A Deal among Demon Worshipers

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Notable Individuals/Organizations

Dire Crow.jpg

[Fox Senior GM] Draknic as Dire Crow, Scion of Lamashtu

SlothyCeddy as Bibliolalia


Lurking in the corners of the city of Babel one could find Crow resting well away from the main thoroughfare. A man plagued, or in the eyes of his mistress "Blessed," with insanity rested as he plotted his next scheme. Most well-to-do individuals would stay away from such parts of town. It would come as no surprise then when the resident self-proclaimed demoness stumbled into the resting man. Preoccupied with her notes, Bibliolalia failed to notice Crow sitting nearby and subsequently tripped over him. Though her poppet assistant prevented her from falling, despite her own negligence she had some choice words for the madman.

Unfortunately for Bibliolalia, Crow spoke in Hymns and broken grammar. While she could decipher most of what he said, no doubt much of it's meaning was lost in the process. At first the man had a shadowy cloak masking his appearance, however she was able to see right through it. Both of them had heavy demonic features due to their ties to the abyss. Despite his manner of speaking, Bibliolalia inundated Crow with various questions as to his origins, purpose in Babel, the reason he was laying outside and so on. While he was secretive about many things, he confirmed that he was not from the abyss, that his disfigurations were gifts from Lamashtu, that he killed for the adventurer's guild, and that he sought to "set monsters free from their cages".

For a while the conversation, or at least Crow's responses to questions, went around in circles before Bibliolalia had an idea. As she was in the business of harvesting souls, she figured a servant of a demon wouldn't have any moral hangups about doing so. Proposing a trade of souls in return for magic items she created. Unbeknownst to Bibliolalia, Crow's bound demon succubus lurked nearby and came out at the mention of souls. She had put Crow under a domination effect in order to force him to speak plainly for the purposes of forging the deal. Cought off-guard by the demon's sudden appearance, She summoned multiple hound Archons and used a protection spell on herself to help counter the potential mind-control abilities of the fiend. While this ended up making the demon flee and setting the anti-paladin on edge, after Crow confirmed that she was with him and that the domination was consensual, Bibliolalia sent them home and deescalated the situation.

After the misunderstanding was cleared up, Bibliolalia led them to her temporary workspace in the city, a ramshackle, rundown and abandoned workshop. There they painstakingly, mostly painful for Bibliolalia, hashed out the details of the agreement and presented the Scion with her wand to summon Cacodaemons. With it, either Crow or his bound would be able to harvest souls en-masse. While his bound demon claimed to be able to harvest souls herself, Bibliolalia doubted the effectiveness of a demon's soul trap over a daemons, especially since she had never used it before. Nevertheless the succubus was a wildcard in the deal as she had no interest in magic items and wanted the souls themselves, yet she had no qualms about handing some over to Bibliolalia despite not receiving anything personally in return. What each party was thinking was a mystery to the other.

Only time will tell what results from this deal among demons.