They Made Sra Come Down There!

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Sra looks up from her kneeling bow to Gorleam. “Lalotai?” “Yes. You were there before, remember?” “...” “You reported as much. You were speaking with the one known as Magnus in the company of your former employer, Juro.”

“... Right, I remember now.”

“Yes. That is the extent of things. Fire elementals, volcano, Lalotai. I expect that you will be able to venture there yourself.” “Of course.”

“Then go. Defend the locals from the elementals. Others will be seeking to prevent the appearance of more. Other agents shall be on the island to keep you informed.”

“How will I know them?” “... By the luster of their scales.”

“... Right.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sra stands within the loft of the Springscale home that the Rilovos are renting, doing her morning stretches. She may well be a tad bit worried, but who wouldn’t be worried? That Blue Dragon may not seem Evil, but leaving her family in his township? Hrm. She would need to head back periodically to check in with everyone. Karmak can… can she trust Karmak to keep the Rilovos safe if Mukasko were to use her absence for unseemly things? He may try to take Miphau as a concubine. He may try to take Akkonaa as a concubine. Sra shudders. Hrm… If only there was enough time to transport enough people to that island she set her Keep upon. Apparently Akkonaa’s employees have come into possession of a great few airships and dirigibles… which is curious in itself. Maybe that will be sorted out soon enough, in that case. She will be glad to be able to go flying with Akkonaa without carrying or dragging him around. She sighs. Things are getting complicated. She decides she should go and eat breakfast so she can be on her way towards Lalotai.

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Sra uncovers her eyes, following Akkonaa’s direction. She takes a moment to gauge what, exactly, it is that she is looking at. It appears to be some strange hybridization of a tackle box and a treasure chest. Her bird husband looks at her with anticipation.

“This is… to pack lunches?”

“Yes! That, and clothes, and other stuff that wouldn’t fit in your pack. As much as it might be helpful though, you should still come home every so often, understand?”

“Of course. Oh! A potion rack?” Sra becomes engrossed in the previously benign-looking chest, marveling over its features.

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“A wand? I don’t have much luck with these.” “It puts out fires. You are better with wands than you give yourself credit for. Besides, from what I hear, a wand like this is precisely what you need at this point in time.”

“I will take it then.” Sra puts the tungsten stick onto her belt.

“And there is more!” “I like more.” “You know that ring that I got you for the raid on the death tower?” “No.” “... Inner Fortitude?” “No.” “... I made it so fire doesn’t hurt you as much. Make sure you wear it.”

“Oh, Inner Fortitude, the thing that was supposed to help protect me from Negative Energy?”

“Yes! Wait, I made a few things to that end. The Death Warden Bandolier, is that what you are referring to?” “Er… I am wearing that right now.” “Okay. So. I… you let me borrow that ring, the Ring of Inner Fortitude, Minor. I upgraded it to offer resistance to fire.” “So, fire can’t hurt me now?” “N-no, not quite, it’s just less harmful, it can still harm you.” “But it will make fire things less dangerous?”

“... Right.”


“...” “Thanks sweetheart.” Sra gives Akkonaa a big hug.

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Sra sighs. As Miphau works out a knot she had since getting tripped by the Monkey King, Sra notes how silly she was for not thinking of letting Miphau borrow her belt sooner. Before now, Miphau’s efforts were a great reminder as to how ticklish Sra can be. For her part, Miphau swiftly grows tired, not used to exerting herself so much during a massage. She pauses, prompting Sra to lift her head a bit to begin to voice a complaint, but this is soon stifled as Miphau delicately lowers a hot, damp towel onto the reptile’s face, thus appeasing her. Miphau takes a quiet breath as she goes back to the potion rack she had been preparing for Sra’s trip. Lots of Resist Energy concoctions, a Free Swim or two, plenty of Greater Magic Fang, a few Tailwinds and Tail Currents… all the necessities. Oh, and Akkonaa told her to pack these bottles of watery purple, blue, and red drink. It isn’t labelled, but apparently Sra knows what they do.

Akkonaa knocks twice at the spa room’s door, and peeks in. After verifying that he isn’t interrupting anything, he steps in, closing the door behind him. Miphau gives him a little wave, and Sra takes the now-cooled towel off of her face to follow suit. Akkona, with some trepidation, pauses, but finds some nerve and starts to speak,

“Darlings, all the lunches have been packed and stored. I’ve packed some clean clothes, a decanter of endless water, soap, and some snacks. I think everything is ready.”

Sra replies, “Of course. I shall leave now then. I will be back to visit tomorrow night.” “Alright. Miphau, Pirr, and I will be eagerly awaiting your return. Stay safe, okay?”

“You too. However worried you are for me, I am more worried for you.”

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Sra powers over the border of Etera and its south-eastern ocean, her full-face helmet and earplugs protecting her from the winds and noise associated with traveling at such high speeds. She sighs, fogging the window of the helmet a little, as she realizes she has nothing to look forward to looking at besides the open ocean until she arrives at the island. What was the name of that island again? It probably does not matter all that much, she has the right bearing, so she will be at the island, whatever it is called, soon enough. Perhaps after an hour? 

. . .

After only fifteen minutes or so, the sun begins to set in the west, and yet, to the southeast, Sra sees what she first mistakes as the rising sun, but soon she realizes that it is instead a great conflagration! Her destination! With renewed vigor, she speeds off towards the fiery island!

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