(Summary) Babel Restoration

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OOC: 7/19/2020 - 7/24/2020

IC: Lamashan 19th - Lamashan 25th, 44 IA

Ran by: Rednal


Attention, citizens of Babel! As part of our reconstruction efforts, we've been repairing damaged areas of the city and setting up new institutions to give you, our citizens, a better sense of safety and security. We're pleased to report that a group of craftsmen removing old buildings recently uncovered a vault full of the crystalline objects known as Flask Shards. While they had the rights to keep these items under the terms of their salvaging and repair contracts, they've decided to distribute these items to adventurers helping make Babel a better place. For about eight hours of work in the city sometime in the next week, you can get one of these Flask Shards as a reward. Whether you keep it for its healing properties or use it to power up an item is, of course, up to you!

The Rules:

By spending 8 hours of Downtime helping clean, secure, rebuild, or otherwise support the city of Babel through volunteer work, you may claim a +1 Flask Shard (see http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/marvelous-items#toc83 for details on these items) and gain 10% of the XP required to reach the next level on the character spending this downtime, to a maximum of 3200 XP. (For example, going from 3rd to 4th level requires 4000 XP, so you can gain 400 XP from this.) You may spend this downtime anytime from Lamashan 19 to Lamashan 25. You may only claim these rewards on one character, and you may only claim the reward once. Post your downtime spent (including a description of your activities) and rewards claimed here in the Downtime Events channel.


User Name: Self-Explanatory
Character Name: Self-Explanatory
Calendar Dates: Month Day – Day
Activity: Helping clean up Babel
Activity Result(s): what you got out of it
Activity Description: Flavor text for what your character is doing during this time
Notes: (if any)


IC: Jovra
Time spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Jovra and his two simulacrums sort through the debris for good materials that can still be salvaged, and uses several castings of Fabricate to re-use these materials to form new buildings. Most of the time spent is organizing the good materials from the bad, with a mere minute or two being used to cast the Fabricates.

OOC: Ame
IC: Kyras
Time spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Kyras puts his surprisingly well toned muscles to use. Helping clear away rubble from Dusk to Dawn. His Red Minion aids in the task as well, being a rather large creature and able to carry away large volumes of debris.

OOC: Archer
IC: Tau Soren
Time spent: Lamashan 19-20, 2 days
Contribution: Tai does some personal training and assists with the clean up in Babel

OOC: Uberkill
IC: Sra Rilovo
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Babel is kinda... not in the best of states. She doesn't quite live here anymore, but if she can make things a little bit nicer, that'd be great.

OOC: MandrakeIV
IC: Randsthry Blackstone
Time Spent: Lamashan 19-21, 3 days
Contribution: Randsthry burns away any old, useless, and flammable debris, Fabricating brand new (and oh, so luxurious) materials to rebuild! Black marble, decorative snowflake obsidian, sturdy spruce timbers, glass panes, you name it! He also makes some helpful tools for some folks to use during their cleanup and restoration efforts. Due to the nature of his magic, he ends up spending around 100 gp for the castings. Money well spent! He decides he has too much time on his hands and volunteers a couple extra days.

OOC: Seian Verian
IC: Seian Verian
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Seian uses his intellect and vast pool of knowledge to assist in managing the logistics of the cleanup efforts, while also providing direct assistance in what labor he can assist in with his rather unexceptional strength. Jet provides entertainment during downtime with illusions.

OOC: Kazu
IC: Shale
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Shale will aid in crafting and working on new supports for buildings, menial work, and any kind of rescue work in case things collapse

OOC: Mr. Wizzard
IC: Lokyr
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Lokyr completes his daily alchemical ritual, before he hears about the effort going on. Given the reward, he sacrifices a day helping best he can. He tries to move rubble, but his constitution catches up with him. He spends the rest of the time handing out water.

OOC: Tharoc
IC: Delvar Starbreaker
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Babel is seems to be lacking in proper reinforcement still, so Delvar continues to flood the City with raw metal materials via the Nature Sphere + his Profession.

OOC: Zombunnie
IC: Syresha
Time Spent: Lamashan 23, 1 day
Contribution: Syresha prepares and distributes sandwiches, local wild berries, and water to volunteers and those in need. She's also happy to help bandage and treat any injuries.

OOC: Marauder
IC: Pike
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Pike assists in street cleaning with his gale-force blasts of wind, ensuring no refuse is left on the cobblestones or sidewalks and no skirt is left un-flipped.

OOC: Natak
IC: Astaroth
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Astaroth visit some lazy worker and "wake them ups" with a scary glance and some angry shout

OOC: Theadred
IC: Jacob "Death" Johnson
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: jacob went first to the graveyards to make sure bodies meant for the graves where infact in their graves also trying to help ghosts that might have issues going into the other life. He then whent down into the sewers and removed any arwa that seems to cause problems in the future by simply removing their life force

OOC: QuietlyReading
IC: Evi De Sangri
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Evi can lift easily wagons with her mind, warp said wagons across the continent and build permanent portals to anywhere on the continent. She goes to the hardest hit area with the lingering traps and remnants of the fighting and rubble. Becoming a one woman clearing team she quickly clears any area she's focusing on before moving on.

