The Monolith Corporation

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Monolith is a company comprised of several divisions, Finance, Security, Property, Staffing, Technology, and Arcana. Each division focuses on a different aspect of the business, but the business overall is overseen by The Board. Established on Desnus 21, 54 IA by The Board, Monolith is a equal opportunity employer, a active community participant, and an advocate for change towards the betterment of all.

Monolith Security and Defense Team

Designation: IAS | Inevitable Autonomous Soldier

An Inevitable from the plane of Axis, contracted by The Board for their keen ability to manage the projects given by The Board. Beyond this they are as proficient as the other soldiers, and bring the advanced weaponry of Axis to the team.

Designation: CAS | Constructed Autonomous Soldier

The first in a series of highly expendable constructed soldiers. The primary model of soldier that makes up the Monolith Security force. The primary feature of these soldiers in their expendability, and not much else. Mindless, these machines march towards their target with cold fervor.

Designation G.I.Z.M-0 | Gyro-stabilized Independant Zephyr of Mass-Desctruction

A temporary model, none remain in use. Built with the sole purpose of causing a chaotic catastrophe in a remote area to end a threat.

Designation: VCR | Vitrified Carbon Robot

The series 1 model of magical constructs on the Monolith security team. Each VCR unit is provided a character from the Greek alphabet defining what features they possess as they are one of the most varied models.

Designation: AAMU | Advanced Autonomous Multi-purpose Unit

An upgrade of the CAS models, but bearing the same chassis. The defining difference between the two models is the AAMU's intellect, and ability to act completely autonomously devoid of any commands.

Involvement in the World

So far the Monolith Corporation has had limited involvment in the world, but has made it clear that the members of Monolith Security are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of others.

The Renesal Crusade

Monolith Security contributed a substantial percentage of their available funds to the Renesal Crusade, as well as manpower to the front lines, most notably to secure the Chapel of Solace. Any members of the front line of the Renesal Crusade may welcome themselves to the benefits of Monolith Prime Silver for free.

During the initial expedition to the Enclave of Iris in the middle of the Ghostlands, the Monolith Security team contributed soliders to fight the undead guarding the only way in or out of the enclave, and while their contributions paled in comparison to those of the other heroes that day, let history know that two members of the security force lost their lives in the line of duty.


The Monolith Research Institute

Settlement Outer Eight; Size 347 - 1496 squares; Benefit Captial +592, +2 bonus on Fortitude saves to resist contracting a disease while in Outer Eight if you spend a majority of time here.

The Monolith Research Institute is a research facility built with lecture halls, and general purpose facilities for conducting expiriments of all kinds, whether they be philosophical, business oriented, arcane, technological, or otherwise. It is open to the public of Outer Eight to ensure the free transmission of ideas and learning with classes being regularly run by members of the Monolith Corporation.

The Institute is currently in the process of trying to establish a sports team for further community building.


Mundane Crafting

Monolith is adept at manufacturing mundane items quickly and cheaply. Mundane items are offered at 60% market price.

Magic Item Crafting

Monolith can produce any magical item and offers item creation at 60% market price. This price does not include any base item costs such as for the masterwork weapon. Even more exotic items like shadow piercings, magical flora, and constructs can be made.

Technological Crafting

Monolith can produce any item from the tech sphere and offers technological item creation at 60% market price.

Body Augmentation

Whether through the process of fleshwarping, or technological grafts, Monolith offers body augmentation at the same price for the relevant item.

Spellcasting Services


Monolith offers casting Enhancement of +6 to weapons, armor, or shields, that stacks with any existing enhancements up to a maximum of +10. Any amount of this bonus can be traded out for any option on the armorist enhancement list, or the below options. This effect lasts for 75 hours, and costs 100 gp.

Additional Enhancement Options: Conscription (+3), Jamais Vu (+2), Bane (+1), Defiant (+1)

Monolith Prime

As a special service Monolith offers a premium select service to it's customers coming in several tiers of membership. All tiers have preferred crafting privilege over other customers.

Copper Level Membership

Cost: 100gp per month

Benefits: Purchasing any magical or mundane items at cost (50% market price), and any technological items (as above, from the tech sphere) at 55% market price.

Silver Level Membership

Cost: 500gp per month

Benefits: Purchasing any magical or mundane items at 45% market price, and any technological items (as above, from the tech sphere) at 50% market price. Free reincarnation services.

Gold Level Membership

Cost: 1000gp per month

Benefits: Purchasing any magical or mundane items at 40% market price. Free raise dead services.

Platinum Level Membership

Cost: 5000gp per month

Benefits: Purchasing any magical or mundane items at 35% market price. Free true resurrection services. Category:Factions Category:Organizations