Alzhak Reger

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Alzhak Reger was founded by Delvar Starbreaker. It is the kingdom where he is rallying the survivors of Verk's purge of the dwarven people, so that they may finally have a home where they may live without the fear or hatred of the land they were previously in, preventing them from moving on. With this new land, they may once again look upon the light of the surface, returning the gifts of dwarvenkind to the world, to flourish. This is not to say others are unwelcome... far from it! Any who are willing to obey the laws of the land may live here, especially as the kingdom expands outward to allow for more arrivals. However, regardless of the races and beliefs of others, the capital is the hour. The words instilled within our speak of our dedication... "The Body is The Forge, and The Heart is The Bellows". This is our core, carved into our bones, metalwork within our blood.

The origins of the dwarves, whether they were born there or not, will continue to be Dun Holvar.



Upon the surface, lies a land full of mountains, hills, and hidden veins. On almost every side of The Pick are openings or aqueducts to a river that leads to the sea, or deeper into the kingdom. The people often need only defend on one side by wall, for anyone who can ignore the natural defenses of such a terrain, would not have been able to be stopped by a mere wall anyhow.


This is where the true depths lie. Huge, arching caverns stretch on for as far as the eye could see, glittering gemstones and luminescent crystal, making a natural starry sky; the glow of The Mushroom Forests decorate the cavern paths with an array of vibrant colors. Soon, an underground utopia will be built here — where paths, mines, forges, and mushroom farms will all one day be seen. It brings a tear to the eye, thinking of the glorious future of our children, in this untapped land.

The Scenery
the crystals closer up
the 'sky' above, though an inaccurate depiction. may get better one later.
The Mushroom Forests
Mush Forest 1.jpg
Mush Forest 2.jpg
Just because we're underground doesn't mean there's no life.



What was once a mere Dwarven stronghold has become the foundation for which Alzhak Reger has flourished around. Named,”The Heart of Mithral” for not only its rich veins of mithral that have emerged seemingly from divine providence, but also the amount of trade that are brought through its gates, the economic heartland of the Dwarves of Siacros cannot be understated.

The capital city for the Republic, Kal’Azgoroth’s defenses are as extensive as its vaults, the structural decision to built it out of a mountain not only an aesthetic, but also tactical decision by the original founders.

Kal'Azgoroth's Side Entrance

The Grand Eerie

the premier Regian surface-city. Run by retired paladin Sra Rilovo, LG as heck. The main income source for the city is a land tax. While this tax is quite steep, it and sales tax are the only two taxes that the city itself requires, which is some relief for the citizens. Technically, if you don't own land and don't buy things, you don't have to pay the city taxes, which is a pleasant change of pace.

Non-Awakened horses, donkeys, mules, pigs, and cattle are not permitted within city limits. Centaurs and such are appreciative of this, and are more common here than elsewhere within the Republic.

Ava is willing and able to invent the bicycle following a commission from Sra. The city will feature many elevated bicycling paths. The primary methods of transportation would be cycling and electric trams.

Buildings are built to an incredible standard, even by Dwarven standards. Most are nearly sound-proof, earthquake-resistant, non-flammable, and warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Grand Eerie

New Vienne

Founded by Aurelius V. Gael in an attempt to create a safe-haven for those with nowhere left to go, New Vienne welcomes all people of all races and professions. While indeed it is looked at with disdain and worry from many outsiders -- most likely due to the prominence of black markets and bordellos, its true purpose is not to promote such enterprises, but rather to serves as a shelter for those who can't help but to work in such professions.

To those that continued their darker pasts, or perhaps to name the sleeping giants of former crime, the darker side of New Vienne was known to those within the right circles as 'Phantaheim'. An otherwordly portion of the city just out of tune with reality, made up of several parts magic, the residents auras and mental energy, and pacts made with its founder. It allows the residents to release some of their old habits without risking the 'peace' they are meant to uphold without having to run from those who would've hunted them.

