First day of training (Cathran's Short Stories)

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Erastus 19th

Xander arrives at Cathran’s house 10 minutes early and knocks on the door. Cathran gets up from drinking her tea and lets him inside. She grabs some tea to offer to him because that is what normal people with emotions do, she thinks it's empathetic and it will cause a good reaction from Xander.

Cathran says "Would you like some tea?" to Xander to which he replies "Sure, do you have any honey or sugar to put in it though?" Cathran nods and grabs some honey and sugar, putting it in front of him with the tea that she pours for him. "We have a bit of time before we start training for the day" Cathran says before taking a sip of her tea. They sit there for at least ½ an hour after 12 before Xander gets fed up with them being idle when training was supposed to start already.

"When are we going to start training and education, all we have been doing is sitting around drinking tea. I haven't learned a single thing here." Cathran sighs in response to that "Can you not see what the first lesson is clearly? Patience, patience is key to learning any kind of magic or learning anything new. You did alright, but you will need more patience if you actually intend to become a good spell caster." Cathran waits for his response.

Xander then says "Why do I need patience when my casting is locked in my blood? If I can just be taught how to use them then why would I need patience?". Cathran smirks to show how stupid his question was "If you learn how to cast the spells without the patience to learn how to apply them in the best possible way then you are learning worse than nothing. This is because you could learn how to harm yourself or someone else without the proper self-control as to when to use your magic".

Xander considers what she said and comes to the conclusion that what she is saying makes sense. "I am sorry for the impatience, I will wait till you are ready to start the rest of the training for the day". I will start with teaching you about angels after I am done with my tea.

They sit there eating, drinking tea, and making mundane chit-chat for another ½ and hour before Cathran asks "Would you like to learn about your heritage or magic first?" To which Xander replies "Magic, Heritage is important but I would like to figure out what I can do before why I do it"

Cathran considers it before saying "I think it would help you to learn why you do it first but it is up to you after all it is your life". Xander thinks again about what he actually wants before answering "I still want to learn the magic first, it's the here and now and could help me out if anything threatens me. My Heritage is important but not worth my safety potentially."

Cathran considers his words then she uses her Mythic power for a use of Flash of Omniscience to learn what spells he can cast with proper tutelage, she learns that he can heal, protect himself from evil, make light, detect magic, and use prestidigitation. "Like I said l, it's up to you which you want to learn first''

Cathran then looks at him and asks "Do you trust me to teach you how to cast your spells by any means possible?" Xander looks at her concerned and thinks his answer through before responding "Yes, I trust that you won't do anything too bad to me"

Cathran then slips a knife into her hand and walks over to him "Hold your hand out for me '' Xander complies, putting his hand out for her. Cathran then takes his hand into one of hers and in a swift motion takes the knife behind her back and makes a shallow cut into his palm. She makes sure that it doesn't go too deep, just enough for him to heal himself.

Xander looks up at her with tears in his eyes from the pain but doesn't cry out from the pain. Xander simply says "Why did you do that?!". Cathran then says "I think you can heal people, try concentrating on your wound and will it to heal"

Xander concentrates on it as hard as he can and the magic starts to mend his wound after many minutes of him concentrating and focusing. Cathran watches the end result with a small amount of wonder as she is always surprised that a sorcerer can just will their magic into existence rather than figure it out how to make it work. Eventually the spell heals the wound completely and Cathran nods as she says to Xander "You did a good job" Xander soaks up the words with glee, happy that he has cast a spell of some significance and also that he was being praised even slightly.

Cathran then says to him "You said you could already cast some minor spells when you learned of your inherent magic" Xander nods "Here let me show you what I can do" Xander then casts prestidigitation and cleans off the blood on his hand with it. He casts Flare next which Cathran doesn't have problems with not being affected by. He then goes to the darkest area that he can see and casts Light, illuminating the dark area.

Cathran nods at seeing this "Good job, I know aasimars typically have some sort of spell they can cast inherently, can you do one as well?" Xander nods and changes his look transforming into the look of a purple and green gnome and starts to smile "I can change my appearance as well".

Cathran nods "I think there is one more spell you can cast, but it requires me to get some prep to get you to have an effect from it" Xander nods "Are we done for the day then?" Cathran responds "Yes, I will prepare for your next lesson, come back in three days time and I shall be ready, come at mid-day again."