Best Noodles I've ever had

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“A story?” Florata the soft-spoken head of the Cerberus questions. “Um.’ She ponders a moment, the other two not caring. “Oh, about a story about the best noodles we ever had?!” the other two sighed. “Well.” She goes on. “When we first were out on our own, we ended up in a rather….um..” “Shit, a shit situation is what you call it,” Zaraga interjected. “Yeah…. So we ended up in The Nebulous East, more importantly, Mosir, the Northern Island. Low on absolutely everything, we ended up being familiarized with a park bench in the wrong place in town…. We had to wrestle with the local homeless population for our spot. This went on for a bit longer than we would like to admit, winter was rolling in, we need a place to stay, and not many places are willing to hire a big three-headed dog. Well, except one place…”  Florata trying to remember. “Yeah, the last night we were homeless” both the other heads grunt and cringe. “There was this wonderful smell, pork, seaweed, greeted us” Florata daydreaming the event “Our legs moved on their own a man with dirty blonde hair and horns of a bull. He didn’t notice us… somehow, as we approached he greeted us with a warm smile, opening the door for us. His name was” Dorada interjected rudely. “His name is Rolxus Satō. A strange Tiefling man took us in. The noodles we were fed that day still never left our minds. But truthfully… It wasn’t the noodles I remembered the most, it was just the way he smiled, the way he treated us mostly, you felt it in his cooking, to this date no other noodles taste the same.” deflecting from his kindness “And the free room he gave us, free food basically, the guy was an odd fellow, he said he was in the long line of noodles makers, but something just felt off.” Florata trails off “The work we did wasn’t even really work more just lifting boxes, I hope he’s doing fine… We should go pay him a visit again after this.” They all agree.