bolstered and segregated, with each state receiving their own allotment of officers and support staff, with their forces and budgets replenished if crime rates were kept to a certain minimum, and even payroll bonuses if certain thresholds below that were met. In addition, a new law enforcement office was created, the Confederate Agency of Investigation. The CAI concern themselves with keeping the state departments in line, as well as acting as an intermediary and intelligence depot for crimes that cross state borders.

Within the Haris Patrol's departments, there are more elite forces called the Special Tactics And Gear (STAG) squads. Mostly found in wealthier and more populous cities, STAG are the best of the best within the Patrol, with access to advanced equipment and specialist training that set even the lowest among them apart from their lesser counterparts.


Jundiin bodyguard on the job; advanced cybernetics are often concealed beneath false flesh

In the past, technically separate but adjacent to the Setlaar military, existed a private army similar to the Operators, but with a good degree less training and equipment, yet more than that of the typical Haris policeman or SAF trooper, existing as a sort of middle ground. The Jundiin previously acted as the official bodyguard corps (and in some cases enforcers) of the Alinibal Court. Like the Operators, they made use of cybernetic enhancements utilizing magitech as well as advanced weapons and squad tactics, but often lacked the strange powers unique to them and their Eteran counterparts.

When the MiCo were established, the Jundiin were mostly deconstructed with their Alinibal masters, and split into pieces. A good majority were recycled as guards for State Ministers, while others came together to form mercenary firms, using their experience and knowledge of the confederacy as strong incentives to hiring them over the competition.


While the Setlaar military is powerful, and quite large, it can also be slow to take action, and when emergencies pop up there is little time for organization. To answer this, the elite force known as the Operators was formed. Very much comparable to the adventurers of Etera in capability and variety, Operators are a quick-reaction, high-power force with bases stationed in each Setlaar member nation and existing in a constant state of combat readiness. The major differences between Setlaar Operators and Eteran Adventurers consist of sponsorship, reception from commoners, and for most of their existence, freedom.

Last-gen Operator armor. Wedged helmets proved popular, and carried over with further iterations.

Adventurers are by nature extremely different from one to the other. Some are members of noble families seeking to further enrich their clans, some are refugees from other planes or realms, and others are simply bored individuals either looking for a good time or to do good. They come from a variety of backgrounds and occupations, and got into the adventering game for different reasons. Eteran commoners are also somewhat inconsistent in their perceptions of them. Some fear adventurers, others praise them, and some are rather ambivalent, seeing them as a fact of life. Operators through most of their history on the other hand, could not be more different.

Talent scouts from the Alinibal Court traveled the land, seeking those with potential, and received most of their recruits from parents who offer up their children, those with exceptional abilities. From there, they were tested for potential, and those who passed were accepted into the Operators, with the parents rewarded with lifelong pensions and preferential treatment from Court charities and community programs. Though the option to send one's child was entirely voluntary, and carried no legal or financial repercussions, the Court had seen to it that refusing the choice carried a heavy social price. Those who refused were often isolated from their communities, carrying a stigmata of 'selfishness' and 'ungratefulness' for not giving up one's child for material gain, and eventually driven out of their neighborhoods.

Operator Hector, leader of Omega Squad with specialties in weapon-mastery; as good with blades as bullets.

From 'adoption', the children were put through grueling military training, strict academic routines, magical education and ‘suggestive conditioning’ to act as obedient soldiers. At eighteen years of age, they were surgically implanted with magitech enhancements that increased their physical and mental capabilities to superhuman levels, ranging from tactile telekinesis for physical strength to advanced computers for speeding up thought processes. At twenty, they were put through their first ‘mission’, a literal training from hell, or more specifically The Abyss. A squad of five were transported to the chaotic plane’s Abyssal Realms and left there for a month with limited supplies. For thirty days, the training Operators battled the forces of demon lords and attempted to survive in the hellish place. Those that made it were taken back to the Material Plane and graduate as full-status Operators. There was never much information available on those who didn't survive.

Even after their graduation, an Operator’s training was never done. They were kept up to date on technological advances, their implants occasionally extracted and replaced with improved models, and in their free time most elected to study fighting styles, academic fields, or maintain their equipment. Operators were mostly kept out of the public eye, confined to their bases, only really seen when they are deployed to handle monster outbreaks, Evil cults, planar invasions and the like. Due to their exposure to the public being limited to their heroics and very intentional efforts by the Alinibal Court to glorify them, Operators were quite universally viewed with adoration and respect by the masses for their 'sacrifice'. The only exceptions were sparse mortal rights groups who view the Operators as caged animals, imprisoned by the state and kept as pets. The fact that no Operators are known to have retired, and the lack of knowledge if they were even paid any wages lended some credence to their accusations, and the Alinibal Court was highly defensive when criticized for what is basically the use of slavery in an otherwise free society.

Much of this changed with the rise of the MiCo, with the freedom of Operators being a major principle of High Ministers Bosu and Hekko, a condition for the support the Operators gave. Now, testing centers for Sparks of Potential are available in every major city, with those who pass the test given the option to refuse Operator service with no penalty, and the social detriment that existed before now relieved as the plight of the soldier-slaves was made clear to the public. Those that accept service are still put through the extremely rigorous training and education, but with the ability to stop the process at any time before the surgical alterations. When the time comes, prospective Operators are no longer sent to The Abyss, instead tested in a specially designed demiplane which, although potentially fatal, is able to resurrect those that fall, thanks to the metaphysical sturdiness of those possessing Sparks. With these changes also comes the difference in exposure, with many Operators now free to pursue relationships, social and romantic, as well as outside hobbies and independent living, although many of the veterans still prefer to live together in secure bunkers.


