The Holy Kingdom of Sarent

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This page is a historical record of the kingdom building version of Sarent. For the up to date location see The Holy See of Sarent.

"For Faith, Life, and Peace."

The Holy Kingdom of Sarent, founded by Elisabeth IV, along with other people from Etera, is a place dedicated to, as might be seen above, the continuation of Faith, Life, and Peace. Simple goals, one might speculate, but far more difficult to do than to say.

It would be slightly inaccurate to regard the kingdom as a missionary effort, really. The kingdom was made to both ensure that the word of Sarenrae could be present, and spread to those willing to listen, to the denizens on this exotic continent, and to provide for its citizens.

In simpler terms, the Kingdom seeks to maintain and develop the wishes of Sarenrae, as well as follow her teachings with mercy and due diligence. The majority of the kingdom are humanoid, although a motley lot at that, with most civilized races being accepted so long as they complied with the written law and kept themselves civil.

A lot of them had been residing in the slums of Etera, and thus were quite willing to accept the offer made by the fledging kingdom, seeking a better life on another continent.

Priests and clerics are widely employed in an effort to push public well-being, hygiene, and health.


Magic, and the usage of mages, are widely accepted in Sarent, especially in a religious capacity. However, there are unusually strict laws in place against what would be considered to be dark, cruel, or needlessly dangerous magics, Necromancy, select portions of the Death Sphere, and Wild Magic being among them. Users will not be punished for possessing such abilities, but will be forbidden from using them, in differing ways. For instance, Necromancy is strictly forbidden within Sarent, while Wild Magic is to be VERY heavily monitored in its usage, far, far away from population centers.


Religion is an integral part of the Holy Kingdom of Sarent, naturally. Although the main religion known is that of Sarenrae, there are no real benefits given by the kingdom to their religion in particular apart from using their teachings widely. There are fairly strict laws in place governing the authority of religious figures within the Sarenrae church while in the Kingdom of Sarent, although especial care is taken to ensure that the rights of such figures are maintained.

Other good or neutral religions are free to be spread and registered within The Holy Kingdom of Sarent, with the only ban being on blatantly immoral religions or, to put it bluntly, cults. The kingdom is very careful not to allow any form of corruption to grow, lest it drag the kingdom down in a mire of evil. Religion is not required by those seeking to join the Kingdom, with the Treasurer himself openly practicing another religion.


The Holy Kingdom of Sarent is mainly located in areas hospitable to human life, and that of other humanoids. A large portion of it is planned to be plains, in order to better suit its agricultural nature.


Sarent does have plans to field a military. However, purposefully, religion is to be limited in that military, for reasons of stability. It is not best to allow the pious to command armies. From soldier to general, most if not all of the military personnel shall be professionally trained troops, with their duty being to fight for their kingdom. While the systems in place that allow for multiple diplomatic incursions in an attempt to stop conflict might be ridiculed as defeatist, those who believe that the Holy Kingdom of Sarent is without the means nor will to defend itself, may be in for a surprise.

Societal Structure

Currently, the Holy Kingdom of Sarent seems to have in mind a form of....aristocratic meritocracy? Individuals will not be denied or accepted based on their birth or background, but rather their abilities. However, an ad hoc system of command that is somewhat similar to the Imperial system is to be implemented in the beginning phases, in order to help the newly formed kingdom.