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Zaelyn is a Godling Dhampir/Teifling(Teifling for Stat Purposes) Fighter, former prince of a other worldly kingdom of vampires. He currently has only just arrived on Babel, and looks to make a name for himself. He is currently Active.


Part 1: Origin

In a different world, in a land called Areth, a kingdom stood as testamount to the cruelty of fate. Ruled by Vampires in the night, the people of this kingdom felt no love from their undead overlords. The king and his court often riding out into the night to feast upon the essence of the innocent. With none to oppose this dynamic, the vampires grew vast and powerful, and overtime were able to form a cult among the populace, bringing praise to the Demon Lord Zura. And in time, through the acts of profound reverence, savagery and murder, the king drew attention to Zura. Visiting him in the lone night and praying upon the kings lust, she seduced him. Bedding and eventually killing him, and from this union a eventual son was born, cast out from the Abyss into the kingdom. Raised as a warrior and fighter, this prince, now named Zaelyn, would come to be known for his reckless behavior, and desire to fight. The vampyric court and subsequent ruler of the Kingdom, casting them out into the world to hopefully take the prince off their hands. Unbeknownst to them, Zaelyn found his journey vastly different from what they had hoped, unstable magics warping the reality and blasting him to the World of Chronus, on the continent of Etera. Here, with a uncertain future, Zaelyn hopes to become the strongest in the world, and perhaps, even challenge the mother who birthed him.


Zaelyn looks to be a well built fighter, toned in all the places fitting for one ready for battle. His skin is a dark blue color that resembles the night sky, while his eyes pierce through those around him with Lavender colored irises and black scelera. Four fangs replace each of his would be canines, signifying his acestry to a vampire, each one sharp and primed to pierce the skin of another. Two large horns protude from his forehead, turning a darker shade of his skin at their tips, while his hair is a vaguely silvery shade of white, often tied up in a messy ponytail. He often wears black armor and weilds a double sided blade.


Zaelyn can be described in a few words, excited, loud, and aggressive. He does not shy away from a spar with anyone, even if they are stronger than him. He wants to become the strongest there is, and his attitude speaks to that.


None as of yet


None as of yet.


Become the greatest warrior, perhaps found his own kingdom.