Baron Bet

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Baron Bet is a god of legends and stories, a god who accepts all within his service as long as they do not judge others for what they seek or use. Their origins are shrouded in mystery as much of their past, some believe they may be the incarnation of spirit from beyond the 9th level, a dead god whose legend brought them back, others suspect a story of ascension, a pactmaker who tried to bind all the spirits to their will, yet more believe they may truly just be a god who serves to accept all for his deceptive ends. The truth may never be known, but what is their acceptance of any and desires to stand alongside the neglected, and how this extends to the pact spirits that most deities shun.

The Baron enjoys interacting with mortals, constantly trying to gather new stories and legends from the world and its denizens, and share them back out to others.


Glory, Knowledge, Luck, Occult, Travel

Subdomains: Cooperation, Fate, Gray Wastes, Legend, Pact Magic

Favored Weapon

Sword cane

Holy Symbol

A scroll with a mask on it, the specific mask varies, but the most commonly used ones are Thalia or a skull musk.

Centers of Worship

The closest there is to centralized worship of the Baron, although they have a presence anywhere that the occult is strong.

Worshipers and Minions

The Baron is primarily worshipped by those who consort with pact spirits, as one of the few gods to truly accept them. Their belief in acceptance of others and working together to better yourself by any means necessary also tends to attract the downtrodden.


The Baron prefers to take on older guises, and prefers male to female guises. He nearly always appears with dark or no hair, and a face that if not actually a skull will often be painted as one or wear a mask, and is always at least gaunt. He'll appear as any race to blend in, and will appear as a demon as easily as a human if it will help him gather and share the legends of those who went before. His most common form is that of a human with dark hair and a painted skull on his face, with extravagant clothes and flair.

The Church

The Baron's lacks an organized religion, while respected in many places as a being who values knowledge and acceptance, some degree of worship of him is common wherever dabblers of the occult congregate. While clerics and paladins can exist, they tend to be much more subdued, although as the Baron decrees he allows them to follow any path. This occasionally leads into conflicts when paladins and antipaladins of him meet due to normally fundamentally different interpretations of his decrees. He demands no worship, and so he receives little.

Temples and Shrines

As with the lack of true organized religion, the Baron also lacks many traditional temples. Orphanages, libraries, shelters, and research groups, wherever there is a building run by a devotee the Baron you will normally find a shrine to them.

A Devout's Role

A priest, an adventurer, a traveller, and a town elder, they are all one and the same to the Baron. The role of a priest of the Baron is just to collect legends and to spread them further, keep the dead alive in the memories of the living, and history alive in their words.


Followers of the Baron are generally permitted to where whatever they wish, although he tends to demand cleanliness when suitable. The more devoted tend to dress more elaborately, out of well founded belief or not that a story should be interesting, and as the character of their own story they should always try to look their best to be remembered at their best.

Holy Text

The Baron's holy texts are notoriously opaque, while not as conflicting as the likes of Yidhra's, or as obscure as those of Norgorber, the Baron's texts present their own challenge. As a god of legends and stories, his texts present such, the near unending works of the supposed tales of the Baron and his life. This leads to the problems, without a single exception all guidances conveyed through the Baron's text take the form of parables of some form, with normal stories mixed within this makes gauging the specifics troublesome at the best of times.

Mythic Patronage

The Baron sometimes acts as a mythic patron for mortals he feels destined to form legends. He'll normally take a more observant role, twisting at fate from afar to influence, a string of poor luck is normally considered a sign of disfavor, while the opposite can be considered a sign you've done well. The most common trend is his role as a patron of the community, whether you are good or evil, turning a blind eye to the plight of those around you or neglecting someone because of the words of others are a swift way to find yourself encountering a plague of problems.

Home Realm: The Hall of the Forgotten

The Hall of the Forgotten lies near the wastes and the dreamlands, a grand plaza filled with libraries as far as the eye can see, the Baron's personal collection of stories. It's rumored that within the halls every story ever told may lie, although those few who have communed with the Baron knowingly have claimed he laments the stories that even he has forgotten. The place acts as a respite for any who wish to share, and a forboding maze filled with that which was forgotten for good reason for those who wish to plunder its depths from greed. The spirits who reside will often be found wandering, exploring the shelves for stories untold, sharing them with each other and any visitors who happen by. Whether this is a true resting place or merely the manifestations of a dreaming outer god, pushing forth beyond the boundaries of the dreamlands has never been established.


As a god the Baron is capable of almost anything, but prefers to take a subtle role, observing as he collects and shares his stories.

Category:Mythic Patron Category:Deity Category:Non-Player Character Category:Approved Category:Entities