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The Nation of Mirrandrar is a powerful and influential mageocracy based in southern Siacros that governs, researches, and utilizes all forms of knowledge, ranging from the arcane to the scientific. At it's head is the Circle of Mirrandrar, an international collective council composed of arcane representatives from each of the major kingdoms of Siacros. The Circle of Mirrandrar serves as a diplomatic body through which the kingdoms may call for regulations, share magical discoveries, or bring up concerns which may be deliberated among the rest of the council. Ultimately, though it serves as a diplomatic waypoint, the Nation of Mirrandrar prizes knowledge and discovery above all, hoping to unite the other kingdoms in it's shared vision of progress.


Based in Southern Siacros, the Nation of Mirrandrar stretches from the Southern Sea in the south to the Starlight Bay in the North. The geography is as varied as it's people, with coastal plains and white bluffs leading to the Southern Sea, soft feyland forests to the west, endless plains of wheat to the north, and rolling green hills to the east.

Below, is a look upon the coastal bluffs of the Southern Sea. Adranach Geography.jpg


Adranach - Former Capitol of Mirrandrar (Demiplane)

A large and bustling metropolis that that formerly floated atop the coastal bluffs that lead into the azure Southern Sea, the capitol of Mirrandrar is a truly unique marvel. Built upon a series of massive hexagonal Mirrandite pillars, the city of Adranach is typically obscured within an illusionary fog that makes it appear as a simple village from a distance. However, as one steps through the illusion, the facade gives way to towering spires of glass and crystal that extend upward out of each hex, glistening in the sunlight or pulsing with raw prismatic arcane energy.

Though neat chiseled and paved marble roads run throughout the city, the varying heights of each of the hexagonal pillars gives the city an extreme vertical element and without magic, it can be extremely difficult to traverse through the city's 27 distinct districts (one for each hex, each hex top plateau being roughly 5 square miles large). Fortunately, for the less magically inclined, permanent portals link the districts together and while travel may seem disorienting at first, once one becomes familiarized with each district, they may find the portal system an extremely efficient method of traversal.

Further, each district holds a unique function and purpose within the city, generally reflecting the Sphere of Magic it is named after. For instance, the Protection District serves as a defensible bastion and entrance to the city.

A city built atop hexed geography, the city of Adranach is truly like no other and it is from this strange phenomena that the capital looks out upon its newer planar home.

the remainder of the Nation of Mirrandrar continues to rule the Southern lands of Siacros. The former Creation District, which hosts countless workshops, artificers, and craftsmen, as well as the former Nature District, which holds fields of fertile soil and lush organic farms, etc. moved the core workers of their respective districts out from the capital prior to its split, and rebased themselves within Riverbend, the next greatest city to the former capital.

Riverbend - Current Capitol of Mirrandrar Riverbend.jpeg

Nested in, as the name goes, a bend in the river that runs through the heart of Mirrandrar, the massive Grootslang, one may find the current capitol of the nation. To settle in more with the wishes of its master, this city does not float like the previous one. It remains upon the ground, and makes use of the natural magics of the land, as some might call Feng Shui, to bring prosperity and empowerment to the area.

Built by the river, are some breweries, making use of waterwheels and local plant-life to make various odd concoctions. Within the city itself, one will find sweeping and ambitious projects by the settled sub-factions that wish to paint their own picture of magic on the living area. Earth mages using metals and stone, painter wizards using actual paint, occult users making use of hoodoo or other various ethnic magics from their homelands to give a unique appearance to their areas of dwelling, and so on. Renny hoped that allowing for creativity to blossom in the heart of this newer capitol would allow for further aspects of interesting magic to be uncovered.

It is from this place, that the nation hopes to mend any previously strained relations, as well as make headway in accepting views of other lands. After all, not everyone with importance to magic has to be from Mirrandrar, especially outside of Siacros.

Places of Interest

University of Mirrandrar - Adranach Sitting atop the highest district of Adranach, overlooking the rest of the city, the University of Mirrandrar serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it functions as the pinnacle of prestige in the teaching and research of the arcane, scientific, and psionic arts, discovering entirely new bodies of magic and passing magical knowledge down to new generations. Secondly, the University of Mirrandrar also serves as the campus headquarters of the Circle of Mirrandrar, political body responsible for guiding, dictating, and enforcing magic policy throughout all of Siacros.

Nine grand spires tower over the verdant green lawn of the campus forming a circle that represents each of major nations of Siacros with the prismatic crystalline and quartz Tower of Mirrandrar stood at the campus' center. Interestingly, the materials of the other towers also reflect back on their nation. For instance, the Tower of the Tides is built of coral and pearl shaped like oceanic waves as they swirl reaching to the sky. In contrast, the Tower of the Moot is brutalist in design, being composed of solid stone, carved with dwarven craftsmanship and inscribed with gold inlaid runes. It is within each of these unique towers that the representatives from each nation reside.


The Nation of Mirrandrar being entirely scholarly, diplomatic, and pacifistic in nature refrains from maintaining any form of large standing army. Instead, laws are enforced within the nation through the deployment of complex clockwork constructs, designed to be resistant to both physical and magical attacks.


While the libraries and universities of Mirrandrar attract all manner of scholars, poets, and magicians, the people of Mirrandrar are a diverse melting pot of many cultures ranging from the desert peoples of Karakol, the islanders of the Starlight Union, and even the intelligible undead of the former Scarlet Kingdom. All are welcome in Mirrandrar so long as they share that same thirst for knowledge and many find it is often easy to move up through the ranks of Mirrandrari society so long as one has talent, cunning, intelligence, or resolve.