The Setlaar under the Alinibal Court ostensibly ran their economy as a free market, with very little in the way of usual regulation. However, the landed gentry of the Alinibal took advantage of their massive resources to create their own space in the economy as the megacorp SetCorp. Divided into corporate subdivisions such as SetMed, SetArms, SetTech and others, SetCorp acted as the general supplier for most any need in society, making use of their resources to provide high quality goods at low prices. Niches in the market such as species-specific medicine and most of the entertainment industry were fulfilled by smaller private companies, who generally make a point of staying within their lanes to avoid competition from the SetCorp giant. SetCorp was the primary revenue for the Alinibal Court, and although individual members are (as previously mentioned) 'discouraged' from abusing their economic power, the Court were accused multiple times of using their influence to raise the prices of competitors, slow non-SetCorp supply lines, and even engage in corporate espionage to ensure their soft monopoly.

When the Ministry of Confederation rose, it did so partly by exposing those accusation as truth, showing evidence of the Alinibal Court sabotaging any who refused to join their conglomerate if encroaching on the general market outside of the niches carved for them. Now with the fall of the Court, and SetCorp's many advantages no longer present, the company has slowly shrunk over time as competition arose and overtook them in key areas. SetCorp and its subsidiaries are no longer the indomitable corporate monolith they once were, but have started to become yet another player in the Setlaar, and soon global, economy at large.

As well, the Ministry has put forth many new regulations focused on systems of penalties and gifts both financial and legal. A good number of them are environmental, requiring companies to make use of disintegration plants to destroy waste products or other such laws, likely influenced by High Minister Bosu's nature.

The Setlaar Confederation

Although the Setlaar as a political entity were founded in and currently have their headquarters in Eatash Alram, the twelve (now thirteen) nation-states that formed it still have their own identities, languages, and customs, contributing to the nation as a whole in their own ways.

Eatash Alram

The oasis city of Blue Ring, Eatash Alram

The land where it all began, the continental desert known as Eatash Alram was the origin of the Setlaar, where an expedition formed from adventurers and mercenaries of all twelve original nations came into contact with its natives, the Alrimal and were shown the bounties it held. These natives were once divided into dozens of tribes which have been mostly absorbed into three primary tribes: the Bone Dancer necromancers, Oilblood technicians, and warrior/merchant Maneaters. The Alrimal are somewhat scattered about the great wastes, but most now live in Hajar Almanzil, the great city that once laid beneath the mountains of the desert but arose from the sand as a grand native metropolis when the Son of Sand became a God of Chronus.

For the Setlaar, two great cities exist in Eatash. The crown jewel of their society, the megapolis of Madinat stretches along the entire western coastline, the largest city in the entire confederation. Peoples from all over the land congregate in Madinat to trade or simply live their lives swirled into a cultural blend that encompasses all the Setlaar have to offer. Its sister city lies much farther to the east, deep in the desert. Blue Ring consists of an angled superstructure cobbled together from shops, apartments, homes, warehouses, and extremely expensive adamantine girders that lead down to an enormous oasis. Down at the bottom lives the Siad Tajim, the alcoholic, crocodilian lizardmen that run an extremely successful resort for the city's many tourists.

Concerning Eatash's current status, the city of Madinat has recovered from an attack perpetrated by an army of cultists following the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse years ago. The Alrimal tribes meanwhile continue to spread further east as the mineral and crude oil deposits under their land has begun to dry up, prompting them to explore the desert searching for more resources to fuel their economic position.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Eatash Alram is Mileena DeChance, wife of SAF Commander-General Benedict DeChance, although her authority is more a political influence over the native Alrimal tribes, with State Minister Dekan administrating Madinat and Blue Ring.


Neath, Jotnar's underground capital

The land known as Jotnar (yaht-nahr) is an extremely cold region, with enormous forests spanning the coasts leading further and further from tundra and eventually into the frozen mountains known as The Jaggs. Freezing blizzards force much of the population underground, where geothermal power plants fill the caves with a soothing warmth and allow the creation of small cities in the caverns. Those that still elect to stay on the surface, do so either to escape the growing presence of technology in most Setlaar land or work as loggers. Native to the region were the dwarven people known as the Kortr, their skill in mining was passed down the generations and eventually lead to the dwarves' immigration from their homeland to other Setlaar states to find work as ore-finders and strip-miners, glad to be away from the inhospitable weather. When the local talent had gone, those who came to Jotnar eventually started a burgeoning lumber industry that had slowly been growing ever since, as the strange frostwood trees unique to the region allowed them their own space in the Setlaar market. Drow are associated with Jotnar in modern times as the colder, darker climate appeals to their biology, and their kind are often heavily involved in the lumber industry.

After the events surrounding the mythical town of Hylja Boer (below) and the death of the velstrac demagogue Inkariax, whose influence had been freezing Jotnar for untold centuries, the climate has been slowly changing as the months pass, the cold retreating to the enormous mountains known as The Jaggs. In their place, coastal forests and tundra deeper in have been revealed, giving room for expansion as construction companies snap up the land to build new cities on the surface. With the five year polar holocaust, much of the frostwood trees had been frozen to the core, killing many groves. That which did survive however, gained magical properties obviously associated with the cold, granting a much-needed new source of revenue for the people of Jotnar.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Jotnar is Bruva Nilsen, a drow with a long family history in the state's logging industry.


The Cloud City of Urvagch, Üül Khot.

The perceptive humans calling themselves the Uulchin (ool-chin) make their homes in the high mountains of Urvagch, living in hanging cities anchored to the sides of cliffs. The most primitive of the Setlaar countries, Urvagch has been slow to adopt the technological advances achieved by other nation-states. This is less from distaste for tech, and more from an abundance of caution inherent in their culture, with their ancestors having survived in the treacherous mountains through careful deliberation. Being used to high altitudes, a generous amount of the Setlaar airforce is operated by the Uulchin, whose careful nature and sharp eyes have served them well in the use of their expensive aircraft.

The Uulchin are as a people an odd combination of stubborn and careful; one does not survive in the mountains by being indecisive, but they must also watch where they step. When the mountainmen of Urvagch eventually take a position on something, they are generally very hard to dislodge, usually convinced they have considered all sides of the subject before making a decision.

