Edenlal Teshen

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A towering woman that is quite hard to not notice, Edenlal is in fact of a slightly bigger than average size for a nephilim. The first thing usually noted is her fiery red hair, unless she's wearing the helmet of her armor made of eternally polished steel. Her weapon of choice is a size appropriate adamantine greatsword called Chainbreaker.


Born in a small nomadic clan of nephilim, Edenlal always wished to reclaim what is supposed to be their right by blood, the divinity they are descended from. When it became obvious that the rest of the clan was content with what they had, she left.

She traveled a little, until she got scammed by slavers, who had the both brilliant and bad idea to capture her to sell her as a slave. Before that could happen, she organized an uprising amongst the slaves, slaughtered the slavers, and took what they had gathered earlier, what is now known as her weaponry. With it, followed by the freed slaves, and with trusty companions, she reached Babel.

Striking the Behemoth

As Edenlal and her party reached the camp where the strike teams were getting ready, with her council, Zildon Tray, the scoundrel, and Nivir Tolen, her shield-mate, and her flock of commoners, among them quite a number of craftsmen, she quickly organized them into a quick camp, preparing to offer crafting services to anyone requiring help.

In-between, Edenlal went to find teams of soldiers in need of training and gear, spread her cohorts so they could lead the training of minor groups while she drilled formations into bigger groups. Zildon went to train the skirmishing teams, giving them training on the finest aspects of fencing and backstabbery, or at least that's what he pretended for the first part while being focused on the second, and at the same time Nivir was taking care of front-liners, helping at ordering their stances.

Yet both of them were soldiers, not commanders. All they could really pay attention to was individual training, and so they did. Edenlal, on the other hand, was a consummate commander. What she lacked in specific skill, she compensated with precise maneuvers, interwoven formations, and sharp motivational shouts. All in all, despite the short time allowed, those three could at least lead to a semblance of martial proficiency in their troops.

Once the initial training done, she went through other teams, noting their strengths and weaknesses, making a quick comment whenever those weaknesses were too blatant. Once back to her tent, she started establishing battle plans based on her observations and the reputation of the other adventurers she met at the main camp.

Each time her tactical inspiration ran out, she went out of her tent, noting new changes, applying delayed healing on soldiers who would become cornerstones of their formations, discussing tactics with other adventurers and with the high command of the assault. This repeated quite a number of times, until she knew enough of the soldiers, their officers, and the rest to more or less anticipate their changes as she went out again.

At that point, her first plans were more or less ready. Given the nature of the target, there was some limits to what they could do to strike at them.

First, if the Behemoth was mostly patrolling the same area, it would mean that guerrilla tactics are obsolete, given that they would know the potential battlefield. In that case, an ambush at a perfect point of passage would be appropriate.

On the other hand, if the Behemoth is going through no specific path, anticipating its travels won't be possible, but we could set up a trap by creating a lucrative target that they couldn't pass on. With that, with carefully positioned platoons, an attack would be possible, especially if bypassing most of their offensive power, focused on our lure, while we strike the city.

In any case, we will need to be able to quickly get on the town and infiltrate it with, as target, the neutralization of their mobility in mind. Once that is done, half of the work will be done, especially if it is permanent.

Once inside, regular urban tactics would apply, and their forces are probably not used to be on the defensive for that purpose. Strike teams composed of adventurers would be perfect to dismantle their formations and to strike at vital targets. 

Of course, such a support isn't adapted to scribe down the entirety of the battle plans she made and brought to the leaders of the assault, debating the pros and cons of each.