The Sentries

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The Sentries are an organization on Chronus dedicated to saving lives and the greater good. Rather than defining themselves as adventurers, the Sentries prefer to be called “Heroes,” whose sense of idealism and colorful costumes inspire the population. The Sentries have operated long enough to be well-known throughout the world of Chronus, and were formed in response to the negativity and fear many adventurers began to be viewed with due to recent events.


Moffett Moschella Midgley (otherwise known as Moff for short) is an alien, and much of her knowledge of Chronus came from secondhand sources. Throughout the galaxy, Chronus has begun to be viewed with a mixture of awe and fear due to the powers many of its adventurers have displayed. Growing up, Moff heard fantastical tales about the adventurers of Chronus, and how they saved their planet several times from all sorts of seemingly insurmountable threats.

Once she arrived on Chronus, Moff found that the majority of the adventurers did not live up to their legends. Rather than fighting for the common good, Moff found that adventurers were generally motivated by money, the teaching of a deity, or the needs of a nation. There were very few who did good deeds purely because they were the right thing to do or because the common people were in danger. Moff was a skilled wizard, and with her power, she felt that she could make a difference and help people, provided she was not alone.


As such, the Sentries were born, a group of like-minded people who believe in the common good, and prioritize the saving of lives above all else. While the Sentries are willing to resort to more lethal measures if the threat is too great, generally speaking, they work to minimize casualties and protect those who cannot defend themselves. Members of different nations and followers of various deities are welcome within the organization, provided they are willing to put their differences aside in order to prioritize the goals of the organization when they wear the mantle.

Moff in her costume as the Firefly, an example of the flashy costumes the Sentries often wear.

The Sentries are also known for being flashy, heroic, and colorfully dressed. Moff feels that the Sentries need to not just be functional, but also symbolic, inspiring the people and restoring their faith in the powerful individuals who claim to be their protectors. While there is no defined dress-code, generally speaking, members of the Sentries are encouraged to stand-out wherever they go.

The Sentries generally carry communicators (referred to as the "Symbols of Justice") that allow them to speak to one another across otherwise impossible distances and teleport to their main base of operations from anywhere. This communicator also functions as a badge that announces their membership wherever they may go.

Space Station

The Arc in all its glory.

The Sentries’ main base of operations is a massive space station that hovers over Chronus. This station has become known as the Arc. Moff and her fellow Sentries acquired this space station after a harrowing adventure where its original inhabitants were discovered to have been slain. While Moff is familiar with such technology as a space-faring creature, the station’s technology is considered to be considerably more advanced and well-beyond those of other creatures on the planet, even their more technologically advanced cities.

The station itself provides rooms for all of the Sentries, with space for them to pursue personal projects and hone their abilities. It also includes cells for holding especially dangerous criminals and monitoring stations through which the Sentries can watch the planet below using divination magic. Entry within the station is restricted to those who carry their signature communicators.


Leader - Moffett Moschella Midgley (Moff) || Alias - The Firefly

Caravan Logistician - Alouette Nachtigall Herstal || Alias - Hashmal

Category:Factions Category:Organizations