There are also the lowlands of Urvagch, at the base of the mountains and valleys in between, known as the Khavtgai. The Uulchin of the valleys and lowlands are just as careful as their cloud-adjacent neighbors, occasional landslides and avalanches encourage such an attitude, but are generally more friendly to outsiders. The peoples of the Khavtgai contribute much of the farming and ranching of the state, often using imported soil from Mühlheim, while the mountain-men mine for ore in the peaks, utilizing earthen magics to replace the rock to prevent hollowing.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Urvagch is Temujin Uge, a perfect example of the Uulchin's careful, yet stubborn approach.


Jägermark, city of Mühlheim

The plains of Mühlheim serves as an agricultural heartland, where the Volk work day and night to care for the vast fields of produce that help feed the millions of citizens of the Setlaar. The soil of Mühlheim has proven to be unnaturally fertile, with crops that typically take months to cultivate growing in a matter of weeks. Study of the topsoil hasn’t shown any mundane reason, but Volk folklore tells of ancestors who long ago made a pact with Erastil, agreeing to follow his principles in exchange for quick and bountiful harvests. Due to the typically ascetic living favored by the god, there has been a good amount of tension between the older and more traditional Mühlheim farmers and the other nation-states, as the latter ceaselessly push for them to incorporate more technology and industrial methods into their crop tending to keep up with their growing population.

A significant aspect of Volk culture is the concept of 'erdpflege' (ayrd-flageh), which revolves around care for the environment. This comes from both practicality, to keep their soil rich and fertile, and in an attempt to mimic Erastil's Summerlands in Heaven. Although most of the Setlaar are content to transport industrial waste to extraplanar locations, such as the Plane of Fire, but the Volk go to extra lengths to properly dispose of waste to make sure their impact is as minimal as possible.

Although the generations of the Volk have always been a humble people, even they are not immune to the cultural changes brought on by the technological revolution of the Setlaar. While the aging population that run the farms of the Volk keep close to Erastil's teachings and lifestyle, the younger folk who will eventually inherit their holdings have grown more and more aligned with the other states as they become exposed to foreign cultures. Time will tell if tradition or modernity will win the future of Mühlheim.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Muhlheim is Lennard Hackl, a safe choice whose balanced regard for the traditional elder generations and more adventurous youth may help settle much of the state's disagreements. .

Usuhan and Sameeyay Aasha

Aleumdaum of Usuhan, better known as The City of The Future

Out of all the Setlaar states, the ones who typically lead the charge in their technological advancement are the Manh-Eun (man-he-yoon), elven natives of the land of Usuhan. Long-lived and sharp of mind like most elves, the Manh-Eun dedicate their extended lives to academics, serving as the concepts of scientific research and theory made flesh in highly advanced, gigantic metropolises. They share a complicated history with their neighbors, the orcish nation of Sameeyay Aasha.

One of Sameeyay Asha's many forge-cities, dedicated entirely to the Setlaar's manufacturing needs.

The orcs known as the Shaqaale were once a warlike people as to be expected from their kind, and raided (and were in kind invaded by) the Manh-Eun. When the expedition that would form the Setlaar was being created, the elvish nobles received an unexpected envoy from the Shaqaale, who claimed to have been given prophetic sight and foreseen the creation of a great and powerful nation. Deciding to entertain the notion, the envoy was accepted into the expedition. When resources were found in abundance in Eatash Alram, the Manh-Eun turned to the orcs for assistance in securing the land. But instead of raider tribes, they found the people of Sameeyay had converted much of their land into grounds for foundries, and were already trained and educated in the arts of the forge. Sameeyay has since been the other side of the coin to Usuhan, serving as the practical manufacturers who put the theories and research of the elves to the test, creating an inseparable bond between the two.  

Despite the seemingly benevolent relationship between the Manh-Eun and Shaqaale, those that dig deep often come across odd trends. A good example is the mind-bendingly complex bureaucracy of marriages between the two peoples, with Usuhan elves and Sameeyay orcs forced to interbreed or forbidden to do so, depending on their 'blood balance'. To reinforce the bonds between the two societies, the children of Manh-Eun corporate staff and Shaqaale smiths are subject to arranged marriages, yet opposite-wise it is seen as forbidden to too deeply mix their blood, as it may split their natural talents too much between design and manufacture. The half-breed products of elven-orcish pairings as well as their own children and grandchildren are often pushed to marry a singular species, so as to 'align' their ancestry squarely onto one or the other, before inevitably breeding with the other and starting the whole process again. Simply put, Setlaar elven and orcish family trees are best described as thick brambles.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Ministers of Sameeyay Asha and Usuhan are Cabaas and Sim Chong-Ya, an orcish and elven couple that jointly rule much like the Confederate High Ministers themselves.


Looking at the design of the city of Mechtat, it seems even the architects are constantly on drugs.

The Volshebnik are a race of gecko-like lizardfolk in the desert steppes of Dom, whose shamans make use of heavy amounts of hallucinogenic drugs such as peyote and mescaline in their craft, and contribute a significant chunk of the Setlaar’s magical power. Typically employed in the military intelligence field and stock markets of Setlaar society, thanks to their rapid production of oracles and other prophetic seers, the Volshebnik have found unexpected kindred in the tribes of Eatash Alram and have campaigned on their behalf multiple times. Although this has endeared them further to Alram’s natives, it earned them no friends in the Alinibal Court when they held power. With the MiCo's rise to power, the Volshebnik bloom ever brighter.

The peoples of Dom are a very traditional sort with a rich mythology, much of it revolving around both the safe usage and potential dangers of the 'medicinal plants' growing all throughout the plains and savannas. The most prominent of which is that of the Yaznyy 'Um. According to the tales, the god Irori saw the potential of the Volshebnik, but was wary of how the prevalence of drugging plantlife could lead them to addiction. So the Master of Masters decided to bless a few of the lizards from every generation with the ability to use such substances to expand the consciousness and tread the path of introspection, without the danger of addiction. The blessing however came with a price, that every one of these 'Yaznyy Um', or 'Clear-Mind', would be struck blind to encourage supernatural perception.

