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The Trio is an Anthropomorphic Cerberus: standing at a staggeringly high 8.5 feet tall broad shoulder, intimidating frame. Fur is a vibrant red, well above average arm to-torso ratio. Ending, with hands to match the odd proportions, with paw pads on each digit and a pad in the middle.  Each head is styled differently going left to right

Zaraga, hair grown long but cut short, left in an emover covering their eyes. Dorada, cut into a mohawk. Florata long hair, with frizzy endings, bouncy is the term people would use.


Born Calistril 18th, year 33, It was the dead of winter. With the machine's whirring, numerous figures become defined, sterile white ceiling, white floor tiling mashed in with the grays machines. The figure adored in gray meshes made of soft reflective material, wearing tinted goggles. They begin to clap, things start to get blurry once more. This was the day Zaraga,Muerte Dorada, and Florata was born.

The trio grew up in a relatively quiet room roughly fifteen by fifteen room. Colorful blocks laid untouched by them, their vibrant fur in contrast to the tiled flooring. The endless monotony is being broken up by the similar men, conducting their “test”. These range from asking each head simple questions, “what color am I holding? How many fingers am I holding up” The three replied with muted tones. At this point, the three didn’t view each other as a separate entities. But after a time and when the men left for today. Dorada asked “You two hate these guys too?” Zaraga and Florata replied in kind “Yep.” They kept their bond secret from the now-named “idiots”.

Years went on, some weeks not nearly a peep out of the idiots' others, however… The trio was tasked with some call a “field test”?  The same idiot that first greeted them to the world. Now barking orders over and over again. “Here girl!” with a taunting whistle. Again and again, these demeaning commands till Dorada in an instant turned her head, and glared at the idiot, she could tell fear crawled behind those tinted goggles as she opened her jaw latched on his face, and crushed the front of his skull, spitting out the gore on the floor. The body slumping to the floor alarms were heard all over red light filled the room.

The other two are in shock, terror, and awe. In unison: “Um…. What now?” Muerte Dorada: “Don’t worry about it, I have a plan” She didn’t have a plan… The story goes the facility ended with an explosion and fire. Thus started their life journey.


Zaraga: Unsociable, rude, uncharismatic

Muerte Dorada: Outgoing, rash, loud

Florata: Shy, gentle


Kill god

Eat the soul of one of the saw leaders

Interesting events

Story Time: Best Noodles I've ever had 6th-10th of Abadius, 56 IA [09/04/2022]