Fiona Leafsong

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Fiona was born and raised to her parents on the 17th of Erastus, 92 BAI. Her mother is a traveling minstrel who'd perform at the taverns and inns along the roads and in the towns of the land, and rarely in the major cities. Her father is essentially her escort, a ranger and wilderness survivalist who's path happens to be the same as her mother's.

Fiona was basically raised on the road, never having more than the back of her parent's carriage to call home. She was taught from a young age to survive in the wilderness, hunt, and practice archery from her father. She learned how to respect all others, no matter their walk of life (or unlife, in some cases), and to always smile and keep a positive attitude no matter how dire the circumstance from her mother.

Years passed and in due time Fiona came of age to go off on her own. A heartfelt goodbye and her father bequeathing her a bow made of glassy horns was the end of the chapter of her life with her parents. They'd part at a crossroads, promising to meet up again some day, and soon enough, Fiona was on her own to travel as she pleased. And travel she did, becoming quickly enamored with the amazing sights and vistas she found in nature along her travels, she decided to devote herself to finding as many of such places as she could. And in due time, she found that her skill at hunting could lead her towards bigger and more fearsome prey, which sparked an interest in hunting creatures that truly were impressive.

It would be a good few years of this before she began her story in Babel proper..

Babel and Adventuring

[To be filled]

Fey Craftsmanship

Though her initial efforts to assist the Court of the Suns were admittedly short in terms of time dedicated, it would come to her attention that they had appreciated it nonetheless and would like her continued efforts! Though the huntress was certainly glad to be invited to further aid in this grand competition of craftsmanship, she did wonder just how much she could truly contribute. She certainly was no skilled artisan, nor was she a mage capable of conjuring wondrous effects. She was just herself, a huntress with a knack for getting along in the wild, a sense of wanderlust, and an eye for both precise marksmanship and beautiful vistas.

And then it clicked with her. She didn't need to necessarily create or craft, she needed to help. And what better way could she help than to make use of her little piece of technology to capture the images of beautiful things and offer such to the true craftsmen for greater inspiration in their work. And so she set out to find ten things that she felt would inspire an artist to create things ever greater than before. Some time passed and she soon enough found her various inspiring photos, offering them to one fey who seemed to be having more troubles with her work than she would have liked.

The inspiring photos turned out to be precisely what she had needed, and with a little help from Fiona (in the form of elbow grease for the most part), the two soon had created a panorama, enchanted to represent a region of land encompassing forests, mountains, and plains and ensuring to feature the vistas Fiona had photographed. Furthermore it projected to-scale projections of the animals that lived in the regions, showing them living their lives in a day-to-day basis, except faster, because real time isn't quite as exciting. It was truly beautiful a piece inspired by the beauty of the world, and given life through Fiona's eye for such beauty and a fey's inspiration derived of that. And while Fiona may not have done much in the end, what she had done was just enough to help accomplish this, and left her with a feeling of satisfaction and pride in her ability to help, no matter how oddly she did so.