The Yaznyy Um exist to this day, with every birth celebrated with festive ceremonies, each Clear-Mind believed to be destined for greatness and with much of the Volshebnik's leadership consisting of these blind shamans. Irori Himself is also popular among them, with the Clear-Minds encouraging his principles of discipline and constant self-improvement in pursuit of perfection, especially with the use of the most prominent (and dangerous) of native drugs known as psikhodelicheskiy, a very powerful psychedelic mushroom.

The Volshebnik come in a surprising variety of forms, from the familiar scaly lizardman to hulking crocodilians or even those resembling frogs or geckos. Much of it depends on the diet of expectant mothers in the short time before they lay their eggs with the consumption different foods and even Dom's native narcotics affecting the nature of her clutch. A heavily carnivorous diet will often create 'battle-forms', armored Volshebniks with hardened scales and tearing fangs, while mothers who feed on aquatic plants will often breed young resembling amphibians. In times of war or economic hardship, Volshebnik communities will carefully monitor the diet of mating couples and encourage them to create children fitting the current need.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Dom is Volodina Denisovna, a Volshebnik mother who has birthed clutches of just about every variety of her people, and was chosen for the experience they argued she would have.


Military harbor of Vainos, Reina

The tropical land of Reina is in some respects, a bit of an anomaly among the Setlaar coalition. As opposed to the relatively laissez-faire society of most of its fellows as a result of their governments being absorbed into the Alinibal Court, its own is still intact. A military dictatorship led by a man known only as El Padre, Reina is a source of discomfort to the rest of the Setlaar, but also of many rare earth minerals in an abundance rivaling Eatash Alram itself. El Padre is, as to be expected, seen as a god by most of his subjects, and his displays of magical power give some credence to the idea. El Padre has also proven to be a cunning strategist and tactician, and founded a military academy offering his teachings with a completely free tuition. Many of the officers of the Setlaar’s armed forces visit Reina as part of their schooling, and there is little expectation of a change in circumstance.

Despite El Padre's efforts to control his people, small pockets of resistance continue to pop up in the wilderness of Reina or the poorer areas of the country. Although such rebellions are repeatedly and quickly 'disposed of', the continued presence of and oddly well-funded equipment such rebel groups possess has lead to the dictator accusing other states of the Setlaar of funding these groups, in order to overthrow him and gain control of Reina's resources.

Despite the rise of the Ministry of Confederation, the state of Reina retains El Padre as its leader, who seems just as suspicious of the new, official government as he was of the fallen Alinibal Court.


If the city of Zelený Domov is any indication, Jediny are (is a?) great architect(s) on their home turf

One of the strangest of the Setlaar nation, the forested region of Hnizdo is home to Jediny. Many, many of Jediny. Hnizdo’s forests are occupied by an oddball subspecies of ratfolk who all possess a limited form of telepathy that allows them to share thoughts with other Jediny. This eventually evolved into a sort of mass identity, somewhat like a hivemind but differing in that each of them possesses their sense of self, with that self inevitably possessing the name Jediny and only Jediny. Out of all of the Setlaar nation-states, Hnizdo was the most receptive to the concept when it was founded, as the idea of a coalition of separate states forming a whole that still possessed their different identities unsurprisingly appealed to their mindset. Jediny often serve as scouts in the military, and as couriers and drivers in civilian life where their small stature and custom-made vehicles allow them to zip through even the busiest streets and highways with ease.

In other Setlaar states, Jediny are (is?) treated with great suspicion by their countrymen. Due to their unique minds, anything one Jediny knows, all Jediny know. This complete inability for one of their kind to keep secrets from another or withhold any sort of information has lead to many corporations banning employment of Jediny beyond the most basic and menial of positions, to prevent corporate espionage, and no Jediny are allowed to serve in any capacity in the military, Haris Patrol, Jundiin, or the Operators in duties that require even the least amount of discreetness.

Like the Volshebnik, Jediny have (has?) a great amount of biodiversity, although not quite as dramatic as the shamanic lizards. Through a process Jediny refuse(s) to reveal, but which is theorized to be telepathic somehow, newborn Jediny can have a great variety even from the same parents. Some can grow to be huge, naturally athletic specimens up to three meters tall, while others can be the size of an everyday rodent while possessing the same sapient intelligence as their larger kin. Larger Jediny are often positioned as nobles within the Alinibal Court, although their reputation leads to a great deal of ostracizing, doing what they can to make sure the species' interests are seen to. Smaller ones are reputed to be used as spies, stealing the secrets others refuse to trust them with, although no hard evidence has ever been brought to light. Another odd quality is the apparent lack of any Jediny with a Spark, although the truth is quite grim. Jediny born with a Spark are cut off from the neural network, with independent minds and wills, but due to the possibility of 'rogue' Jediny acting against the interest of the rest, such children are often killed at birth when their Spark is discovered, although a scant few 'Izolovany' are known to wander the Setlaar and beyond.

Most of Hnizdo's cities are arboreal, constructed as interconnecting rings around the tree-trunks, suspended by magic and state-of-the-art construction utilizing advanced, lightweight materials. The reason for this is easily seen with a quick trip down below, the forest floor infested with highly lethal superpredators resistant to gunfire and spells. Jediny makes a good profit escorting rich hunters looking for dangerous game, but always make sure to have customers sign a litany of legal papers waiving responsibility for fatalities...

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Hnizdo is Alan Rehak...just kidding, it's Jediny. It's always Jediny.


Scalemount, Latrie temple-golem dedicated to Chiuta

The gnolls known as the Yauthkair inhabit what is considered to be the religious center of the Setlaar, thanks to the generally loose nature of the hyena-folk encouraging a sense of universal worship of most any benevolent or neutral deity. Any faith that doesn’t drive its followers to murder and mayhem are welcome in their homeland of Latreia, from Aleria to Yolana. The Yauthkair aren’t especially great fighters beyond their physiology, neither are they renowned academics or inventors. Instead, their contribution mostly revolves around their acceptance of most religions, pious lifestyles, and spirituality. As the technology of the Setlaar advanced during the beginning of their development, many of their peoples began to stray from religion, becoming more materialistic and even godless. When the Yauthkair launched a sort of non-violent crusade throughout the eleven other nation-states, their religious fervor and general likeability reignited the worship of the gods as they toured through the land educating the common folk on the pleasures of piety and the gifts of the gods.