Later on, as one of his last acts as General of Alzhak Reger, Cormick Thale ordered a 'purge' of what little did bleed through into the main city, the black markets, brothels, etc. Further shoving the need to release dangers from New Vienne into its 'other self', Phantaheim. Now, it can even serve as training grounds to harden those who are out of touch with the dangers of the real world.

New Vienne Phantaheim

Cities without Descriptions yet

  • Feronheith
  • Kurazdar
  • Zulkaldun
  • Deephelm's Valley
  • Dormundir
  • Aethr'thrim
  • 26 other not yet named locations

Rumors & Legends

  • It is said two adventurers, Haruko and Haven Fueurmin, discovered a 'tower' of some kind deep within one of many mines, that somehow brought them to some place on Siacros. One made of strange technologies, and incomplete surroundings.
  • Rumors state that the ruler of this nation gives out various bounties as alternative payment for commissioned work, be it for capturing creatures, discovering information, or otherwise. To what end that these bounties are offered, is not known.
  • Strange sightings and sounds come from the depths below, in the subterranean networks of Alzhak Reger. All manners of creatures may be found through the confluence of planar powers and ancient elements.

Notable Locations

There are a few portals in existence within the Kingdom. One to the Inevitability, and another to some strange, extremely powerful individual... there is rumor that more of such portals exist... it is interesting to note, however, stories make mention of some being magic, others technological, others of some mysterious mental energy, while there are others that are some strange mixture of systems. Although most travel is restricted by the nature of the nation's geography, these portals allow for much more potential for travel.

Tourism may also bring one to the calming, glowing, networks of The Moonsilver Mines of Dormundir, a place famed for its special resources, and its ability to stave off stresses. Especially useful for the troops stationed there, as stressful work plus easy access to stress relief, make for a much easier time than normal.


Information about those who live within the nation, generally speaking.

Notable NPCs

Go into further detail, and copy/paste as needed, to describe named NPCs of notable relation to the kingdom.

The Moot

While made up of differing individuals of strong repute, ultimately Alzhak Reger’s leaders can be found more uniformly in its Moot. Designed to be the singular unifying voice among many, The Moot is a conglomerate of varying clans and organizations that all seek (at least on paper) to serve the greatest interests of the Republic at large.

Not just composed of Dwarves, The Moot features human representatives from Fort Ragathiel, more tech-orientated individuals from Naramoore Steelworks, those of draconic heritage, planar-touched races, elementals, and an assortment of old and young alike who are all ordained as their respective ‘clans’ by the proper authorities of Alzhak Reger. Usually to be brought in as a clan is a vote in of itself by the overall Moot.

In terms of structure, an issue is presented upon the grand floor, where varying representatives might speak upon the issue and announce the casting of their vote. Debates are frequent, and can eventually rise to the cause of violence if contenders are passionate enough. It is not uncommon to have an issue linger upon the floor for months before decision. Each clan is given one vote, and one vote only, so that no matter how large a respective clan becomes, their political power (theoretically) remains the same. Influence however, is not so limited.

The Moot
Table of the Moot


The two main sources is respectively known as Runecarving and Electrical Technology. For Runecarving: It is commonly believed to just be the blanket term of 'magic', with a preference for written mediums, the reality of the matter is that Dwarves, and by extension, this nation, largely make use of Runes. Particularly, the runic craft of dwarvenkind, which has a storied history based upon animism and racially held belief. Common mediums are carving tools used upon stone or metal, in old dwarven scripts. Runecarving, much of which is handled by Derro-Fyr Runes and Maintenance in reference to the needs of the nation itself, focuses on improving quality of life of its people. Albeit not describing them with much justice, some examples of runic technology would be:

  • supplying steady flow of magical power in absence of a user to devices or rituals, simplifying the requirement for a sufficient degree of magical training and prowess.
  • information storage and communication throughout the nation. Mainly focused between main hubs of such information, be it libraries, communication centers, or separate networks for governmental and militaristic use. Due to tradition and culturally held beliefs, such networks do not have much of any desire or intention to facilitate personal recreational use.
  • long barrels carved with runes, to propel massive projectiles over large distances.
  • environmental controls, both localized, and over a larger area.
  • naval, airborne, and land security of various methods
  • and more

For Electrical Technology: While not used to nearly the depth as Runecarving in Alzhak Reger, it is still widely made use of, and in the areas populated mainly by Steelworks Androids, it will make up the majority of what is available in those areas. It certainly helps that the mediums used for Runecarving, metal and stone, is quite compatible with this technology as well. Since readers should be generally aware of how said technology functions, I'll focus elsewhere. Its foundation lies upon the early days of Naramoore Steelworks, which had smaller beginnings from the cooperative efforts of Delvar Starbreaker and Avalia Ceres Naramoore after their activities in the lands of The Setlaar decades back, in the capital of Alzhak Reger during its founding years. In the years hence, the situation has evolved, with their expansion well beyond the nation and moving of headquarters to more stable lands, and the obvious of Avalia's Ascension to Deification. However, even while she does not spend her days within the nation anymore, the people she brought about, still have many places to choose to live. Alzhak Reger being one of the main locations, besides Synthetica, Norgrash, or other hubs of activity for the lands in which such androids are created. Ways in which the technology is used:

  • magically-sensitive work, where it would be a better use of resources to use a non-magical method.
  • an electrical grid
  • lightposts
  • various amenities, provided in part by the Steelworks, especially for the purposes of meeting the needs of the android people.
  • firearms
  • and more


This section details the various economics of Alzhak Reger. A nation that is specialized in production, and thus is truly excessively higher in the amount of trade it engages in, in both variety and scale, not only on Chronus, but even beyond that, such as planar travel. A great deal of the nations ins-and-outs and technology can be read involving Derro-Fyr Foundries, the main organized industrial body of the nation.


Other than the common jest that their main import is people, due to the natural growth of the longer lived races being greatly outstripped by the ongoing immigration policy, the majority of exports can be found in raw unprocessed resources and luxuries from other lands and nations. It would be tedious to list out all that is imported, so generally assume that if it is a specialty resource or much more common elsewhere, it is imported to some degree. E.g. fire crystals from the plane of fire, astral diamonds from the astral plane, exotic plants from the grove, so on and so forth. Imports from the Tidal Empire are still on blacklist and quarantine since the incursions that replaced a fair chunk of the empire's wildlife, given their exports were almost exclusively fish and aquatic agriculture. Beyond that, it'd be 'imported' technologies from the work between Derro-Fyr Foundries and Naramoore Steelworks


While also an extensive list, they can be summarized briefly as:

  • Skilled labor- A nation well known for their technology in industry and profound craftsmenship. Translates very well to education in trade professions.
  • manufacturing materials- their main industry is manufacture, so processed materials ready for use in other forms of manufacture, infrastructure, etc. is available.
  • massive quantities of products- stands to reason a nation filled with craftsmen can make more products than one nation needs, with at least as many kinds as there are said craftsmen.
  • artifacts- Delvar Starbreaker alone, can likely account for most artifact-grade items produced on Chronus in at least the last few decades, much less if anyone else made some while using the equipment available to them while at Alzhak Reger.
  • magical items- a major staple of adventurer and elite military equipment as the next logical step for most past mundane for crafted items.
  • technological devices- As where Naramoore Steelworks started out at, and since moved and expanded to focus on The Setlaar and Nopengonium for wider markets away from conflict (and where majority of technology comes from if not from Alzhak Reger), it stands to reason that with more than one legendary craftsmen of technology working outward from there, the technological availability would be quite decent.
  • and more.


