Sra's Sunken Island part 2, part 2

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Sra paces to and fro within her office, her consorts remaining silent for the time being. She speaks, almost to herself, “It still seems as though that I cannot yet enter into the island. I don’t want another disaster. We should assemble a team. Or else see that a team is assembled. We can lend them the magic that we can and ask that they report what they find to us. I think I will refrain from leasing out the totem until we know more about what to do with it.”

Sir Ludvig the Very Swift furrows his Faerie Dragon brow. “There must be some means of entering the island despite the barrier.”

Gorleam contemplates, “Death has perished. Surely there is not so much an issue with his agents upon the island now that he has left this world? Withal, I would expect that the need for the barrier would be greatly diminished.”

Sra nods. “Perhaps we could come into contact with the slumbering Dragon and have it lower the barrier? I would expect that such a thing would be within its power.”

Gorleam nods. “They would not be the first Dragon to hibernate beyond seemingly impenetrable defenses. We may yet find the means of doing exactly that.”

Sir Jerose blinks his six impossibly green eyes. “I think we might be focusing a bit much on the ‘getting the Premierarch in there’ part of things. We should probably do all that we can to bolster the forces that are capable of entry.”

Sra pauses, but nods again. “This is true. In fact, that would likely be our best means of contacting the slumbering Dragon, wherever it rests. I shall procure my spell engines and allow for those with the means of using them to do so.”

Gorleam offers, “My understanding is that Miphau is sitting on a hoard of concoctions. Perhaps now is the time to allow for the distribution of those?”

Sir Gregor supplants, “Well, she makes a great deal of concoctions that she summarily relieves herself of, usually Remove Disease concoctions that are handed out during her business as the Grove’s councilor. But she is sitting on quite a few at the moment. I could let her know to start storing some up in preparation for a large-scale incursion past the barrier.”

Sir Ludvig the Very Swift chirps, “We had best hurry and make our intentions known, else the forces that do pass through the barrier might well head in without waiting for our aid.”

Sra lands at the mobile base of operations, a large flagship that she hired for a few weeks that she’s parked about a quarter mile away from the Sunken Island’s barrier. There is a light cheer among the onboard adventurers and crewmates, as they are well aware of her purposes there. She produces a crate and opens it, allowing for the various persons aboard the headquarter ship to peruse and browse through the Herbal Concoctions contained within! It is a suite of CL 10 healing potions, all neatly and legibly labeled and even color-coded! Reds are Cure Moderate Wounds, Blues are Remove Disease, Green is Neutralize poison, and a litany of other colors describe useful spells such as Touch of the Sea, Daylight, Greater Longstrider, each type of Ward of the Season, Spider Climb, Ironskin, and Water Breathing. The adventurers start picking through the selection, taking vials in accordance to the respective allowances they were permitted to take. There are not many who would dare take any more, considering Sra’s presence. Sra heads towards the deck-level cabin and begins writing on a chalkboard placed thereupon. Soon, the thing is populated by a list of Sra’s spell engines and boxes adjacent to them, indicating the claims of the charges that can be stored into them. There is a bit of a rush towards this chalkboard after Sra leaves from it, as it is known that there are not nearly so many charges up for grabs as there are adventurers. Unfortunately, only NPCs get the Hypervitalize charges. Otherwise, NPCs and PCs alike enjoy uses of the spell engines. When the time comes, Sra will lend the claimants the spell engine so that they may use the magics therein, directly before they enter through the barrier. She will do her best to keep the engines charged, such that the adventurers might exit to regain the benefits before re-entering shortly afterward.