OOC: RiverStyx
IC: Byrke Vafri
Time Spent: Lamashan 25, 1 day
Contribution: Byrke looks around at the mess that is now Babel, and shrugs out his shoulder. He sets to with a will, clearing away rubble and trying to keep paths clear around people's shops and houses. Talsi chitters away at anyone in sight, happily explaining to them how strong Byrke is and what an amazing job he is doing - though unless any of the unfortunate victims of her enthusiasm speak Fox, all they here is a wide-ranging repertoire of yips, growls, and squeaks. Byrke on the other hand is constantly amused throughout the day, making it pass quickly.

OOC: GregarMoon
IC: Shakala
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Shakala was not sure what needed to be done, but he knows dirty when he sees it. With pure muscle, he helps to dig out the rubble and in the process scare off some vagrants who wanted to steal the flasks.

OOC: kestrel404
IC: El Puno Justo
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Getting into the spirit of the day, the ever-generous Spruce Haywain takes his heavy wagon through the streets of Babel, carting loads of rubble out of the city and loads of construction material back in.

OOC: NotGhost
IC: Gwen Embergaze
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: She uses her Fiendish sight and agile frame to help work during the night and underground areas, she also uses her Engineering knowledge to help guide other workers to excavate more safely

OOC: Keirdran
IC: Avalia Ceres Naramoore
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Using her engineering expertise and assisting with the reconstruction of certain areas and buildings for the day was something of a nostalgic experience for Avalia, owing to her role in the initial efforts. With that said she does put in the bare minimum of a day, collecting the flask shard offered. In an uncharacteristic display (or lack thereof) she ignores any thanks offered and returns to her residence, absorbing herself in personal projects and research until late into the night.

OOC: A New Dawn
IC: Bruntyr Carnifelix
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Bruntyr arrives and does his best to move some of the debris without much question as to what happened. Simply working to break down some of the larger chunks of debris with well aimed strikes and then hauling off the items in question.

OOC: Vladimir
IC: Elorin
Time Spent: Lamashan 22, 1 day
Contribution: Elorin flies on his pet roc Silex to help set up pulleys and various other ways to help construction, while his familiar Manus uses his extremely high strength to do the heavy lifting on getting rubble out of the way.

OOC: Solfyr
IC: Jacob Jakobson
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Jacobs arrives in babel, having wandered almost aimlessly, he has no idea why someone tells abruptly insists he start working and helping out in reconstruction, however an accidental verbal contract later and he finds himself helplessly forced to help or deal with an excrutiating migraine. He spends most of the night working as to the day considering his fiendish heritage, but his work consists of light menial labor given his lack of strength.

OOC: Rictus
IC: Marshal Felwinter
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Felwinter and his poppets do some clean-up for a bit of goodwill work and a shiny thing.

OOC: Lerkus
IC: Gibran Sayigh
Time Spent: Lamashan 19-20, 2 days
Contribution: Due to Gibran himself not being very good at manual labour, he conjures up a floating disk and helps transporting smaller stuff that way.

OOC: Jan
IC: Annabelle Sinclair
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Annabelle helps lifting debris with her psionic powers.

OOC: Aimay
IC: Elyn Dayne
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Elyn has already been aiding Babel in most of her free time she has, clearing rubble and such is much easier work than before as she can ask people she knows to help out. Once places are cleared out she starts destroying and rebuilding homes in a much safer and better looking way. Nobody should be without a home.

OOC: Ato
IC: Alesia Al'Verath
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Alesia has been helping out the construction efforts, providing easier access to raw materials, and helping remove rubble.

OOC: Archwizard
IC: Xerxes
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Xerxes unleashes a swarm of workers specializing in creation sphere

OOC: Luczrio
IC: Hadrian
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Hadrian releases eight of his clones to the full deployment of the Babel city guard, and they construct ridiculous absurdities for the guard to use in capturing ne'er-do-wells. The real Hadrian spends most of his time cleaning up after his lunatic simulacra

OOC: Almonihah
IC: Mthandihle
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: At first Myth is uninterested in the reconstruction efforts, until she learns there's a need for people to survey some of the ruined areas. She immediately starts going into the more heavily damaged sections of the city, mostly to climb around on partially destroyed buildings, but she takes enough notes and sketches enough images and maps to be helpful.

OOC: Twiggies
IC: Kori Yanhu
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Kori aids in keeping the morale up of the people helping, and aids them with any miscellanous spells he can think of or that people request which is in his power to help with their work.

OOC: HellShadow793
IC: Veraki Ancientblood
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Veraki does whatever she can to help restore her newfound home town, aiding in keeping everyone's tools in tip top shape.

OOC: Cosmic Answer
IC: Kerikki Nentovya
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Rikki's pretty strong and hella fast, which can only be helpful for clearing out rubble and such! As well as for carrying around any workers or volunteers injured in mishaps. She can also treat any nonlethal wounds suffered by others without issue, and has salves and more potent healing for the more serious wounds.

