Storytime/ A Catch Up told by Cathran Lorekeeper

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These are stories from real people. They were willing to share their stories from their lives so I could learn from them and share them with others, so that they could learn from them as well.

  • Cathran Lorekeeper

A Mortal's Mental Archive (Cathran Lorekeeper)

I was raised by my Maternal Aunt and Uncle. They were very kind to me, but were pretty distant towards me. I learned that adult elves are pretty distant towards my kind and even others of their own kind. I was scared for my Aunt and Uncle, but living in the elven society I lived in as a Half-Elf was still hell no matter the cushioning that it is given. I grew up and developed at a quicker pace than my peers.

My peers would mature physically only a bit slower than me, but they were taught to behave as their society required them to be, so learning this way of acting requires decades of learning and watching the non elven people they met live and die.

So I decided to go down another path. I became an Alchemist first and foremost, as I learned more my other profession would change as I learned and revised my interests. Currently I am an Alchemist and an Incanter of fairly great power. Another thing that altered my life forever was that fight that made me gain yet another type of power.

I fought a person that held the power of myth, a power that is rare in this day and age for a person to hold. This power enabled me to do things that I never could do before, and enabled me to go down my current path.

If you are not afraid to go down a path that you love and pursue it with all your being, It is better to do and know, than to not and regret it for the rest of your life.

Recently I had a talk with an important man, or soon to be important man, He made me think about my path and as a result I have been looking for some stuff that could help me. I then looked into the past of Etera and looked for ruins. I could investigate for clues to what has happened in the past and if I could find lore and knowledge that could help me out. Through some investigation using my abilities, I figured out I had a connection to these ruins and my ancestors from very long ago were here. I was intrigued.

After learning that I had to leave for some personal reasons.  I spent time trying to recover some of a language I found there that was a very archaic form of Elven. I have been investigating that language and have a very rough form of the language figured out that I intend to keep expanding as much as I can. Then I returned and brought some adventurers to come with me in case of danger and to help me with the mystery that was presented to me. We learned more and then we got far but we have not yet discovered even a fraction that was lost, I am not sure whether this place fell to the more recent events of Etera or whether this was ancient history as it likely is.

I helped fix a golem that was there and swore to it that I will help it figure out what happened to what it was supposed to protect and what happened to my ancestors by extension. Now I am looking to figure out more as I spend even more time figuring out a more complete language so I can learn even more and have a more complete account of what happened and how I am connected to it.

I will leave soon for the next expedition with my comrades to figure out this mystery, I will update my journal as I can do this. I want to learn more in my ever expanding quest for knowledge.

  • From the Journal of Cathran Lorekeeper

The Ooze Resurgence (Ziz, the Scholar)

I trace my lineage back to the mighty Ziadiath, I am 6 Splittings Removed from the first of his iterations on this planet. My kin are somewhat brutish and rely on strength to intimidate what they perceive as lesser creatures. That being humanoids, they only see them as good sources and labor to get more food.

As the splittings kept happening my kin would develop more and more different personalities from the Prime Ziadiath that we were the spawn of. My more immediate kin and especially, Hieldran, the Studious, the dragon I split off of, was more of a scholarly bend. We were innately curious and would actually interact with humanoids, out of our great curiosity. Of course some of my kin stayed under the ruler Ziadiath's rule. Others of us traversed the world to encounter new people and learn more.

I know that I can split into several dragons when I am older, but in the meantime I found out the secret to crafting normal oozes. I have been making ooze after ooze to bolster my rule and might. As of right now I am seeking out more unique methods of crafting the oozes and how to make more powerful oozes to find out how they first must have been created.

I have been making more and more advanced Oozes as of recently, I have even made a Ooze made of Plasma. I have taken to calling the Oozes I create and that follow me The Zizra, A name someone suggested for them. I liked this name so much, I continued to call them that and that is now what they are called.

I wonder why and how my Ancestor, Ziadiath the Green, came to this plane of existence and why he had to leave the Plane of Ooze that we clearly come from. Is it because he did something so horrible that the others made him leave or they would destroy him and anything he would split into if he stayed? Or was it because he was just in an imperial mindset where he wanted to conquer and subjugate others? I wonder how they would react if I came back, Me one of his descendents, even if my lineage has diverged a lot  in personality from the original dragon of our ancestry on this plane and his direct descendents were like..

Would I learn a lot form them? Or would they be hostile to me, WoulId they have diverged so much that  I would not be able to relate to them at all? Would they have gained alternative abilities to what I have due to the mutations in our ancestry from our habitats like normal Oozes are wont to do? In all honesty I have no way to figure out the answers to these unless I can get back to the place of my distant ancestor Ziadiath’s origin.

  • Originally Told by Ziz, the Scholar, Scribed and Told by Cathran Lorekeeper