Kenaeth Brus

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"Everyone! Give it everything you have, show the empire just how wrong they are!" -Ken to his allies in the fight versus Solaris Commander Altair

Kenaeth Brus, or more commonly known as simply Ken, is leader of the Elysium Dawn; blessed by the chaotic Seelie and Azata to see a future lead not by Tyrants or Ignorant Nobility but rather by all those who seek to work in cooperation and unity. Though he may stand high, holding the banner and rallying those to his cause; to him the future is not made alone.

Brus' Beginnings

Born as what can be considered nobility to the Sinnoach Clans of the Western Wildland Archipelagos, Kenaeth's early life was not that of most nobles born on the greater continent or elsewhere. The isles of the Sinnoach are lands of true wild chaos as the boundaries between the First World of the Fey and sane lands of mortals are counted among the thinnest known, for one who does not stick to the few roads, or the coasts will find themselves wandering among a world of untamed chaos which seeks to play for eternity, if they are lucky. To be born as 'nobility' among the people of these whimsical yet brutal lands is to be of a bloodline that long has proven themselves in some regard to those who hold true power within the isles. For the Brus, it was their  diplomatic expertise and social savvy that long ago brought scattered bands that saw folk and fey alike as foe to a unified people. Yet to be able to grasp the chaotic whims of Fey with such consistency, methods must be crafted lest the Seelie Court be offended by the wrong show of absurdity. For this, Children born within the clan that show great promise, oddities and eccentricities are offered for 'adoption' to trusted Fey Folk, that in tandem with the child's true parents teach them how one may know a lie from a truth and the truthful lies from the lying truths.. and all other duties which fall upon a parent in raising a child.  Ken, born with the burning passions of elemental fire and an infant the soothing tones of a Cherub rather than the gratting cries of a child in need despite still being such, was for only a short time of 'one' home. 

His young life was one of excitement, whimsy and wonder as he would spend days with his Kin, growing, playing and learning as any child in a hunter-gatherer society surrounded by such dangers would. Hunting, exploration, combat, myths, magic and many other things as their unique situation offered bountiful hunts. Yet as he spent the passing suns within the world beyond he would learn far more as he would vanish for days, or weeks yet feel as if it had been years.. or once or twice the opposite. Learning the order of chaos, the joy of dance and art, magic for what it truly is and myths for what they are yet to be. Though promised to age the same as one of his type should, when the tutleage of his Fey Godparents came to its first end, the yet still a boy of seventeen that answered the call of the warbanner could no longer consider those among his birth year his peers despite his protest otherwise. 

Though a pact had been long forged with the Seelie by the Brus, there were still threats that faced Ken's Clan in the mortal realm, the most prominent and immediate being the Conand Clan, of whom forced Ken into his first taste of war.  Where the Brus live by cunning, diplomacy and some may argue cowardice, the Conand live by means of ferocity, destruction and control; the reason why one may believe the Sinnoach Clans to be nothing but sea raiders and barbarians. The bloodlines of Brus and Conand long had been in a way a stalemate, the military might of the Conand in clear advantage; raids on the Brus past their coastal cities would turn into lost trips that ended in mad men or by men who saw the peace of the Brus far more welcoming than what they so toiled in. But by means unknown at the time, their raiders would carry armaments in greater quality and quantity than they had in years. It would not be until the summer of Ken's twentieth birthday would the raiding let up, after devastating many of his peoples towns and sacred sites. 

Seeking, as the rest of his Clan did, to find the cause of the Conand's newfound strength, it would come to light their service as mercenaries for a period under the Empire. Thus sparked in his already burning soul the embers of hatred against the empire. Knowing his people would not be safe without preparing for an even greater foe, it was clear he must be seen as worthy of wielding the warbanner, of rallying the clan and their allies to one unified foe as had been done so few times before. Setting off into the wild lands of his home, it would not be until the next year that he would return atop his majestic dragon Belenos, he himself changed yet again as his purpose to keep his loved ones free molded him.  Leading a preemptive strike with the combined forces of allied clans among the Archipelagos, the Conand Clan would come to pay for its crimes and put forth what knowledge they knew of the Empire.. 

Little of true value would be learned as the Clan worked for a brief time as mercenaries some time ago, it would nonetheless reveal the threat that the Empire was not for just his people but for all people that wished for freedom. For four years, Ken would aide the Brus in growing relations between the scattered clans as they had long ago. Relative peace would even be agreed upon by the more barbaric  of the clans like the Conand as all were increasingly convinced of the Empires danger. What they could not be convinced of however, was their need to leave their Isles. Despite all the words Ken may muster, they were of no use in rallying people to fight for those they may never know, for which Ken  would despair yet not blame them.. Rather, this would begin his path to prove himself worthy of wielding the banner once again as he took ship and those that would fight with him across the sea to put blades in with the Rebellion. 

He, as an Individual:





Life as a Rebel and the Elysium Dawn


Family and Lovers:



Brus Clan:

Friends and Allies:


Mercy: Jovra:




Yuki | Iris | Luna:




The Rebellion:



Solaris, Nurgal and those who see more than lunacy in his will:

The Emperor and his abominable Empire:

Bob, Ancient Wyrm: I think technically he's my ally but really he desrves to be here.

Themes, Quotes and Other Pictures

Ken as a woman
