Fay Therion Lightwind

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Character Information

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Full Name: Fay Therion Lightwind

Titles: N/A

Birthday: 13th of Gozren

Alignment: True Neutral

Class: Technician (rigger)/Symbiat (technopath)

Affiliations: Setlaar, Riftstalkers

Occupation: Cyber druid

Physical Description

Race: Elven (dusk elf)

Gender: Female

Age: 115

Height: 5'10"

Hair Color: Brown/maroon

Eye Color: White

Notable features: aside from her enthusiastic demeanor, she has a cybernetic augmentation as an arm. She is normally in an accessory suit as protectionfrom her environment, but prefers to ride in her normal clothes on her hover bike, while feeling the wind in her hair.

cruising the skies
Walking the city at night