The main representative currency of Alzhak Reger, is based upon a standardized system of inscribed values, rather than the literal worth of the currency backed by the authority of the nation minting it. The physical make-up of these coins is a mixture of celestial mithril and umbrite, resulting in a cool silver and black coloration. As for why this coinage is chosen over the typical ones, is multi-fold. First off, typical currency is just far too weak to last in its minted form, and has to be reissued as wear and tear set in. Secondly, is the general devaluation that is often present in the current world situation, where multiple special processes render replication... difficult... short of direct conflict with the still living founder of the nation. How this occurs, it is not recommended to find out. Thirdly, is just the view of the other currencies. There are other reasons, but that delves into the minutiae of politics, economics, and other generally dry topics, beyond the purview of this summation.

Below, is an example of such coinage. Albeit inaccurate, its just to provide imagery. Instead of gray, it should be a black coin with silver engraving and outlining, and should have runes and valuation inscribed as well.


Having grown tremendously in recent years and enhanced with the addition of new factions to the overall conglomerate, Alzhak Reger’s military has seen a great development in prowess. Originally composed of the undisciplined and the unworthy, under the guidance of Commander Drumheller, and the rule keeping of General Sra, the foundation for what has become the modern day Republic’s military was laid.

Former General Thale, who brought the tactical acumen of Fort Ragathiel with him (in addition to a large amount of soldiers) the originally small forces of the mountain have undergone extensive refurbishment and reorganization, now being made up of a proper armed force rather than a mere militia. In addition to industry by Naramoore Steelworks, many of the well-trained warriors have also received technological upgrades to their respective arsenals.  

Known Specialization Paths

To a degree, specializations are training paths, for those who join the military. They are not the end-all-be-all of either your career, or what you may have to do or work with. There is no 'staying in your lane', soldier. You are needed in whatever you need to be doing, to protect your nation. there should and would be room to get you on missions that don't involve your specialties at all, or have it take a more minor role. After all, it'd be wasteful to bench magekillers just because you didn't fight a wizard army. Furthermore, an 'accelerated' program may exist for individuals displaying extraordinary ability in their respective field, as well as there being subcategories to the paths, based off the mixtures of training you do within your chosen field. You may even mix and match for a hyrid option, for all it matters. These are general guidelines, not hard and fast rules.

  • Anti-Large
  • Spellbreaker/Mage-bane/Mage-Breaker/etc
  • Officer
  • logistics
  • artillery
  • aquatic
  • firearms
  • melee
  • support
  • magic
  • siege weapons
  • explosives
  • Various other categorizations. Honestly, you could find an equivalent of Total War: Warhammer 3 for a specialization. Mainly just don't have flying units, from lack of desire. 'flight' capable troops are more likely to be sub-variations of magic, racial perks, or eccentrics. Irritates me how well the game works for specializations, but it does.


From highest authority, to lowest. It is to be noted, the path to higher ranks is not exclusively Troop->Officer->Commander]. Furthermore, most ranks have further sub-ranks that were not worth defining the names of, but assume they fit this general ranking system.

