Gwynnestri Leoris

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Gwynnestri grew up in the lap of luxury, born to Count and Countess Leoris and spoiled for most of her early life. She caused a fairly large scandal at age 12 when she ran away after her parents tried to put her in an arranged marriage. Eventually she returned though, and they came to a tenuous understanding. Gwynn proceeded to make herself something of an embarrassment after that, getting herself into trouble constantly and developing a reputation as a bit of a rabblerouser among the aristocracy. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, she was known as a good person to have around to liven up a party, and ended up very well connected as a result.


Gwynn prefers to keep the conversation on others, and will typically dodge all but the most basic of personal questions. As long as the topic isn't her though, she can be gregarious, or almost bubbly at times, especially if the drink is flowing. Though she is capricious and often impulsive as to deciding things to pursue, once she settles on something, she will pursue it with laser focus.


Lord-Commander Jericho Hale: Gwynn and Jericho met at a party several years back celebrating his military successes. They had an awkward conversation and then both left in different directions. They have since ran into eachother again working for the rebellion and have a rocky friendship mostly founded on being useful to eachother.