Novaj Argalast

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Novaj Argalast (Meaning New Argalast) is a new town made on the continent of Siacros, at the end of a deep ocean river, and below a tall mountain in the north. Slightly nestled between two geographical entities, giving slight defense.... primarily ground attacks are commonly only from the east and west, though attacks from the river are not expected. The river runs through the nearby Setlaar territory, which hostiles would be picked off from, and gives Novaj Argalast advanced warning from the sea, anyway. It's small, being around only for about a year, but rapidly growing. Predominantly elven, only elves are offered full citizenship, but anyone may be offered work at this time. There is already a small attempt at production and industry at the northern end of the settlement, with large farms just beyond it.


The land which the settlement resides on is fairly flat, helpful towards farming and building construction. It has been found that nearby is a dense forest, with small hills that hide the rest of the continent from the settlement. Some minerals and ores have been located above ground, aiding in local hard metals for construction and production. The wood from the forest, and the coastline full of fish, has given the small settlement a small bit of trade export potential, though it does not hold any 'shares' in the global market of export.


During the settlements founding, Tsarra Savavia took leadership of it, as expected as she founded it and put all of her finances into building it. She pronounced herself Valkul, which can be seen as President or Leader, though more akin to an autocrat or dictator. It comes from the Argalasian word Born-Valkul, which means obey. Novaj Argalast is slated as a temporary Military Governorship, by Tsarra, claiming when it finally establishes itself with its own capital and fortifications, it will begin the transition to a new form of government. It is unknown if it will be some form of Monarchy or Republic, however. That is so far to be determined by Tsarra, unless she causes enough resistance.


Currently, Argalast doesn't have the biggest export. The fish they catch are usually sold off quickly to the nearby Setlaar Setllement, and part of the small above-ground ores that are found are used in building construction or weapon and tool production, the rest sold off in small quantities to Setlaar. Typically, anything sold off is immediately spent towards tools, foods, farm seeds and other construction material the settlement currently can not produce enough by itself.


The settlement has an early fortification against invaders; there's a 5 foot wide by 5 foot high berm surrounding the settlement, along with a 5 foot wide by 5 foot deep ditch, both of which unfortunately level out towards the coast. It is also watched over by laborers and volunteers who keep a look out for hostiles. Currently, the military is merely a militia of ready-to-volunteer citizens, with few making it a full time commitment. Currently, they can field less than four(4) teams of militia.

Rumors & Legends

Novaj Argalast is rumored by its leader to enact the ancient laws of tradition from the destroyed city of Argalast, however, that entails potential slavery. When some ask Tsarra about these rumors, she responds by saying there will be no slavery, but indentured servitude will be legal. Emphasizing it will be voluntary and governmentally regulated.

Notable Locations

Construction of a Motte-Bailey Castle is planned, along with a larger harbor, nobles quarter, and high industry sector. Temples are not planned yet, as there is a debate on the settlements primary religion, though any approved religion may privately construct temples.


Only Aetra-borne (trueblood) Elves are permitted citizenship, but shacks, camps and tents that litter all around the settlement are inhabited by any number of races, primarily orcs, humans, and dwarves. Their habitation locations are strictly temporary.

  • Tsarra Savavia - Leader of the Settlement.

Notable NPCs




Category:Places Category:City