  • Highest band of authority, Commander ranks (limit of non-sparked. Don't even think of trying to replicate founder-tier achievements without being Sparked, you will just die):
    • Delvar, the founder, and generally agreed high priest of Torag on Chronus, is a rather unique case, and this position would disappear with him, and has full authority when relevant. A similar tier could be achieved, assumedly, in only the most extreme of historic circumstances. Practically mythological circumstances. Depends on the waxing and waning of the eras of the world.
    • General (main)- (lvl 16+) the current military leader of the nation, has at minimum half-army authority as-needed, up to full-army authority while doing sanctioned actions.
    • Generals (secondary)- (lvl 11+) other nation leaders, or high ranking members of the military through both power and achievements. May only command Milenary quantities of troops, outside of specific situations that call for more, albeit nothing stops generals from pooling their authorities and men on joint operations.
    • Dwarven Lords- (lvl 11-15) It is a political position, held by clan representatives, but it has a requirement on actual familiarity with military matters. This requirement has strengthened since post-genocide. Since it is still mainly a political position, their authority is lesser to the actual peak of military specialization, like generals, marshal, warden, etc. However, they'd still have decent authority over a large number of troops, of roughly Milenary size per lord.
      • non-dwarven Lords would more likely head troops of their own respective racial specialties, as they'd know their people best in most cases. Further, they'd have lesser authority than a dwarven lord, in the overall military, but not too much lesser. Difference in being a genuine head of a clan, rather than the 'agreed representative' of the racial group's 'clan', far as their ability to control their men.
  • Middle band of authority, Officer ranks (the limit of a non-exceptional):
    • 'Valor' position- (lvl 10-12) this isn't a true officer position, as non-officers may achieve it as well, however, it acts as a midpoint between Officer and Commander ranks, achieved by sheer capability and achievements, albeit not sufficient in unique achievements to be granted genuine Commander rank. To give an example, however good the officer is, men would not be as likely to follow them into war as they would a legendary soldier. A hero, if you will. Their experience would allow them to bridge the gap in expertise that not being an officer would normally hinder them from being able to effectively command. Understandably, this would still be more limited despite the higher degree of authority. You would not put a man though 80 meat grinders of infantry combat, just to command massive numbers of artillery against flying enemies. However, they'd still be able to command various kinds of ground specialists to a greater degree than an officer of only a single specialization.
    • General Officer- (lvl 2-9) this is more a generalization, than a specific tier of authority. It would be split between various sub-ranks from smaller companies, squads, individual groups, or whichever sizing is relevant below Milenary. These officers would have their own paths of authority based off their particular specializations, be it for combat, support, supply, etc. In extreme situations, this could escalate, as leadership becomes less available, but it is unlikely, and there should not ever come a time an officer need take control of multiple Commander-ranks worth of troops.
  • Lower band of authority, Troop ranks (limits of non-mythic non-exceptionals, including the lower rungs of officer-ranks):
    • Veteran- (lvl 6-8) The elites of the army, those who have met the grindstone and not been found wanting. They make up the upper rungs of their respective specialties as far as not being in charge of anyone is concerned, and have a decent amount of achievements gained over their years of service.
    • Soldier- (lvl 3-6) The main bulk of the military, as Alzhak Reger has not had the benefit of centuries of build-up of long-lived races.
    • Recruit- (expect to be below lvl 3) Fresh-off-the-boats type individuals of little to no experience, who will learn if they have what it takes to be a part of the military.


It is unclear as to whether there is a particular specialty beyond the norm, however, across the board, dwarves are masters of metal. This is seen in their ability to obtain the bounty of the earth, forge it, and create wonders of engineering with them. Many have an affinity for related ways, be it metal magic, manipulation of the earth with mental powers, or simply the progression of technology. The leaders embody many of these ways as well, due to our wide array of crafters of every path currently known to the Eteran continent. It remains to be seen what they may discover... who knows, perhaps this new land will bless the people with new potential as well.


To be fleshed out later, just putting some general holidays of some form of mattering.

  • Founding of the nation, which was Desnus 13th
  • End of the horseman war
  • the restoration of Dun Holvar
  • The return of Torag and his pantheon
  • 5th of Arodus, Avalia's birthday
  • Pharast 6th, ascension of Avalia
  • Name Day and birthday equivalents for others, which is more a personal holiday than a general one.
  • Angel Day
  • Runefeast. On the Summer Solstice during Sarenith. Day marking the day dwarves learnt the first runes and the proper way to pray.
  • Merrymead
  • First Brewing, in early autumn of Torawsh
  • Time of Reminiscence, First day of winter in Kuthona
  • other deity-specific holidays, relevant to gods listed under Religion, albeit less nationally represented.
  • Misc non-fleshed out holidays


