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Dunology is a unique form of psychic magic honed within the realms of the Ghostlands by the colony of Al-Zuhra. Despite its relatively recent creation a few decades ago, dunology encapsulates a dual nature of straightforwardness intertwined with complexity.

At its very core, dunology revolves around inherent capacities residing within individuals, delving into the boundless potential that each person possesses. This enigmatic art draws inspiration from two ubiquitous symbols of limitlessness within the world: the countless grains of sand across earthly landscapes and the myriad stars that adorn the canvas of the night sky.

This psychic practice weaves threads from these two sources, entwining a pyromantic affinity with an intrinsic touch of the divine. As the celestial heavens unite with the enigmatic earth, dunology transcends mere magic to become both a way of life and a philosophical stance—a doctrine firmly grounded in the act of manifestation.

The underlying belief posits that the extent of one's achievements mirrors the potential harbored within their very soul. This belief fuels the speculation that those who attain greatness also possess a heightened capacity for the art of dunology. Yet, this doesn't necessarily correlate withthe utmost power. It instead speaks to the potentiality within someone, particularly the Sparkbearers.

Dunology Practitoners

The colony of Al-Zuhra holds the distinguished reputation of being the foremost hub for practitioners of Dunology. This remarkable expertise lies within their esteemed institution, The Vhakta Academy, where a diverse array of knowledge and education awaits aspiring dunologists.

Moreover, those who emerge most prominently from the ranks of graduates at The Vhakta Academy earn the coveted title of Star Scourges. This designation stems from their exceptional skill in delving into inherent potentials and harnessing the celestial flames of stars above, seamlessly uniting them with the terrestrial sands below.

A figure of paramount significance within the realm of Dunology is The Mentor, the most gifted practitioner. The Mentor's own skill is well-reflected in his teachings, having pioneered and cultivated this psychic art. Although the precise extent of his own research and potential remains shrouded in mystery, few have dared to explore these depths.

Dunology Casting Tradition

General Drawbacks: Skilled Casting (Profession: Astronomer), Focus Casting, Incompatible Energies

General Boons: Virtuoso