Adventure Returns, Cognita

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As Pyria and Cognita make their way along, the two remenice and catch up on the doings of the other, in the times they have been apart. Cognita continues to hum about how much she values their bonds, while prancing back and forth, as they make their way along.

As time goes by, the surrounding change for Cognita, just as their friend saw, as well. Though with one small difference... Rather than the land shifting and becoming alone, like it did for Pyria... Cognita would look back and and note that Pyria's eyes had... dulled. They had gained a lifeless quality, like she wasn't quite 'there'.

Simultaneously, their crystals began to resonant with a swifter pulse, and Cognita had been given a feeling like she had to keep Pyria 'safe' as her friend continued, almost mechanically, toward wherever their destination was.

As the pair continued, Cognita would continually try to get Pyria's attention, to no avail, and talk to her friend... but all she finds are strange sigils, magical traps, and at an ever increasing frequency.

In a panic to keep pace, Cognita kept burning her magic and sending her drones outward.

The sigils, the drones would touch in tandem, and take the brunt of whichever magic was triggered. The traps, Cognita would expend her mythical power that she had become aware of after entering this strange land, in order to disable them faster than Pyria could walk into them... And the puzzles? She would sent her magic outward into her drones, bestowing them with more intelligence than she could handle herself, to try and crack their codes. Even after something them, no notable effect occurred... but she did notice, that each time, Pyria got steadily paler.

Cognita was worried... whatever is happening to her friend, may be dangerous unto itself, no matter how mundane is seemed.

Eventually, they reached the end, with Cognita being rather exhausted from the resource consumption, and suddenly the crystals grew bright, as Pyria's body was pulled toward the Pedestal, that stood before them.

After all the effects that occurred, Cognita heard a voice say "To you, who guarded the inheritor, Memory of what was."

As Cognita froze... light entering her mind, and giving her... memory.

Afterward, they made their way back, with the color and life restored to Pyria... much to Cognita's happiness. She didn't wish to speak of what she saw that day. Cognita was simply happy to have what she held dear. Which is, having her friends, that which makes magic fun.