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The City of Fizzlekrank sits on a wide river near the northern coast of Etera, sitting in the bowl of a valley. Three roads lead into and out of the valley it's self, along with a deep road that comes up under the city. The city proper sprawls around a bastion primarily inhabited by deep gnomes who trade with their aboveground cousins in a large bazzar just outside the fortress gates.

The aboveground city is divided into several districts. The Greenway is the wealthiest district, housing the richer merchants and city's nobility. Next to it is the Silk Sea, a massive market named for the coloured silken tents and awnings. The Waterfront, a snaking district that follows the river on both sides, docks and jetties studding the shore. The Riot, a set of high density slums where there is always a festival of some kind. Skitter's Deep, the deep gnome mountain fortress. The Sparkworks, a walled district of stone buildings housing smithies, alchemical labs, and other artisan's spaces. The Pale Road, a shanty district outside the main city full of gnomes close to their wasting. Scholar Street, where the temples to Abadar, Shelyn, and Desna are, as well as various colleges, academies, and the guild houses. Lastly is the Fountain district, where city hall, official buildings, and nicer row houses are.


The city is located in a mountain valley, wrapping around a Deep Gnome bastion that connects the overworld and the Underdark. From mountain springs and snowmelts the Sweetwater rivers flows down through the valley, into then through the city the city, to eventually meet with the ocean to the north of Etera.


The city's government consists of an elected council, one member per recognized district. Each district has it's own method and cycles of elections, and own flashy titles, but in the end they all put forth one candidate to the council. The council then elects from it's own number a leader who adds Lord Mayor to their title, this office lasting until the Lord Mayor loses the right to represent their own district, or when the council votes to replace them. The specific rules on this process are highly convoluted, and take up an entire wing of the council building on their own.

  • Greenway - Emerald Prince
  • Silk Sea - First Among Equals
  • Waterfront - River Warden
  • The Riot - Chiefmost Instigator
  • Skitter's Deep - High Marshal
  • The Sparkworks - The Bright Carver
  • Pale Road - Dread Father/Mother
  • Scholar Street - Dominus/Domina Exarch
  • Fountain District - Tribune Tributary


The major exports of Fizzlekrank are the gadgets, gizmos, trinkets, toys, and alchemical substances that are produced throughout the Sparkworks, as well as gems and ores brought up from the mines below Broken Peak. Additionally are various psychoactive substances originating from either the alchemical labs or mushrooms in the underdark, all of which are completely legal.

For imports, the majority are specialty raw materials that can't be found in the mines used for the alchemical substances and experiments run, as well as exotic foods and spices not normally found in the farms around the city as part of the necessarily varied diet of the gnomes that live there.


The Deep Gnomes maintain their own organized military in their Bastion. Above ground, there is no official military. What little peace keeping force exists is to enforce basic laws, and patrol the walls. In times of war the citizenry arm themselves and defend their homes with whatever their personal flavour of combat is.

Rumors & Legends

Legend holds that deep within Skitter's Deep is a spiral stair that delves directly to the Deep Vaults, long lost and long sealed.

Rumours are that the oldest surviving Pale prolong their wasting with the thrill of murder, silently given the names of troublemakers, both local and foreign, to kill off.

Rumours of a growing colony of Ratfolk in the sewers are obvious lies. Yes-yes.

Notable Locations

  • The Drunken Mistake - A bar run and owned by the priesthood of Cayden Cailean, along with the brewery and distillery attached, and a vineyard outside the city proper to grow grapes, wheat, and hops.

Category:Places Category:City