From then on, the towering, walking temple-cities of Latreia have become the destination of many Setlaar pilgrims, each of them focused on the worship and piety of gods both major and minor. The temple-golems known to Etera to any real extent so far are Root, of Cernunnos, Canvas dedicated to Shelyn, Avenger, of Ragathiel, and Swordgleam, whose inhabitants worship Shizuru.

The Yauthkair of the Alinibal Court are noted for not using the titles of Lords and Ladies, but separate religious titles to denote their authority, with most of the gnoll nobility holding the title of Archbishop, who make up most of the councils that rule individual temple-golems. They also usually refuse to participate in much of the hedonistic lifestyles of the Court, seeing themselves as a separate organization existing alongside the Alinibal, although those that follow deities such as Cayden Cailean celebrate the qualities of their gods just as rambunctiously as they should within their own groups.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Latreia is Archcardinal Cordia Longinus, whose leadership of Wirewalk, temple-golem of Nethys, has led her to acclaim as a mistress of balance.


The beautiful Patrie canal city of Adornare

It's a miracle a confederation of such disparate states manages to stay together. The Soigner (soy-nare) of the cosmopolitan land of Patrie are responsible for much of that, thanks to their instinctual knowledge of psychology and diplomatic leanings. Likely the most obvious aspect of the Soigner is their lack of any strange quirks of culture. Humans with no odd deviation from standard biology, no unorthodox mindsets or aspects of their country, the Soigner function as a solid core that helps the other more eccentric states get along, often acting as a mediator in conflicts between the two that spill out of the Alinibal Court’s games. Many of the Soigner immigrate from Patrie to see the more fantastical elements of the other Setlaar states, and are capable of quickly adapting to the norms of their new homes; most humans seen in the Setlaar are of Soigner descent, having settled down and raised families abroad.

Those who stay in Patrie contribute to its reputation as a place of high culture. Cuisine, especially wine, is taken quite seriously due to its use as a diplomatic tool and as an art form, with many of the state's verdant valleys hosting enormous vineyards to create spirits for both domestic use and exportation. Etiquette is also a common concern, with good manners and form considered a foundation of proper relations, especially considering their role as peacemaker in the Setlaar.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Patrie is Gioventino Marietti, a popular diplomat even among the likes of the Soigner, as well as a highly accomplished chef.

Anpil Peyi

Seaside view of Lanmè Bijou, the 'Sea Jewel', capital of Anpil Peyi

Within the confederacy of the Setlaar is yet another group of territories, known collectively as Anpil Peyi. A collection of small tropical islands, Anpil Peyi is home to a swarthy human race simply called the Moun, who made use of the many powerful narcotics and fine silks they produce to become something of a darling in the Alinibal Court before their fall. Although their actual contribution to the Setlaar at large is debatable, their exports appealing to the somewhat hedonistic lifestyle common to many nobles grants them many favors. Lately, the Moun have become more aware of their position and grown into cunning manipulators and political puppeteers. Anpil Peyi has become quite the showcase of how the changing priorities and needs of more modern society can allow otherwise weaker peoples to punch well above their weight class, becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Despite the best efforts of the Haris Patrol and even Operators at times, the seas and less wealthy landmasses of Anpil Peyi are plagued by pirates, especially an outlaw fleet known as the Thunderdrinkers. Intelligent enough to stay away from vessels and islands belonging to members of the Court, the Thunderdrinkers have subsisted on the gold, goods, and even lives of everyday commoners.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Anpil Peyi is Rodrigue Senat, a former member of the Alinibal Court who was rumored to be a close ally of Bosu and Hekko during their own time in the Court.

Silent City

The docks of the one and only, Silent City.

The only post-formation member of the Setlaar, the city-state of Silent City quickly grew from a rain-soaked rock off the coast of an impenetrable jungle to a superpower thanks to their bloodsoaked heritage, the ancient and eldritch Sunken Empire. The underwater ruins of the Sunken Empire proved to be filled with valuable artifacts, weapons, and technology that resulted from long-gone and atrocious experiments, and combined with their elite military force known as the Purotekuta, they made an undeniable offer to the Alinibal Court. Out of all the countries of the Setlaar, Silent City is likely the best ally Etera has, as it was a group of Eteran adventurers who joined forces with the sinking city to destroy an eldritch titan that threatened the entire world. With their lives and success owed to Eterans (and a well-kept statue in their honor), Silent City has time and again argued for an invitation to be extended to Etera to join the Setlaar, to no avail.

Silent City was, as the name indicates, once a small island hosting only a single crumbling town. But after joining the Setlaar, the island's new allies helped in its expansion, aiding with raising the seafloor around it and clearing out the eldritch ruins that infested it (with many of their treasures donated for 'study' of course). Now Silent City is known as an enormous metropolis that makes use of natural features and materials despite its size and advanced Setlaar tech.

With the Ministry of Confederation, the current State Minister of Silent City is Shirudo Rippana, former Operator and mentor to the adventurer Ashley Naramoore.