These are not so much laws, as deeply held beliefs of people who are fairly traditional in culture. So, if you violate these, the people may decide to enforce themselves upon you, legality be damned. And most likely, while their 'enforcement' will be 'illegal', it is unlikely you will find those willing to enforce law onto the people punishing taboo violators. This does, however, mean there is a general degree of nuance of 'gray areas' between law and tradition, where activities may be gotten away with, especially in unofficial channels, that will not be accepted in public ones. It also can contrast with what kinds of behavior may not be accepted even by fellow criminal elements, should such social stigmas come up.

for now, its just a short list. I'll add more details if people wanna know.

  • not kill worthy
    • Having known relations, connections, and what have you, with 'enemies'. Depending on the particular example and nature of the relationship, this could evolve to kill-worthy. Be it Droskar's ilk, undead, racial hatred type races, those formerly of the Verk Empire, etc.
    • Generally touching upon Verk Empire topics at all, really, outside of clear condemnation and educational purposes. A quick way to become a pariah, in a nation still 'freshly' harmed by events from back then.
    • Taking another's work for your own. I don't necessarily mean stealing, but things like claiming you invented something, or reselling someone elses works as your own, etc. In whatever form that takes, that is behavior unbecoming of a true heart of adamant, only cowardice worthy of Droskar would wish to do such a thing.
    • Betrayal. Of the self, of family, of friends, and so forth.
    • Leeching off of others. Not putting in some form of contribution to the betterment of... something. be it yourself, others, the nation, etc.
    • Going against tradition, be it in sharing of secrets, making 'controversial' choices, or otherwise.
    • Stereotypical non-kill-worthy taboos
  • probably kill worthy
    • Actually being part of the former Verk Empire is quite damning, given the genocides committed by them.
    • Whatever looks a lot like 'doing necromancy', be it raising undead-like beings, or some other thing that isn't illegal due to reasons separate from 'necromancy'. This feeds back into the Verk Empire which used massive amounts of necromancy in their purge of Etera. So, while not illegal for reasons not popular with the citizenry, it is still going to get you got if practiced in almost every situation.
    • Stereotypical kill-worthy taboos


Name Title Position
Delvar Starbreaker Whatever you want to call him Ruler, High Priest
Aurelius Dioecetes Treasurer, Magister
Bovril Grimsbor [NPC] General General
Unspecified [NPC] Viceroy Viceroy
Creighton Drumheller Defender of the Realm Marshal, Warden
Haroun Sar Royal Enforcer, Grand Diplomat
Yuurei Shi Who? Councilor
Tesha Talosan ... Spymaster
Example Example Example

Retired Leaders

No particular order
Annabelle Sinclair Maldrik Shiarza Byrke Vafri El Puño Justo Sra Rilovo
Serule Graves Cormick Thale Alexandra Gibran (unforgiveabely long name) Orok Bajnok
Shale Kalo Mishael Valor/Amos Buru
Grunyn Zariel Qurdrul Avalia Ceres Naramoore [Former PC, Current Deity] Vincent Borgia [NPC]


We support the followers, at the moment, of Torag, all of the non-Droskar options of the Dwarven Pantheon, Ragathiel, Neshen, Cayden Cailean, Sarenrae, Feronia, etc.

Admittedly, though it maintains a strong presence, especially in their main city of Feronheith, a number of the followers of Ragathiel and Feronia moved with Cormick Thale when he separated himself from the kingdom, to take over the city of Setrent, formerly under Martial Law enforced by Alzhak Reger, which had been his assignment by The Moot, in the years prior.


Alzhak Reger, much like some others, has recently been founded on Continent of Siacros. The Kingdom is willing to be initially funded by Inevitability, but as they are considered free to follow their own path regardless, the Kingdom will not necessarily assist them. Until the foundation begins, the history has yet to be known, beyond the initial find.

The Kingdom's flag waving in the wind