Rolxus Satō

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"Life ebbs and flows, but will never ebb is the people's hunger."

Rolxus Sato the owner of the local noodle shop


As a tiefling born into the Satō family of Mosir, Rolxus was raised to inherit his family’s noodle business and, living in an enclave, enjoyed a peaceful childhood among other tieflings. Though never burdened by the noodle making profession, Rolxus was slow to fully appreciate the trade until, on a cold winter morning, when the shop was nearly void of occupants, in came a peculiar customer: a human girl. Rolxus, having been left alone attending the bar, was somewhat intimidated by the sight, for he had been taught of the prejudices held against tieflings. However, the girl on marched in with confidence, and setting down the payment in front of him, ordered a bowl of noodles. They were served, and henceforth the girl because a valued customer of the Satō family. She too taught Rolxus of the power of homemade noodles, for though hitherto worrying of the way she and the tieflings would perceive one another, her patronage showed that distrust could be overcome. Rolxus has since then made it his goal to share noodles with anyone of any race, and going on to marry this girl and win, though with strenuous effort, the support of her family, he has seen success in this regard.

Sato Noodle shop Image: dorohedoro by Q Hayashida


Involving himself mostly with the simple occupation of noodle-making, Roxlus has only been on one expedition of note: a journey to the capital of Mosir to request information from the Yejin company. The circumstances were less than favorable. Earlier that year, Roxlus’s eldest son had left the Satō family business to pursue work for Yejin company and, following a vehement argument with Roxlus had not been heard of since. It was as he stood in before Yejin’s reception, frowned upon and weighted by callous glares, that he received the news that his son had ceased reporting to work for nearly two months. Taking it up with Mukei officials to report his son missing, he was offered little support and returned to his community heartbroken.


Though bearing the imposing characteristics of tieflings, with twisting horns, fanged teeth, solid rose eyes, and a hefty tail reaching nearly five feet in length, Roxlus was sure to be as comely and conscious of his appearance as possible, keeping his dark hair well-groomed and clothing himself with the traditional attire of the nebulous east.


Roxlus is rather quiet and reserved, and though no stranger to tieflings in his community who bear their villainous reputation with pride, he has always carried himself with gentility and virtue. Nonetheless, he holds respect for those who assume identities aligning with their infernal heritage, and can recognize certain immoral undertakings as just means to ends. However, he struggles conducting himself in such manners, even in situations where it may be the only way to achieve his goals.



A woman raised in Mukei that Roxlus met when he was fourteen. Kazuki, even at a young age, was a fervent connoisseur of noodles, and bored of the machine and magic manufactured noodles of Mukei, went off in search of those made with heart. Against at the advice of her family, who are closely tied to the Yejin company, and having heard rumours of the Satō family’s noodle-making abilities, Kazuki left the city and headed towards the island’s more rural countryside. After making her first purchase at the Satō family’s shop, she quickly grew close with Roxlus. He, attracted by her optimism and fearlessness, formed a bond with her that was starkly unlike those which he made with other tiefling children, and soon found himself deeply in love with her and the inspiration she brought to his culinary pursuits. Their relationship has only ever been strained when, finding themselves with an unexpected child, they found themselves the subject of intense pressure and insult. Though they overcame these struggles and are now contently married with two children, Roxlus at times feels shame for his interracial family.


Though originally having given his firstborn son the name Unity, Roxlus did not overtly mind Masaru’s decision to change his name. The two, sharing an unbroken relationship for most of Masaru’s life, became estranged with one another the moment the former declared his intent to work for the Yejin company in Mukei. It was known among the tiefling through rumour that the organization was not found of those with infernal heritage, and Roxlus, though ever compassionate and open-minded, became angry with his son for this decision, believing it to be counterproductive to his goal of erasing prejudice. Masaru had insisted their goals still aligned and that Yejin was perfectly reputable company, yet not long after their dispute, suddenly went missing. Devastated by his sons disappearance, Roxlus has made it a goal of his to see his son safely returned home


As the youngest child of the Satō family, Roxlus at times finds himself both neglecting and doting on his second son, concerned over having at least one of his children inherit the family business and, as of late, spending lengths of time too busy fretting over Masaru’s disappearance to place much attention to the young boy. However, once Roxlus realizes he has failed to spend time with Trust, he is quick to set time aside to make up for his faults.


Above all, Roxlus aspires to purge the malevolent associations of tieflings from the minds of others, including tieflings themselves. For this, he behaves virtuously, and hopes to build unity and trust between all living beings, even if his only means of achieving his goal is the simple profession of noodle-making. Yet coinciding with this pursuit is the drive to investigate his son’s disappearance. It is this that is most daunting to Roxlus, for feeling as though he has exhausted all legitimate means for achieving inquiry with the Yejin company, he fears resorting to means with might worsen the reputation of tieflings.