Krash Poppaboom

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Krash is a wanderer from distant realms that drifted to Babel through an open rift and immediately took a liking to the joint. Bringing a mix of ranged attacks and frontline tanking to the field, he'll often joke about being a tank of the Abrahms variety, whatever that might mean.


Not too much is known about Krash's history. Unlike most kobolds, he's damn near fireproof. Which makes the burn scars peeking out from the bandages on his arms and chest most unusual indeed. He doesn't like talking about them, but can be seen unconsciously rubbing at them if the conversation turns to colossal creatures. Once - in his first encounter with Babel's 'alcohol' - he revealed a brutal and clumsy weapon called 'Tiamat's Heart', claiming to have slain the child of a god with it. He was not lying.


Perhaps the most significant thing people tend to notice about Krash is his signature weapon - the Seeker Missile Assault Unlimited Generator, or SMAUG for short. A veritable maze of mithral piping reinforced with slim bands of adamantine, all leading to a Tiamat's Heart II generator. These generators are a small ball of adamantine reinforced with obdurium, filled with a mixture of crushed red siccatite and pearls of endless condensation. Two of these are visible on the weapon, pumping endless quantities of pressurized steam into it's depths.

Ongoing Adventures in the Infinite Labyrinth

Krash's most notable dungeon delves have been into the Infinite Labyrinth. In these nightmarish halls he's come face to face with demons, dragons, the world's most dangerous sausage (it bites back! Oh does it bite back!!), and been chased Scooby-Doo style through the corridors by a flock of hungry ghosts! He was NOT crying, don't listen to other people's lies. Despite all these horrific encounters, Krash's newfound friends in this world ensured things all went well in the end. Even if he got a little mummified for a while. And that's what adventure's all about, isn't it?