The progression of civilization comes in many ways, but often common folk would consider the development of magic to be juxtaposed to the development of technology. This generally stems from the misunderstanding as to what qualifies as 'technology'. For Mirrandrar, their technology is, understandably, very dependent upon magic, and magical items. Further development of this technology, in turn, requires new spells and magical items to produce the desired functions, at the desired scales. Given the high rate of magical potential of the citizens of a mageocracy, up to the limitations of 9th circle magic, there is great flexibility to what may be performed in both function and scale. They do not generally make use of what is generally considered technology, however, which is 'artifice'. Examples of magical technology include:

  • Transportation to wherever one may scry to, or be familiar with.
  • Incredibly efficient scaling of space utilization, as one can expand that space extra-dimension-ally should the normal land be insufficient for desired purposes, or if the intended use would be... problematic... to contain within material space.
  • Capacity to trade upper quality for convenience, should an additional product me needed, and a reference is available for rendering a lesser copy at the moment at hand, instead of waiting the time it would take to receive another from its source.
  • Portaling to connect further points with lesser material, such as piping, which can be shunted as needed to a different destination, simplifying the needed network of connections.



Unlike most currency for nations, Mirrandrar bases theirs on a magic-based standard, with 10 tiers of currency. The currency's value is determined by the magic stored within it. While there may be different values depending on what magic is stored in it, generally speaking, these tiers refer to Cantrip-tier magic, up to 9th circle magic. Rarer or unique magic would, understandably, have more value, but generally, this is the standard. After all, what else could have the greatest value to a mage, than magic itself? This does, economically speaking, have stratification based directly upon the maximum tier of magic a mage can access, but that is how a mageocracy works to a degree, anyways. Additionally, this method of currency gain allows even the most hermit-like citizens to not worry of complete loss of indepedences, they merely must make sure to siphon their magical capacity into this currency.

It is, however, much rarer to find currency of the highest tiers, for more than just the reasons of scarcity of such level of power. And that is the rarity of currency capable of holding such power. So, 7th-9th has a degree of additional prestige in them, for purposes of trading, each additional tier further separating from those below in respect. Rumors abound of special currency, to contain powers considered well beyond what is normally ascribed to 9th circle, but not much is confirmed, as such degree of power is nearly non-existent among the nations outside of the pinnacle.

The Circle Mages

  • (Tharoc) Renny Sebek, the Kegmaster of the Kegstand (Headmaster of Mirrandrar, Warden of Siacros's Southern Coast)

  • (Archwizard) Zor'kylo, the Grand Primus (Headmaster of Adranach)

  • (Cornwheat, currently npcified due to inactivity) Grand Duchess Prinzessin Saint Claire D'Sangria Von Elorainne De Lunaveil Azureleaf XVIII, the Sanguine Rose of Myrrh (Overseer of Expansion)

  • (D.L.J., currently npcified due to inactivity) Alloces Veil, the Blueberry Mage of Sarent (Assistant to the Overseer of Expansion)

  • (Vegizombie, currently npcified due to inactivity) Illelna Sapphireveins (Councilor)

  • (Riverstyx) Byrke Vafri, the Artifice Scholar of the Moot (General)

  • (Ame) Cyna, the Winter Witch of Scarlet (Grand Diplomat)

  • (Hussam, currently an NPC due to quitting server) Hussam Abquora, the Desert Hawk of Karakol - (High Priest)

  • (Ellie) Ellie Shadeflare, the Crimson Duelist of the Tides (Magister)

  • (Kaigen) Saria Kal (Marshal)

  • (aa3447, currently npcified due to inactivity) Danti Duskcoat (Royal Enforcer)

  • (Lausth, currently npcified due to inactivity) Taurus Shade (Spymaster)

  • (Vlad) Elorin, Master of Noke (Treasurer)

  • (Jan) Annabelle Sinclaire, Reality Shaper of Erebus (Viceroy)


There is not really particular religion practiced by the secular mages of Mirrandrar, but neither is there policy against it. The divine magic branches of research will naturally find congregations of mages who dedicate themselves to the sources of their magical power. If one must list it, among the leaders who do have faith, would include Renny Sebek, the headmaster of the Siacros section of Mirrandrar, as a brewkeeper of Cayden Cailean.


The Nation of Mirrandrar was founded by Renny Sebek and Zor'kylo. Originally, it was founded as a haven from the less learned; where magical knowledge could be protected from those who might destroy it for unknown reasons and where the intellect of those who would call it home could be stimulated. However, with the ascension of Grand Duchess Prinzessin Saint Claire D'Sangria Von Elorainne De Lunaveil Azureleaf XVIII to Point of the Circle, the Circle of Mirrandrar has expanded it's power and influence, serving as an international diplomatic council between each of the major nations. Forming a circle of equal standing both magically, and scholarly, Mirrandrar stands to be a place where secrets of magic may be unearthed, and spread amongst those who would appreciate it.

After a time, beliefs diverged. Claire, having found another cause by which to once again rally behind, took her focus away from expansion to reach outward to newer horizons beyond Chronus.

Zor'Kylo, would go on to split off from the nation's main body, taking the capital, Ardranach, with him to a further off demiplane of his own. Within this planar realm, he would remain a headmaster of the arcane studies within Adranach's university, teaching mages who visit there, the deeper depths of arcane. Should one desire to go to this further college, one may step through the major Gate to it, where a hub exists upon the foundations of where the city formerly lied, connected to the other cities across the coastal region.

After this split, the rest of the nation would take on little difference in overall aesthetic, however, due to much of the arcane students choosing to study in Ardranach, the other branches of magic would take greater influence on Siacros itself. Greatest of all, would be more primordial magics, if only because of the headmaster who remains in Riverbend, Renny Sebek the Brewmaster, is highly specialized in a mixture of divine and nature magic, the former supplementing the latter. After that, would be the further branches of Occult, Divine, Psychic, Psionic, etc., headed by other Circle Mages, and respected educators.