Setlaar Holidays

  • Confederation Day - 4th of Erastus: The day the Setlaar Confederation was created is a major holiday, when the states came together for the sake of prosperity and security in their land. The method of celebration varies, with some giving displays of confederate patriotism such as activities centered around elements of the Setlaar flag (the original twelve stars, the Setlaar eagle, etc). Others celebrate it as a day of emancipation, when royalty was dissolved and replaced with a more 'freeform' method of rule; such methods had fallen during the latter times of the Alinibal Court's rule when dissatisfaction with them was at its peak, before blossoming again when the Court was ousted.
  • Day of Expansion - 22nd of Abadius: This holiday celebrates the addition of the 13th star to the Setlaar flag, when Silent City was accepted into the Confederation, the only state outside of the home continent. Seen as a vindication of the ways of the Setlaar, such that outside territories would wish to join them, many 'pay respect' to their newest member by partaking in traditional Silent City food and games. Those in the island city-state themselves do so in kind, families enjoying the cultural aspects of their fellows. With the rise of the MiCo and High Ministers Bosu and Hekko's ascensions, appreciation for the 13th state seems to have risen.
  • Yawm Aldhikrayat - 17 & 18th of Erastus: A holiday among the Alrimal natives of Eatash Alram, it represents the day their peoples were born according to their religious beliefs, when they first crawled from the ruins of the previous Salaf civilization that enslaved them. In modern times, the Son of Sand has been incorporated into the holiday as a messianic figure who taught the Alrimal how to survive in the desert. During the two-day celebration, the Alrimal tell stories from their history, all the way from ancient legends to the newer tale of four warriors from the faraway land of Etera who helped their god rise to power.
  • Ayam Albaqa - 22nd of Pharast to 21st of Gozran: A month-long holiday of the Alrimal religion, the name translates roughly to 'Days of Survival'. Meant as a reminder of the harsh lessons their history in the desert has taught them, the Alrimal take this time to fast, eating only foods that symbolize the subsistence lifestyle they had to endure. Only small portions of meats from lesser animals such as the verminous bashee rat-dogs and hardy cactus fruit can be eaten, as well as well-water and cactus juices to drink. Many of the surviving Alrimal tribes also honor their fallen kin, the smaller clans that did not survive to the modern day, such as the coastal Scale-Hunter tribe.
  • Void Day - 22nd of Kuthona: An unofficial Usuhan holiday taking place day after the Shelynite holiday of Crystalhue, when those that were rejected by ones they proposed to gather together to share their woes and find some small comfort in those familiar with their pain. Many take meals together, eating meals colored with Usuhanian kuromame black soybeans. Such celebration is frowned upon in the Usuhanian nobility, as many use the cultural arranged marriages with their Shaqaale orc counterparts.
  • Den' Slepykh - 13th of Sarenith: Celebrated exclusively among the Volshebnik of Dom, this holiday is, according to native myths, the birthday of the first Yaznyy 'Um. The blind yet perceptive miracle lizards are always beloved by their people, but this day is when they celebrate their history and the contributions such rare individuals have made, from the war-hero Aleksandr Volyet to the wise prophet Anya Tokarv, who both led the Volshebnik people to victory and prosperity. In addition to tales of such heroes, many Volsheb enjoy meals pioneered by the more culinary-minded Yaznyy. Foreigners are allowed to join the Slepykh festivals, but are encouraged to behave with utmost respect for their hosts' traditions.

Relationship With Etera

Etera was regarded by the Setlaar as a whole with caution, suspicion, and even outright fear for quite some time. Although the reign of Emperor Verk was criticized, with some in the Court calling for military intervention, the rise of Erastil's Deadeyes and other rebel groups slowed the movement, which finally collapsed with the rise of Eteran Adventurers, and was only recently revitalized. Similar to the familiar Operators, but with seemingly none of the restraint and loyalty to the people possessed by them, adventurers were often seen as a rogue element capable of leveling countries on a whim, a perception not helped by the constant chaos and insubstantial government in Etera. Many of the Setlaar confessed a fear that if Eterans were to spread out from their homeland, they would take their misfortune with them and bring ruin to their country. The Alinibal Court, on their part, did little to dispel this stereotype, as the concept of highly capable individuals not under their control as the Operators are and the change they may bring to their established power structure was intolerable to them.

In the modern day however, after the series of interactions throughout their history described below, the Setlaar as a people have come to greatly appreciate Etera and its natives. Though a few still bear suspicion and fear towards the 'pig-farmers', most perceive Eterans with a sort of wonder, admiring their resolve in the face of constant tragedy and the veritable legion of legendary heroes that have sprung up from that land and brought no small amount of amazing stories to their own shores. With the official alliance between the kingdom of Aetveris and the Ministry of Confederation, the relationship has only solidified, with the general reputation of Etera as being a hardy land of stubborn survivors, even if they're a little backwards by comparison.

Hungering Sands

The Great Hunger was the most singularly powerful entity to threaten the Setlaar, but was thankfully destroyed before it could spread from its desert land.

The fear and suspicion ended one day however, after a legendary series of events in Eatash Alram. Avalia Ceres Naramoore, Jackdaw The Voidwalker, Creighton Drumheller, and Delvar Starbreaker, all these names have been spoken, printed, and typed ad nauseam within the Setlaar as their actions echoed across the states. Initially entering Eatash Alram as mercenaries, hired to protect the Patrie nobleman Lord Bonham Pere, the Eterans were framed for the Lord's assassination by a mysterious terrorist known as The Hyena. With the assistance of allies in the Setlaar and Alrimal, the Eterans not only wiped out the hordes of psychopathic Bandits plaguing the land, but also brought the more shadowy acts of the Alinibal Court to the public eye and nearly caused a revolution against the Court. The uprising was barely held in check when the Eterans went even further in their efforts and destroyed an elemental spirit known as The Great Hunger, whose eternal feeding on not only life but the essence of magic itself stunted the arcane arts in Eatash Alram and indirectly caused the technological advancements the Setlaar would eventually exploit and carry on.

With the actions of the Eterans nearly upheaving the Alinibal Court and resounding through the Setlaar, the caution against Etera hasn't lessened much, but it's been accepted within their society that Etera is not just a dangerous place, but full of potential. For every possible unstoppable madman the country could hold, there can be a champion of good, like the ones who came to Eatash Alram. The Setlaar now possess a cautious optimism towards Etera, with many in the Court calling for military and economic aid to not only to help raise the country out of the ground, but also ingratiate themselves to the mighty Eteran Adventurers. It only took four of them to nearly uproot the Court, and Etera holds dozens...

