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"You think you own whatever land you land on. The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim...but I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name."


Leilandriel, otherwise known as Leilani is a Willow Dragon currently residing within the Whispering Vale. While a portion of the vale fell to the plundering prospects of a group of savage Orcs, Leilani remained to heal the forest and the creatures that reside within. Despite her best efforts not everything could be saved and so she has taken it upon herself to travel the continent of Etera healing the wounds of the earth mother and her children in hopes to ensure the preservation of nature and life.




Human Form

Appearing in her human guise, Leilani is of a more delicate stature...the form of a beautiful dryad is taken. A less intimidating form than her more draconic facade, though still just as fey-like in nature. She stands just over 5'0" and her gentle physique is accentuated by soft porcelain skin.

Upon her face are more pleasing features, protruding from her head are supple lips accenting the same porcelain shade as her silhouette. Despite being of a more soft design, there is one noticeable discrepancy in her form. A large scar comes across the bridge of her pale nose. Though it changes little given her overall gentle demeanor.

Long unkempt locks of vibrant green flow over her narrow shoulders. Her doe-like hazel eyes sometimes hidden behind a mess of bangs.

Dragon Form

Leilani's Dragon Form


"We don't need wars. What we need is nurture and patience; to protect the earth mother and her children from the senseless conflict that we create between each other. I like to believe we all want the same thing, to see the world flourish. And I know that some people will go further than others to achieve this...some may even fall to darkness. It is our job to show those the earth's light when they are at their most vulnerable."  - Leilani

While some may find Leilani's love for nature intense, she feels an innate connection to the earth that she hopes is within others. And if it is not, she hopes to at least share the knowledge of the nature swirling around Etera. She is a gentle creature to everyone and everything she meets...nurturing it as if it were her own. The earth gave her life and she feels like she needs to return the favor.

Personality Traits:

  • Honest
  • Helpful
  • Considerate
  • Friendly
  • Warm-hearted
  • Gentle
  • Reserved
  • Peaceful
  • Trustworthy
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  • Motherly
  • Quite
  • Demure


  • Honesty
  • Nature
  • Healing
  • Loyalty
  • Gardening


  • Undead
  • Orcs
  • Destruction of Nature
  • Lying
  • Fighting

Leilani's Personal Tenants:

  • Oath against Artifice - Leilani has sworn off the use of anathematic armaments and technologies. She reveres nature and does not wear metal armor or use metal shields. In addition, she does not use firearms or any technological devices. As Leilani grew up within the Whispering Vale, she survived on only the fruits of the earth and has continued to live as such. She is a firm believer that everything you need can be found plainly in nature.
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  • Oath against Harm - Leilani has sworn never to take the life of a living creature. She cannot inflict lethal damage on a living creature with any of her abilities, and cannot directly kill a living creature by any other means. Harming a creature is against all that Lailani knows, being a Willow Dragon she has sworn to protect the nature she is bonded to and its kin. She refuses to maim or kill any creature and instead heals them to the best of her ability.
  • Oath of Candor - Leilani's words will betray no falsehood. She is not allowed to deliberately speak any lies, including bluffing, stating half-truths or concealed truths with the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. Leilani believes that being honest and telling the truth is the best thing you can do. She is always forward and has nothing to hide. If however the truth may bring harm, Leilani remains silent to protect whatever she can.






"Nature is all around us, it guides us down our paths...protects us. No matter what the earth does for us, there are those who care little for its preservation. Even then, the earth gives. Her children must learn about this bond and appreciate all her offerings.The harm that they inflict upon the earth and each other is senseless." - Leilani

Leilani is a simple creature, indebted to the earth and her aspirations are driven as such. She seeks to teach those how to care for the nature that holds them and the creatures that inhabit it through a gentle hand. It is through her open heart that she hopes she can lessen the needless harm against Etera.

Additional Information