OOC: Valravn
IC: Lucian Ravensmaw
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Lucian, eager as he always is, gladly helps out with the reconstruction! He's not lacking in the strength department, and is rather good at keeping up morale, and so he focuses his efforts on helping the people doing the heavy lifting.

IC: Trish
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Trish rallies a group of her followers to help protect supply lines moving into the city of Babel. Using a combination of brawn and psychological warfare (scares), she deters raiding of any supply caravans.

OOC: Kairi
IC: Liadan Atholl
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Liadan may not be as used to working with masonry and mortar, yet she does her best to help by forming, and burning bricks, before putting stone upon stone to rebuild the capital.

OOC: Eye of the Storm
IC: Dorchuck
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Dorchuk uses his agility and small frame to fit in where others can't, and get to places that would be dangerous to most

OOC: Sei
IC: Ash Val'ron
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Ash assumes their persona of Halo to help the town of babel with it's rebuild through using invigorate and healing any injured workers.

IC: Varian 'The Mindspike' Cornwall, the Third
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Having finished spending his 3 days of atonement for an Oath, Varian hears word of the Restoration effort, and provides aid. He makes use of his telepathy to assist in coordinating between construction workers for management.

OOC: Hazrond
IC: Jin Cassius
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Jin acts as a force multiplier, granting other workers magical shapeshifts to improve their speed of work.

OOC: Lord of Naught
IC: Yuki no Ai
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Yuki no Ai uses her tactician abilities to direct others in the best ways of clearing the rubble

OOC: Overlard
IC: Rhys Oreliahan
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Rhys uses his strength of arm to help clear debris and assist with the reconstruction manually. His mount assists by helping pull particularly large pieces of rubble away with a tether and sled.

OOC: loganic
IC: Ajax
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: The hooded figure helps pass out restoratives to volunteers.

OOC: TheLeysoon
IC: Ra Erri
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Ra Spent the day acting as a massive living fire, facilitating the melting of ruins and scrap into pig iron and then into separated metals.

OOC: cynfulplayers
IC: Elora Valtori
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Elora approaches the construction site and looked around to see what needed to be done. She rolled up her sleeves and lent her strength to where it was needed to help out

OOC: Xavion
IC: Bhelgra Jathslag
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Bhelgra helps clean up the wreckage, and using the keen senses and experience of a dwarf to try and spot potential hazards within the crumbling stone buildings.

OOC: Wabba
IC: Consūmere
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Helps the workers by carrying large debris and filling his stomach with some of the small debris to carry more then what his arms can hold

OOC: Chris
IC: Bellerophon Flueric
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Bellerophon asks the local foremen where the most dangerous sites of collapse and damage are, and goes to help the workers there - taking the lead, exploring rickety ruins and always keeping endangered workers within arm's reach, just in case something decides to collapse. Anyone he finds injured, he leaves with one of his healing salves.

OOC: Daxterkisake
IC: Quinton
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Quinton will be helping in the most dangerous areas cleaning and healing any injuries that occur during the time spent cleaning.

OOC: kiwi
IC: Rye
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Rye uses his earthbreaker and destructive blasts to break objects that are too heavy and/or large to carry into smaller, more carriable pieces

OOC: Evrawg
IC: Yamato
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Yamato gives back to his community, as he cleans away debris and aids in laboring in the construction, but he is not the strongest individual and has to rest shortly after starting his work.

OOC: Trooper Moores
IC: Creighton Drumheller
Time Spent: Lamashan 23, 1 day
Contribution: Creighton and about 50 of his people do physical labor, using his caravan to haul debris, and generally working as dumb labor going to where the help is needed the most

OOC: Nex
IC: Brande Solis
Time Spent: Lamashan 20, 1 day
Contribution: Brande spends his day cleaning up debris and sifting through the rubble. Helping out wherever he can

OOC: NightOfShadows
IC: WUC-425 "Bastion Forge"
Time Spent: Lamashan 25, 1 day
Contribution: WUC preformed basic maintenance on the tools others were using to help out as well as crafting new tools for others to use, practicing his Craft (Weapons) at the same time.

OOC: Alkain
IC: Haru
Time Spent: Lamashan 22-25, 4 days
Contribution: Used his talents to help defend and guard workers ■ Notes: Haru also helps out where he can with cleaning, when not on watch

OOC: Irie
IC: Amber Millstream
Time Spent: Lamashan 22, 1 day
Contribution: Amber assists with cleaning out a basement, and is pleased to find that it does not contain any giant rats.

OOC: Daedalus
IC: Haroun
Time Spent: Lamashan 21, 1 day
Contribution: Haroun helps direct debris removal efforts, using his strength to directly assist with the power of 10 men or more.

OOC: Azworai
IC: Maldrik Shiarza
Time Spent: Lamashan 19, 1 day
Contribution: Maldrik rallies some of House Shiarza to aid in the reconstruction efforts, where he makes sure to hoist banner above his caravan so his aid is known.

OOC: Noktos
IC: Itō Mikuno
Time spent: Lamashan 29, 1 day (late entry)
Contribution: Mikuno gathers what remaining trash and debris is in Babel, and yeets in into the sun with her superb Warp abilities.


All participants got 10% of the exp they needed to level up and a +1 Flask Shard.