Asoda Gorbs

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Asoda Gorbs was born not as the creature of steel and iron, but as a humble boy in Gozreh 18th of 20 IA, in the underground Darklands, being (WIP)






Turkey Hunt:

Asoda had seen and heard of animals being granted sentience and always being evil, but had never heard about such a thing happening with turkeys. Deciding to investigate further into the issue, as turkey necromancy seems like a horrible idea, as a similar thing had been dealt with before for spider necromancy. After confirming some more details with Lucra and some knowledge of where a more advanced group of them were hiding under the earth, he began his hunt for turkey. After a decent amount of time, and a large distance later, Asoda was upon the mountain where these turkeys had been located.

Upon arriving, Asoda noticed something interesting about the mountain, in that there was no entrance, just a massive wall of stone partway into the cave. Feeling vibrations under his feet, he descended into the earth, slowly stalking towards the movement he felt underground. The little patters of its feet echoing underground, Asoda was able to line himself up above the turkey, and peeked out slightly from above the turkey to see the situation. Inside the room, there was a small table filled with scrolls and bottles of various juices, a cadaver, and the turkey he was above huddled over it all, warbling as it created a monster. Asoda took a small breath and then dropped, falling through the roof and dragging the surprised squeaking turkey underground, where he left it stuck inside solid rock as he went for a second pass. He felt some rushed patter of turkey feet, and some slow, lumbering footsteps following behind. Asoda then moved himself back up to the top of the room and peeked in just in time to see a turkey in garishly edgy clothing carrying a spiked book commanding a large undead creature from the remains of other animals, most notably giant spider. Having an affinity for the animal, he dropped again, this time flattening the turkey under his weight and rushing the undead animal monstrocity, bashing it into the nearby table, toppling both undead and table. As the undead moved to get up, Asoda grabbed it and dragged it underground with him, leaving the thing to slowly rot in a prison of its exact size before returning to the cave. As he stepped through the door the other turkey had entered through, he found himself outside, having missed a door built into the side of the cave because of his limited tremorsense. Cursing his lack of care, he began to return to his home cave, having dealt with a duo of evil turkeys and their animal monstrocity.