Horsemen War

During the later stages of the Horseman of War's invasion of Etera, a heavily armed 'diplomatic contingent' made base in Etera, on the coast near Grayhollow, without the permission of the leaders of Babel. Despite the waning, yet still present, danger of War's daemons Babel's leadership sent an envoy of adventurers to the Setlaar base and met with two nobles, Lord Hekko and Lady Bosu of Silent City. With Hekko and Bosu's involvement with Eterans in both their own land and the incident in Eatash Alram, their experience with adventurers lead to a wary, yet historic moment in the short shared history of Etera and the Setlaar: an agreement to alliance.

After the meeting, two nobles of the Alinibal Court met with and delivered an offer to the leadership of Babel, created and signed by representatives of every Setlaar state. Under the terms of what was named The Horsemen Pact, the Setlaar was allowed to occupy a small piece of land to operate from and a limited number of soldiers and equipment from the Setlaar Armed Forces to fight the forces of the daemonic Horsemen of The Apocalypse invading Etera;even with their small numbers, the foreign military contingent inflicted heavy losses, especially to the forces of the Horseman of War.

With the Five Year's Rest, the Setlaar took advantage of the less eventful few years to accelerate their technology even further, but little could be done to hasten their expansion. The walls of the Setlaar's cities continue to grow out, but their population boom more than outpaces it, with many even turning to Etera, immigrating to the more primitive but spacious continent, their fears of Etera's reputation for chaos assuaged by the Rest. Added to this is religious immigration, as pilgrims and the faithful flock to Etera to be closer to the gods that seem to have descended to the Material Plane.

Hylja Boer

The shaky alliance between the Setlaar and Etera was endangered when a Volk 'mercenary' by the name of Theo Jung journeyed to Jotnar along with the Eteran adventurer Aramil Stonebringer. Seeking the mythical village of Hylja Boer, the two caused a series of events that resulted in its destruction of much of the village and the expansion of Jotnar's freezes from the mountains to the entire state, killing millions and ruining their economy. Enraged by the glacial holocaust perpetrated by both a Setlaar and an Eteran, Jotnar ceaselessly attacked Etera in the media and diplomatic channels, claiming them a danger to all.

It was only when a group of Eterans consisting of Ashley Naramoore, Lady Claire, Alloces Veil, and Sera Sage were successfully sent into Hylja Boer's ruins to destroy the source of the cold that relations warmed again, the foursome become super-stars overnight as word spread like wildfire of their heroic deeds.

Endbringer Cult

Upon the attack of a Congress of Lords by Theo Jung, a champion of the Fifth Horseman of The Apocalypse, the man was traced to the Eteran Ghostlands, and immediately a military campaign was launched, threatening to invade Etera's shores. Before a proper war could start however, the initial bombardments by the Setlaar Armed Forces' 1st Abroad Fleet were turned against itself, as members of Theo's Endbringer Cult had infiltrated the ship crews and took over their guns. By the time they were done, tens of thousands were dead and the Fleet was lost. Realizing they could not defeat the Fifth by themselves, the Setlaar agreed to work with a rising Etera-Siacros war council, forming the first proper international alliance on Chronus.

With the modification of time by Cormick Thale, Theo Jung never became the herald of the Fifth Horseman, instead joining Thale's ranks in Fort Ragathiel of Etera after the destruction of Hylja Boer. In his place was the one who was previously his subordinate, now the new herald, the grand sorcerer Kyros. Just as individually powerful but a lesser in tactical or strategic acumen, the First Abroad suffered minor losses from Endbringer forces but was able to partake in the Ghostlands War, pounding the undead with massive amounts of artillery support.

The conflict against the Endbringer Cult culminated in the War in Madinat, when the Cult and allies in both a Bandit army and traitor Jundiin forces attacked the city of Madinat en masse in a surprise attack. Much of the city was left in ruins with millions dead and billions of gold in destruction. The only thing that kept the metropolis from being wiped out completely were local SAF forces aided by several teams of Eteran adventurers.

With the replacement of Theo by the weaker strategist Kyros, The War in Madinat was changed to The Battles of Madinat, where Endbringer agents incited enormous riots throughout the megapolis, then took hundreds of civilians hostage, demanding the SAF pull out from the Ghostlands. The Eterans involved, instead of aiding in a war effort, conducted a rescue mission after helping quell the riots peacefully, managing to procure every single host without a single loss.

To this day, the names Haven Fueurmin, Vish Vepes, Haruko Nezumi, Eichi, Isabelle Zoradyne, Vetra Whitemane, Liyanna, Fa'sese, Ignatious Lumen, Pyria Orilen, Lucca Rodenn and Rhad Hy-Wald are spoken with great honor and respect for their contributions.

Swarming Eyes

The digital entity known as SICC remains, but thankfully seems to have given up its ambitions to create a world for synthetics from the ruins of organics.

Not long after the fall of Thane, the Fifth Horseman, the world was saved from facing another Hollow threat. The gestalt AI intellect known as SICC had escaped from its confines and duties with the paramilitary group Tribulation March under the secret leadership of Cormick Thale and Benedict DeChance and fled to the city of Aleumdaum in the Setlaar state of Usuhan. Its former administrator, another AI by the name of Prime, called in a few of the most powerful adventurers it could, including Sera Sage, Ashley Naramoore, Saint Jacob, and Astire to venture to Aleumdaum, foil whatever plans SICC had, and bring it back; at the same time, Cormick went on his own initiative to capture SICC and bring it back to the March. There in Aleumdaum they convened, and found out the city's corporate ruler, Lord Auguste Bailey, was planning to commit a great crime by using the city's Bohoja drone fleet to exile all citizens of Neutral alignments from the futuristic metropolis in some insane plan to spark conflict between its remnants.

