The Sentries' Cyberdruid

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Notable Individuals/Organizations

Bobomb as Fay Lightwind

giedriusk as Grayblood

SlothyCeddy as Bibliolalia


Within the forest near Babel, Bibliolalia was practicing her grand greeting causing quite the ruckus as she shouted in Abyssal. Drawing the attention of Steel Talon of the Sentries and Cyberdruid, otherwise known as Fay, as well as Grayblood the regular druid. Throughout the interaction, Grayblood was incrediby irritated, both at the idea of a Cyberdruid and at Bibliolalia's very presence. Bibliolalia and Grayblood quiped back and forth as Fay attempted to keep the two from arguing. Eventually after Bibliolalia responded to a claim in druidic, Grayblood retreated abashed by her use of their secret language.

As for Fay, while she wished that Grayblood would not be so stuck in his ways, both her and Bibliolalia found kinship through craftsmanship, with Bibliolalia marveling at her prosthetic limb and suit of powered armor. Once Greyblood left, Fay invited Bibliolalia to see her apartment workshop in Setlaar. With Fay on her hoverbike and Bibliolalia in her poppet-carried folding chair, they made their way over.

Upon arriving, Bibliolalia denoted that Fay's place was far more run down than she anticipated, thinking the prestigious hero would stay somewhere more upscale. Inside Fay explained that her crafts were more on the fly akin to a puzzle with multiple permutations rather than permanent objects as Bibliolalia specialized in. They each spoke of their past, present, and futures including Fay's membership in the Sentries, Bibliolalia's reason for hiding her face, and wheelchair supply stores.

Eventually Fay would be called away for work, lamenting at how often she gets called upon. After some teasing from Bibliolalia, she departed leaving the demoness a key to the apartment.