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Al-Zuhra is a small city that branched off from Renesal City, establishing its own distinct character. While Renesal City maintains a relatively benign existence, Al-Zuhra harbors a darker side, embracing forbidden magic and welcoming those who delve into the realm of the undead. Vampires, ghouls, malevolent spirits, and even living cultists seeking lichdom all find refuge within the city. Yet despite such pervasive undeath, there is also a vibrant culture of living individuals who grow and work alongside them.


Al-Zuhra is situated amidst vast stretches of golden sand dunes. A defining feature of Al-Zuhra is its artificial sky, a remarkable creation of ancient arcane craftsmanship. Within the city walls, perpetual night prevails, casting an eternal twilight over the surroundings. The celestial canopy above is a masterpiece of magical artistry, adorned with unchanging constellations. Radiant orbs suspended in the heavens emit a soft, constant glow, providing illumination to the streets and structures below.

Architecturally, the city reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region. Ornate minarets, domed buildings, and grand archways adorned with intricate mosaics adorn the landscape. Towering sandstone walls encircle Al-Zuhra, protecting it from the desert winds and lending an impression of invincibility.


The city of Al-Zuhra is governed by three individuals. Their true names and faces are not known, as each is disguised with magic and mundane efforts alike. They are called The Apprentice, The Master, and The Mentor. The trio has been in ruling as long as the city itself has stood, and though the nature of them is not known, it is believed they are three of the first magi to help establish the city.


Within the city's confines, one can discern an undercurrent of secrets and forbidden knowledge. The streets of Al-Zuhra bear witness to the clandestine practices of its denizens. Shadowed nooks and crannies conceal the activities of necromancers and the devoted cultists, as they explore the boundaries between life and death with unwavering determination.

As one navigates the labyrinthine streets, vibrant markets come to life, offering a sensory extravaganza. Aromatic spices permeate the air, mingling with the melodies of street musicians and the soft murmurs of incantations. Merchants proudly display fantastical merchandise, from enchanted artifacts to scrolls brimming with ancient knowledge. While most are of the dark arts, here and there you can find such of a more arcane affair, free of blasphemy and heresy, though the seller may not be.

The most notable resource however is the creation of phylacteries. Due to the extensive knowledge that the libraries hold of the relics necessary to achieve lichdom, the acquisition and creation of phylacteries has become a specialty of the higher-educated magi within the city. Because of the expensive nature of phylacteries, the magi have created a lucrative business of providing assistance, in exchange for a rate of interest on the phylactery's costs.


The military of Al-Zuhra is a formidable force, shaped by the city's unique blend of necromancy and magical prowess. Its soldiers, known as the Gravesingers, are skilled warriors who have honed their combat abilities through disciplined training and mastery of the dark arts. Clad in intricately designed armor, adorned with mystical symbols and protective enchantments, the Gravesingers excel in both close-quarters combat and long-range warfare. The city's military arsenal includes enchanted scimitars and bows, imbued with unholy powers to deliver devastating strikes. Powerful spellcasters, known as Shroudweavers, provide support on the battlefield, manipulating the very fabric of sand and wind to create barriers, summon protective spirits, or unleash devastating profane spells. Additionally, most ground troops are undead raised and empowered by the magi of the city, serving as the bulk of footmen and fodder upon the field of battle. Worthy foes have their bodies often collected and brought back to be raised as undead, their prowess added to the folds of Al-Zuhra's ranks.

Notable Locations

The Orrery - An ornate building comprised of enchanted materials, arcane wards, and specially attuned objects, the Orrery is a place of learning and higher study. Within it's bookshelves are a vast collection of knowledge related to necromancy, ascension to lichdom, and astronomy. The celestial bodies are able to be viewed and studied by any who peer through the specially-enchanted telescopes, and if one asks for the assistance of the Star-Seer, the ancient lich is able to conjure an illusory projection upon the dome ceiling of the glass roof, showing the position of constellations from any point in recorded history.

The Vhakta Academy - Named after one of the first magi to found the city, the Vhakta Academy was established to create a safe learning environment for magical learning. This distinguished center of education encompasses a vast spectrum of subjects, with particular emphasis on astronomy, necromancy, dunology, and the exploration of lichdom. While catering to a wide range of mundane curiosities, The Najmi Halls also house a multitude of mentors versed in the intricacies of arcane, divine, and psychic magic.

The graduate programs offered at this prestigious establishment offer specialization in one or more of these premier domains. Exceptionally adept students may extend their studies throughout their own lifetimes and potentially across multiple lifetimes, notably if they acquire methods of achieving immortality.

While no less gruesome and bloody, the Academy created special contracts for each of its students. While the contents themselves aren't completely known, the contracts prevent the students from being struck down or killed by their own necrotic arts, including undead they may lose control of. Due to this safety measure and a few other trade secrets, the Vhakta Academy is a relatively protected space for exploring life beyond death.

The Ethereal Oasis - The Ethereal Oasis, with its open floor plan, magical libations, and regal ambiance, stands as a testament to Al-Zuhra's penchant for extravagance and the merging of fantasy with reality. Within its walls, the undead find a fleeting taste of their lost vitality, and all who enter are enveloped in an unforgettable tapestry of colors, flavors, and enchantment.


The inhabitants of Al-Zuhra form a diverse community united by their shared interest in the necrotic arts and their connection to the grave. Here, practitioners of dark magic convene, honing their skills and engaging in sinister rituals. Necromancers perfect their craft, while cultists dedicated to serving death perpetuate their macabre traditions. In addition to the undead, the living that are born and raised here have no qualms with their fellow residents, and many freely give their bodies and spirits to the rituals of the city with great honor and pride.


Years ago, Al-Zuhra emerged as a city steeped in mystical heritage, its history intertwined with the delicate balance between life and death. The roots of its unique culture trace back to a time when the city faced a grave threat, plagued by malevolent spirits and rampant necromantic forces. Determined to protect their community, the visionary leaders of Al-Zuhra sought a solution that would harness the powers of necromancy for the greater good.

In an unprecedented move, the city devised a groundbreaking system, rooted in both respect and consent. A pact was established, allowing willing living donors to offer their bodies and other reagents upon their passing, freely contributing to the city's magical endeavors. This contract, known as the Pact of Eternal Offering, ensured that no soul was subjected to necromantic practices without their explicit permission.

The implementation of the Pact ushered in an era of cooperation and understanding between the living and the dead. Volunteers from various walks of life willingly pledged their bodies and souls to Al-Zuhra, knowing that their ultimate sacrifice would fuel the city's necromantic arts. Bound by the contract, they found solace in the knowledge that their deaths would be purposeful, enabling the preservation of life, the containment of malevolent spirits, and the pursuit of magical advancement.

Over time, Al-Zuhra became renowned as a beacon of ethical necromancy, its practices drawing scholars, practitioners, and the curious from distant lands. The city's skilled necromancers mastered the art of channeling the donated life forces, ensuring the dead were honored and their remains treated with utmost respect. Rituals were performed to express gratitude, with solemn ceremonies held to commemorate the contributions of those who had given their bodies willingly.

As the years passed, the Pact of Eternal Offering became an integral part of Al-Zuhra's identity. It served as a testament to the city's belief in the harmonious coexistence of life and death and the pursuit of knowledge without forsaking the sanctity of individual souls. Though the cosmos may deem such necromantic practice as evil, the magi of Al-Zuhra hope to one day change this perception not just culturally, but even cosmically.