Joining with the lower-class Alignment Freedom Front rebel movement as well as the reformist Alinibal Court faction known as the Gaejyong Center Initiative, the adventurers untangled SICC's plots and raised an army against the intelligence's own force of deadly androids. All the way, they were hampered by the majority of the Court, who had an obvious disinterest in a group of highly-powered foreigners taking matters into their own hands. Still, despite the Court's interference and the mechanized army of SICC, the Eterans won, and discovered the gestalt's true plan: to construct a digital afterlife, using the fallen Horseman's Hollow magic to siphon souls from Chronus' dead and place them into the very androids the party had been battling. In the end, SICC was defeated, its realm contained, and both sent to Avalia Naramoore, the planetary goddess of constructs and technology, to face judgement.

As far as the city's leadership goes, the party also discovered Bailey's apparent plans were a sham, as the nobleman felt the divine pull of his imminent ascension to become a God of Chronus and intentionally instigated rebellion against his rule to find worthy successors. The AFF and GCI both proved their loyalty to the city and its people, and with the aid of the Eterans and approval of Bailey, the two organizations created a council and proper city government to administer Aleumdaum, even inheriting Auguste's massive technology corporation in the process. Years later, when the time came for the Alinibal Court to fall to Bosu and Hekko, their interference against true heroes who wished to save their city for them was used as yet another point by the soon-to-be High Ministers in their overthrow of the Alinibal.

Civil War and The Feeder

The rebel group of Reignfall had longed plagued the Alinibal Court as a constant thorn in their side, fighting against their shadowy tyranny. With the rise of the MiCo, the hope was that they would subside and await to see if this new government would prove itself. Instead, the guerrilla movement soon turned into a vicious terrorist group instead, expanding their targets from strictly government facilities to anything even tangential to Ministry operations, including the homes of confederate employees and vital infrastructure. This was only exacerbated when Ebon, the longtime leader of Reignfall, was shown to have been killed by Inkariax's wintry holocaust over Jotnar, and had been usurped by a rogue follower with a personal vendetta against the High Ministers. In the same event as that reveal, the usurper was herself executed by another, a man claiming to be Andrei Lifetouch, son of the veteran adventurer Nikita. After murdering his predecessor, Andrei called for full-scale war against the Ministry, claiming such inhuman creatures as dragons have no right to rule over a nation of mortals.

The Feeder was the only villain so far to bring true, lasting tragedy to the Setlaar

Andrei was quick to whitewash the recent history of Reignfall, executing the most infamous terrorists personally and visibly, and attempted to turn the populace of the Setlaar against the Ministry. This was partially successful, as the civilian populace of many cities and even entire states converted to the cause of this new movement. This lead to dozens of bloody skirmishes across the confederacy over a year, with Reignfall guerrillas clashing against Haris Patrol squadrons, though the Ministry was careful not to send its military into their own cities to fight its own people, traitors or not. While this led to a relatively contained conflict as far as civil wars go, it only aided the plans of the true mastermind behind the war.

In reality, a shadowy entity known as The Feeder kept the war going, sending its acolytes into both factions to stir up controversy and commit atrocities. The Feeder was strengthened by the negative emotions of fear, rage, and sorrow, and planned to consume all of Chronus, starting with the Setlaar, by propping up these emotions in its peoples. In time its plans were discovered, upon which it attempted to gather a massive crop of emotional energy by besieging the city of Aleumdaum in Usuhan. While the siege was broken, its acolytes succeeded in harvesting that power. This culminated in the greatest military disaster in the Setlaar's history.

The Battle of Broken Shield, where a massive contingent of the Setlaar Armed Forces a million strong clashed against The Feeder's shadow-born monsters to keep them at bay long enough for a strike-team of adventurers to destroy their master. With The Feeder's empowerment from Aleumdaum, its minions were turned into an unstoppable horde of vicious creatures, and by the end of the battle over 400,000 soldiers had been slain, the single greatest loss of life in the SAF's history. Though The Feeder was killed, the impact of Broken Shield sent waves throughout the Confederacy, shattering their confidence as a superior military power. Even after Reignfall was dissolved, and Andrei captured and imprisoned, the Setlaar will not soon forget this tragedy.

Fort Alliance

The half-floating airbase and docks of Fort Alliance

Fort Alliance is a Setlaar Armed Forces military base situated on Etera's Southern coast, acting as the primary point of contact between the two nations. No specific individual is in charge of Fort Alliance, but many important figures such as Commander Benedict DeChance maintain an office. After the expiration of the Horseman War, it is the only location on Eteran soil where the Setlaar could station SAF or Jundiin forces, although Haris Patrolmen were allowed to serve as security in smaller Setlaar establishments in-country, albeit only in certain numbers.

As far as amenities and facilities go, it possesses not only modular offices and separate barracks for its SAF garrison, but a command center for all things Eteran-Setlaar, a long-range radio uplink and broadcasting station, as well as two separate tele-dock 'piers'. Common at popular Setlaar locations, these tele-docks acts as beacons and routers for teleportation magic, which can link up with distant, teleport 'buoys' that allow even non-casters and amateur mages to instantly and safely transport themselves to authorized tele-docks. Some locations, such as Fort Alliance, have sets of tele-dock piers with the Fort having several for public use such as immigration to and from Setlaar land, and one exclusively for members of the Court.

During and immediately after the Ghostlands War, Fort Alliance underwent a massive upgrade in size and capabilities, becoming a fortified airbase and harbor for the First Abroad Fleet and support craft, becoming a major presence on the southern coast of Etera and its roads. With the promotion of Benedict DeChance to the position of Commander-General, the Fort has slowly become scaled back again in military terms in an act of cooperation with the ascending King Thale of Aetveris

Setlaar Content

Created and updated by staff member Cerebral Policy, the Setlaar are on a continent separate from Etera, but acknowledges and interacts with the main setting of Babel, the land of Etera. The land of the Setlaar is most often explored in longer closed-party campaigns, but smaller sessions can be run by Cerebral or other staff members on request.

Below is a list of exclusive Setlaar content, most notably their unique firearms. Traditional weapons are blanket approved, but none others, and applications must be made on Babel's forums to use such kinds of Setlaar content in regular Babel gameplay.

Traditional Weapon Document:

Consumables Document:

Heavy Weapons and Equipment:

Feats and Talents ((WIP)):