Pentagia Ignakar - Hellknight

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"I will drag civilization to a golden age of law and order and nothing will stand in my way."


The Ignakar family have long been a minor political and military noble family. While a majority of them worship Asmodeus directly, some choose to instead venerate Dispater or Moloch. While they don't often get a hold of political favors, they always use it to push for closing legal loopholes or firing corrupt government officials.

Pentagia is highly typical for her family. While she lost both of her parents at an early age, she didn't mourn them but instead pragmatically stood up to the occasion and, with the guidance of her uncle, managed to maintain the family estate well enough until her personal training was over. From there, she gave the position of family head to her younger brother, Santeno Ignakar.

Dedicated to ensuring that civilization remains standing, laws are not broken and chaos doesn't sweep over all of mortalkind like a tide of destruction, she's committed to eventually becoming a full-fledged Hellknight like so many of her predecessors.


Pentagia's toned, firm body is covered in scars from lashes, spiked flails and burns as a result of her Hellknight training. While she does possess some muscle tone, most of her brawn is hidden under modest clothes or armor. The long, fiery orange hair flowing down her back and between her onyx-like, segmented horns is identical to her irises, a palette she inherited from her grandfather.

Her skin bears no particularly odd mutations, though at some points it appears cracked as if it was made out of marble. When touched, however, it feels like normal skin, soft and springy. Hidden under her armor and wrapped around her waist is a tail, ending in an arrow-like tip. She only allows it to unwind and relax when resting.


Pentagia is, by temperament, introspective, quiet and perceptive. While her loathing for emotional outbursts and lack of discipline in anything might make her seem emotionally stunted, she's anything but. She doesn't necessarily need to be in control of much other than herself to feel comfortable as long as her environment is being regulated by someone.

When it comes to other people, she often takes other people's opinions and thoughts seriously. While they don't erode her confidence or determination, she is quick to find their sources, biases, perspectives and agendas in a calm and calculated manner. This doesn't mean she's sympathetic to others, but rather makes a mental note of their feelings in case she needs to persuade them later.

Few things set her off, but demons and general anarchy do it spectacularly. She's never found a case where brutally murdering all demons didn't improve the situation at hand. In addition, she places great value on civilization, society and law -- something the very concept of anarchy is anathema to. As a result, she can work with but is rarely friendly towards free spirits and individualists. Due to her serious and workaholic nature, few ever learn to tolerate, let alone like her enough to become her friend.