Etera's Adventuring Guild

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Adventuring Guild

Babel's Adventuring Guild Exterior

In a newly refurbished part of Western Babel rises a spectacular building that is seeing a lot of activity in recent days. Built around a small district of Halfling houses, this building appears to tower above the much smaller shacks and houses. The purpose of this building is to help organise the Adventurers of Babel into a safer and more renowned group, using laws and regulations to keep both the regular citizens safe and the Adventurer's who might be signed up for it.

The Guild itself has a large open foyer with many tables and chairs for Adventurers to relax. Citizens of Babel are encouraged to come to the Guild to post requests for aid, request assistance from Adventurers, or even sell their wares to those who might need them. The Adventurers themselves can help others within the building, sharing knowledge on particular subjects or forming groups to take on deadly requests.

Adventurers in the Guild offer personal services to people as listed below;

  • If any adventurers have stories they are willing to have recorded and publicised, Voradale is willing to pay them 1,000 GP for an interview; to record their experiences for posterity. (Contact Eye of the Storm on discord)
  • The Guild has been gifted several magical items with the request they be loaned to Adventurers. These items are: Cloak of Resistance +4, Charm of Dexterity +3 (ring), and Charm of Constitution +2 (ring). These items can be taken out only by members of the Guild and must be returned to the Guild within 24 hours. (Thanks HellShadow on discord for this)
  • Alesia offers access to a magic formation(at a monthly fee) enabling easy access to long term buffs. (Contact Ato on discord for details)
  • Magic Tattoo: These act like the potion of their name and can be used even within an Antimagic or Null magic area. The potions scale on the users Hit Dice and cannot be destroyed. The effects are, Spider Climb, Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport, or Cure Wounds (4d8+4d6+15 healing). [they can be used in amf/null magic with a HD check of the user vs 11+cl of the effect (or 31 if null magic), these are chest slot tattoos so you can only have one at a time but dont take up the slot for magic items and last until used, thanks a mysterious patron for this]
  • Latent Healing: Single-use self-only Healing, can use as a Swift Action. Cures 40 hp. Unlimited duration, also works on undead and constructs. You can only have 1 at a time, from any source. See Anthei (Vlad on discord) for more details and more powerful versions, including condition removal and a sanctuary effect.
  • Spell Sharing: If you have a Spellbook, Formula Book, or similar, you can copy spells from this list. You pay your own scribing cost, but it's otherwise free. If you have any not on there and you're willing to share, add them!

Registration, Tiers, and Services

Any Adventurer can register themselves with the Guild as long as they promise to abide by the rules of Babel and the cities the Adventurers may travel to for a quest. This does mean that any person with a criminal history may be denied depending on the severity of their crimes. Beyond that registering cost only 5gp per Adventurer.

Adventuring Guild Interior

Tiers of Adventurers range from F rank all the way up to SSS rank. An Adventurer at any rank must pay the Guild Tax of 5gp per month to remain in the Guilds good graces and maintain the benefits being within the Guild permits. This cost can be paid in advance and goes to keeping the Guild running. Each Tier or Tier Bracket (F-D, C-B, A-SSS) gives Adventurers going on a Guild approved quest a few bonuses, mainly items they are given to help them on the quest (the group receives these, not the individual characters). Low tier only receive three items on the list of their choosing, Medium tier receive six, and High tier receive ten.

The items are as such;

  • Panacea: This potion can remove one condition the imbiber is suffering from. (Deafened, fatigued, shaken, sickened, diseased, exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, staggered, frightened, blinded, paralyzed or stunned.)
  • Salve: This poultice can be used, as a standard action, to heal yourself or another creature within reach 7d8+39 hit points. Only four of these poultices are given out to a group at one time.
  • Silver War Paint: This paint can be applied to a visible part of your clothing or skin to give a +4 Deflection bonus to AC for 24 hours.
  • Elixir: This potion can be used as a standard action to cure 1d12 ability damage and 10 ability drain each from 4 ability scores of your choice.
  • Elixir of Life: This potion can be used, as a standard action, to restore a dead target back to life. As long as the target hasn't been dead longer than 7 rounds the target gains 1 hit point and a temporary negative level. The target also gains 7 additional hit points for every hit die they possess.
  • Ambrosia: This potion can be used, as a standard action, to remove any number of maladies from a creature. These are; any Curse effect, all injuries such as broken bones loss of hearing/sight, regrow missing limbs(this takes 10 minutes to fully happen), all temporary and permanent negative levels, or remove any abilities and spells that state they can only be cured by the Miracle or Wish spells. A creature can only benefit from Ambrosia once per day.

(Note, these potions only last for 24 hours. They can only be taken before the session starts(or during if a DM permits) so you can't keep them in your inventory for too long)

On top of these benefits the Adventurers gain, one member of each team to go on sanctioned quests is given a Shell of Sending. If at any time during a quest the group feels in danger they may send a 25-word message to the Guild for aid. This shell comes in the shape of a small conch shell earring that can be looped around an ear without piercing the skin. The shell must be given back after the quest is concluded.

Moving Headquarters

With many issues arising with the guild keeping itself within Babel, those that have a vested interest in the continued efforts and output of the guild have decided to move to a safer and more secure city; Outer Eight. With this move the people are given free passage on the steam carriages that travel from Babel to Outer Eight, allowing people easy travel between work and home if they wish to stay within Babel's walls. For those who journey to Kingdoms beyond the reach of the steam carriage, a portal network is being set up between such Kingdoms. With this underway, the Guild hopes it can help many people from different continents.

Ranking Up

Those within the ranks of the Guild may increase their Tier through personal effort but never above a certain threshold. Adventurers always start at the lowest Tier for their level, Levels 2-5 start at Tier F, levels 6-10 start at Tier C, levels 11-15 start at Tier A, and levels 15 and above are ranked based on special circumstances. Those in a Tier Bracket may rank up within said bracket but never out of it until they reach the next level range.

Ranking up is done by spending one day of Downtime and rolling a d20, this represents the Adventurer doing what they do best, helping people and saving lives (or other flavour you can describe). To rank up the result of the d20 roll must be higher than your level (or a nat 20 for level 20+), you cannot influence this roll in any way, including Mythic. Example, Dora the Explorer is Tier E and level 3, she wishes to rank up within the Guild so spends a day of downtime and rolls a d20, the result of the d20 is a 6 which is above her level, therefore she attains Tier D. Once Dora reaches level 5 she can attempt to rank up to Tier C.

One way to attain a certain rank that bypasses these conditions is to present the Guild with an Adventuring Card of yourself. This waves all future Guild fees and automatically sets your Tier to that of the card. The Guild does not keep the card.

Known Adventuring Guild Members

A home cooked meal after a job well done!

This is a list of the publicly known Adventurers and their Tier;

(Players may add their PCs to this list and link to their wiki page. Note, you are not required to have a Wiki page for your character to join)