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The planet Chronus is a mostly blue, mostly spherical celestial body composed mostly of water and interspersed with landmasses. Cosmologically it is considered one of the most important worlds on the wider material plane owing in part to its location, though for unknown reasons, but largely on account of the more powerful entities inhabiting it and the sheer quantity of attention it gets from extraplanar entities, malign or otherwise.


Little to nothing is known about the early life of the planet, though some records suggest the presence of a great and powerful progenitor race of significant arcane power, supposedly responsible for The Towers of Magic and possibly for the errant Technology Tower. At this stage it was thought that all lands were conjoined into a supercontinent and that the progenitor race faded from history as a result of or just after a theoretical cataclysm named ‘The Schism’, which split the and formed the continents and islands as we know them today.

Following this calamity life sprung forth in more recognisable ways and slowly civilisation formed on the various lands. Various theories exist to explain how this might have occurred though a prevalent one is that planar rifting, a supposedly more common occurrence back then, brought forth beings from other planes or worlds that then settled the lands and built new lives. This is supported by evidence from Sparked refugees that tell of incredible similarities among the wildlife present on their former worlds and on Chronus.


There are currently five known continents on Chronus; Etera, Siacros, Kandra, Vrozai and Setlaar. Each is noted by its relative direction from the center continent of Etera. Beneath the earth lays 'The Darklands', with each continent and even some areas beneath the sea floor hosting these vast caverns in some form or another.


Of the known landmasses, the continent of Etera is considered ‘the most central’ due to its relative position prior to The Schism. Its long and storied history of strife and triumph is often the subject of tales in other lands and it is here that the vast majority of Sparked individuals seem to appear, either born natively to the world or arriving spontaneously, effectively as refugees.


To the east of Etera sits the much larger continent of Siacros, a largely untamed wilderness before the last ten years when Eteran settlers, emboldened by offers of financial and logistical aid from the shadowy Inevitability, established their kingdoms and nations away from the tumult of their homeland. Now, while the majority of it remains wild, civilisations boom and many more eyes turn towards it as a land of opportunity.


To the west of Etera looms the home continent of The Setlaar States, a conglomerate of nations united in economic interest and welfare. By far the largest landmass, The States are seen by many as a technological marvel and a land of relative peace when compared to the seemingly primitive standards of Etera and Siacros. For a long time they were ironically isolationist towards those beyond their landmass, but recent events have fostered a bond of friendship between them and the other peoples of the world, even if it is overshadowed somewhat by ‘Setlaari Exceptionalism’.


Northward lays Kandra, relatively small in stature but storied all the same. A land of honor and blood, samurai warriors and monstrous oni. Little besides is known about Kandra, though rumor tells of shady activity and oni sightings on Etera have led to speculation that all may not be well over there.


A ways to the north-west is a land home to great and monstrous Kaiju that emerged from the sea and the central crater inland to terrorize the native population who, in a last effort to survive, fled via boat to the shores of Etera. Ravaged constantly by these monsters, it was not all too long ago that settlers from Etera and Siacros made a combined and successful effort to reclaim at least some of the lost land. Through a time anomaly they flourished faster than anticipated and now hold a sole bastion and beacon of technology in the otherwise deadly land.

The Darklands

Beneath the surface of many continents and, supposedly even beneath the sea in its shallower regions, there stretch impressive caverns yet to be mapped by the surface folk and inhabited by those dark races of the deep earth such as the drow and duergar to name but two. Little is known beyond the uppermost regions and even that knowledge is guarded by the dwarves of both Dun Holvar and Alzhak Reger. It is said that, in the truly deep places, automata of unfathomable power roam constantly, patrolling and eliminating any foolish enough to delve too deep.