Trisha Black

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Trisha Black

Just a cat in the land of gods and dragons


Trisha looks rather normal for a catfolk. Average height and mostly on slim side. Her hair and fur are pitch black with a nice shine of good care and grooming. She usually wears quite a few pieces of golden jewelry for various parts of her body, surely to accent golden color of her eyes.


What do you think about fate? Is it just for heroes? Or maybe for everyone? Even for someone as mundane as... third offspring of some merchant from Flaria. Yep, that's our "hero" right here. Well, her position wasn't bad. Many will actually call it pretty good. Nice food, servants, expensive clothes and quite a lot of free time to just enjoy yourself. One nice opportunity to socialize, stay active and even read books. Though fate... well, it was pretty clear. Marriage of convenience, maybe secretary or manager position somewhere around the business. Still wasn't all that bad, but Trisha wasn't dreaming of golden cage. The whole rebel thing left her even more eager to find a better fate. Just needed to find something... like that old story book about an ancient ruler being able to turn his orders into reality, even create soldiers by force of will. Well, that was a good kind of example. Just needed to search some more for at least basic training and then silver tongue her way out of Flaria and towards Babel. It will be a nice practice, she said. Just need a few guys and a caravan, Babel will buy all the goods right away. And she will visit one particular guild...

Activity in Babel

The story starts Sarenith the 3rd - 4th. Visit to the Adventurers guild went really well. Not like they asked a lot, mostly some basic info and a lil bit of money, nothing she can't afford. Hopefully some interesting work will require her attention soon. Otherwise she'll stay busy with her little bit of caravan, trading around random stuff and making sweet piece of money for the living

Striking the Behemoth

- Striking the Behemoth! Such a nice title for basically another war. Maybe not a full-scale war, barely anyone would like this to happen once again, but hopefully just one grand (and victorious) battle. Otherwise this entire campaign will bring a lot of trouble to this land... – Trisha softly sighed to her own thoughts and rather mediocre expectations about this whole idea. She herself really preferred a way of diplomacy, but who she is to affect map of the continent? Just another lil merchant, not even well known. Who cares about merchants? Even though they usually bring all the food, armor, weapons and etc and etc, so others can easily buy everything they need. – Pretty sure this whole campaign will attract all the heroes interested in stretching their muscles and arcane powers. Barely they’ll need another sword... hammer on the field. But I can participate in other ways of course.

She pauses the flow of thoughts, just to peek out of her wagon and make sure the entire caravan is still in place and not attacked by random bandits or anything. Pretty sure quite a few merchants decided to bring supplies to the gathering camps. But camps always need more, than just food and wood. Mostly they need simple workers to keep everything running smooth. Cooks to prepare delicious stew, laborers to put tents in place and assemble siege machines, and more and more. And so Trisha decided to bring something less obvious to the camp. Monopoly is always good, isn’t it? And so she decided to gather quite a few entertainers into a resemblance of mobile circus and bring them to the camp. That wasn’t an actual circus, a lot less bright and loud so to say. But her followers were hired to simply keep the morale high in... various ways. A good song, a lovely dance, maybe more interesting activity for the people around the place. Bringing quite a few medics was second idea in her head. Barely simple bandages and healing herbs will do more, than a divine magic, but who knows? High chance a lot of soldiers will be wounded after the battle, maybe poisoned or something. Better bring someone capable of treating such problems and assemble a semblance of mobile hospital in the camp.

- And now I wonder what other supplies may be needed. Gladly my workers know better how to set up their workplace, so I better explore the camp. Good connections are tough to find, but this place looks good for meeting important people and such. Maybe I’ll find someone from Meita or Cragscar eager to trade something new with Babel? – Getting close to the destination, Trisha jumps off the wagon, to take a short walk and look around the place. With so many different people gathering for a common task, chances of meeting someone interesting would go up quickly. Just as chances to discover friction and disagreement between factions. And for overall success she may bring her own smile and negotiator skills to the table. But first things first, look around, greet local commanders and leaders, while they are not busy and keep an ear open to whispers and gossip