Rescue, Recovery, Reconnaissance

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OOC: 10/6/2020

IC: Pharast 26, 45 IA.

Ran By: Kestrel404

Notable NPCs


Rescue, Recovery, Reconnaissance There’s been a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean! One of the crew got off a distress call with a scroll of sending. The adventurer’s guild is sending people out to do rescue operations via a teleportation. You’ll be given an inflatable raft big enough for the entire crew. Salvage operations aren’t required since it’s a fishing boat. As a side mission, find out what caused the crash. Aquatic adventurers preferred.

Levels: @⚔️ Levels 6-10 @⚔️ Levels 11-15
Signup Duration/Start Time: 4:00pm EST (that's 2 hours from now. Sign ups close at 3:30pm EST)
Number of Players: 5-6
Date(s) the session takes place on: Pharast 26th
Worst Case Scenario: You drown

Signup in ⁠⛲rp-sign-ups with this format: Name / Level / Mythic / Class (Archetype) [Gestalt Class (Archetype)] / Role / Alignment / Mythic Drawbacks / Why are you running off to rescue nameless fishermen?


OOC: JustRegularAacer
IC: Riley Greycloud
Level: 10
OOC: Tharoc
IC: Ferrus Moltenblood
Level: 5
OOC: DicerTheJester
IC: Baran Saltblood
Level: 9
OOC: Silphael
IC: Edenlal Teshen
Level: 7
OOC: Jigewe
IC: Rikkan Whitetail
Level: 8
OOC: Tsungire
IC: Ezzi Pounamu
Level: 7


rp starts here

Word has gone out to gather adventurers quickly. They just got word by Message spell that a ship has been wrecked in an otherwise unremarkable patch of ocean - but the weather out there is bitterly cold and the crew are not likely to survive too long without aid.

The adventurer’s guild has a mage on stand-by ready to cast mass teleport for the group of you. They’ve got the teleport coordinates from the sailors - but for some reason magical scrying is failing for an entire mile (exactly) around the site. As far as anyone can tell, there is nothing in particular in that patch of ocean, on the surface or underwater, which would require that type of warding. The mages think it is a natural phenomenon, or perhaps caused by instability in the adjacent Astral or Ethereal planes.

Regardless, they’re going to have to send you in blind, or else a mile away from the sailors. It’s up to you if you’re brave enough to risk a blind teleport.

After the adventurers had readied up, a magician would send them on their way to where the shipwrecked crew still could be found, floating along with the debris of their former vessel. An odd sight as seen, as it turned out that the patch of nothing on attempts to scry, was repeated once again physically before them, for a hole was simply here, in the ocean before the party.*F6INPDae6fOfeOk1tFe94w.jpeg

The adventurer’s would find that their inference of something invisible being there, rather than an actual hole, held true. Whatever it was, not only let no light expose it, but also absorbed the sound of any attempts upon its form. Upon trying to go above, below, and around, the object was determined to be some form of towering structure of roughly cylindrical shape 100 ft across, and 300ft above the ocean. As for how much height below the ocean, it is unknown, as well as having little in the way of a discernible entrance. Interestingly, it is perfectly or near perfectly smooth and level throughout the structure, but eventually, it is decided that it’d be more prudent to have Riley Greycloud guard the lives of the crew on their way back to Fort Fair Maiden, while the rest continued investigation. After a time, the investigation discovered a protrusion 800 ft below the water, in what seemed to be movable ‘tiles’.

A few moment of investigation later yields results - sort of. There is a clear square of 'raised' tiles/bricks that surround a bunch of other squares, some of which are 'deeper' and some of which will 'move' when pressed with enough force. The tiles will shift up, down, left or right depending on how they are pushed. And they have differing textures. With a 23 on Arcana, Edenlal easily recalls that the spell Invisibility can be made permanent on objects, but is not the only way to make 'invisible' objects. The smoothness of the tower is actually more reminiscent of a wall of force… Feeling the individual tiles, there appears to be five tile textures in total, split between 17 tiles in a 7x7 'grid'. The textures form, roughly, the shapes of "L", "X", "4", "7" and "F". There are three of every type except for the X, which has 5.

Upon solving the puzzle by luck, the party found themselves sucked in, as an opening formed. Even within, nothing could be seen, just emptiness. Within the section of tower the party found themselves in, traps of various kinds were found, including spinning automations of Force blasts coming from invisible wands of magic missile, invisible blades, and more.

After having finally dealt with the traps and found a way back out of the tower similar to how they’d come in, a psychic voice relayed the following message to the adventurers: A psychic voice shouts into your heads. "Welcome to the Telekinetic Testing Tower mk12, scanning....lifeforce insufficient. Chance of survival: 0%. Please find more powerful subjects. Have a nice day!" And thus, the Tower of Telekinesis was discovered, and relayed back to Etera, for higher level adventurers to deal with.


@[Multiclassing JoJo Mod] Tharoc @Dicer The Jester @Silphael (CGgang) @Jigewe @Tsungire You each get Level * 1000 xp, Level * 1000 gp, 30 BC, +5 fame for locating a Tower, and an Invisible Wand of Invisble Magic Missile
The wand is invisible, detects as universal magic of the lowest possible level, and casts Magic Missile at CL 1, with the 'Invisible Spell' metamagic applied (the missile is, itself, invisible), useable 3/day. ALSO, you may apply Flask Shards to the wands! Each Flask Shard increases the caster level by 4, causing it to fire 2 additional missiles per activation, and allows it to be used an additional 1/day. Maximum Flask Shard: +2
@[JustRegularJr.Mod] Aacer You get Level * 500 XP and Level * 1200 gp as thanks from the grateful fishermen, and 15 BC.