Babel's Painted Dungeon

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Dungeon Entrance

In the basement of a tavern within Babel, a tavern that always seems to have issues with Giant Rats and a bartender that's constantly cleaning a glass that was never dirty in the first place, lies the entrance to a newly discovered ancient dungeon. Those that are sent on Giant Rat quests may find this dungeon themselves through having keen eyes, but those that can't are whispered at from within the trapdoor by a strange female voice.

Entering down the trapdoor leads to a short ladder and a dimly lit room. Inside this room is an ornate entrance way into the dungeon which has several warnings in different languages. The one in Celestial warns those of ill faith to leave and never return, the one in Infernal beckons those with large pockets to try the dungeon for themselves, the one in Sylvan warns that the stones of the dungeon are unnaturally created. All other languages common to the era simply warn that the place is dangerous but possible to traverse.

The Painting of a Huldra

The whispering those may have heard comes from a lifelike painting on the wall of the entrance, a Huldra waves to those that enter and thanks them for coming. She warns that strange creatures have entered into the old underground tombs and such across Babel and they need dealing with. She also warns people of many traps and such along the way but informs them that at the end of the dungeon lies ancient arms and armor that the Empire left behind.

The Dungeon Proper

Upon entering the dungeon the Huldra will be able to guide the adventurers through it by popping between different paintings within the structure, some painted on walls, others old and nasty looking canvas that she seems to dislike being within. She always gives well meaning but sometimes incorrect advise as she apparently only has knowledge of what the dungeon used to be like.

Abandoned Crypts of the Painted Dungeon

The stone of the walls appears ancient in design and strange in it's details. At points opening up to large cavernous areas with the remains of long dead creatures, sometimes connecting to the sewers of Babel that make it a chore to traverse through. Along the way are many traps and puzzles of a sort, small maze like sections where the Huldra becomes confused as adventurers seem to be moving through walls that shouldn't be there.

The enemies found within the dungeon are strange shadow beings that attack on sight but can be dispatched easily enough, their remains smouldering with smoke that the Huldra warns the adventurers not to touch or breathe in. The puzzles are mostly based around navigation in sections, the sewers being the difficult one where adventurers continually find themselves at dead ends if not careful with their choices.

Creator or Creation?

Those that exit the dungeon with their prizes will usually tell slightly different tales from others no matter how thoroughly they had investigated the dungeon itself. Rumours have been spread that the dungeons moves sometimes but the entrance always stays in the same place. The barkeep of the tavern it rests within says nothing, only that he needs people to deal with the Giant Rat problem.

For those in the know, the dungeon is actually a creation of an amiable woman that not many seem to remember a good description of. Some claim to know her name and others even claim to have been given a great boon by her. None are entirely sure however, though there is one rumour that most repeat, the woman will sneak into the tavern at night to explore the dungeon and chat with the Huldra of the dungeon.

Any adventurers that enter the tavern and seem under geared are sent by the tavern keep to deal with the Giant Rats and if they ask about the entrance other adventurers might goad them into trying their hand at the mysterious dungeon. These adventurers very clearly understanding that the dungeon is safe for under equipped parties and almost a rite of passage for some.

Hard Fought Prizes

Ancient Storehouse

Those that make it to the ancient storehouse at the end of the dungeon (and that should be all seeing as nothing within the dungeon does lethal damage) will find treasures they can take with them. Most of the storehouse consists of a few Masterwork arms and armors, sometimes including tools and such that may aid them on future travels. The Huldra warns adventurers not to be too greedy as to perhaps let other adventurers try their luck at the dungeon.

Rewards from the dungeon consist of up to three hundred golds worth of Masterwork arms and armor but only ever one of a type can be found per adventurer. This means a Fighter may leave with a new Masterwork Scimitar, Masterwork Shield, and set of Masterwork Leather Armor as long as these three items do not go above the basic cost of three hundred gold (not including the masterwork cost, just the regular purchasing price of the items). They may also find one of the following items to take for themselves as long as it does not exceed the three hundred gold cap.

  • Backpack, masterwork, 50gp
  • Tool, masterwork (your choice), 50gp
  • Musical Instrument, masterwork (your choice), 100gp
  • 20 Ammunition, masterwork (your choice), 120gp

Random Encounter Table

This table is to help those that wish to traverse the dungeon figure out what they faced in their exploration of it. You may roll randomly or choose specific events if you wish when writing up how you conquered the dungeon or maybe even write your own if you think your ideas fit. The dungeon never deals anything but non-lethal damage, and doesn't actually provide experience points as the adventurers were never in any danger to begin with.

d% roll


1-10 You happened upon an Accursed Pool. This puddle of water looks 40 feet deep for those who have a will save modifier of +5 or less. Inside this pool seems to be masses upon masses of treasure. Touching the pool in any way disturbs the image and those who do so understand they have been tricked. Not a terrible thing to happen if you're alone...
11-20 Brown Mold has grown along the walls you walk by, it is always cold near this Mold but be warned, there's a trick. Those that jump to throwing fire cause the Mold to multiply rapidly, taking some non lethal cold damage. Those that have a Knowledge (Nature) modifier of +10 or more understand any amount of Cold damage destroys this Mold.
21-30 Uh oh, it seems some of the walls have crumbled and Magnetized Ore has been unearthed! All metal gear is difficult to move through this corridor unless the person carrying it has a Strength score of 17 or higher. Luckily enough there's a lever on the other side of the corridor to drop lead sheets on either side of it.
31-40 A sound of crying can be heard, those that approach find a Commoner just out of his teens who had attempted to go the dungeon alone. He is distraught and clings to any that approach. Poor thing doesn't seem cut out for the adventuring life. If you bring him out of the dungeon he thanks you profusely and offers to shine your armor/shoes if you meet again.
41-50 A Demon has made it's way into the dungeon! A Succubus is walking a large hall you enter, she notices most adventurers easily and tries to entice them with offers of Profane abilities. No matter what the response is, any adventurer that gets close to this Demon causes her to vanish and leave the dungeon.
51-60 There's a strange Construct walking the crypts of the dungeon, it doesn't actually fight nor follow the adventurers. The Construct seems to be lost or broken but not a threat of any kind. The Huldra would advise to simply leave the thing alone.
61-70 The Huldra stops the adventurers at a door and refuses to follow them inside. She tells the adventurers that she will meet them on the other side. If the adventurers head in they note that the paintings inside have been perverted in a sense, blood and gore drawn all over getting worse and worse until the end of the corridor where the last painting is a mirror.
71-80 A single room with only one entrance is found, at the centre is a large chest surrounded by what seems to be blood and pieces of decayed matter. If the adventurers are stupid enough to approach the chest or even open it, they notice a message hanging out the chest like a tongue. It reads "Probably a good idea to leave things like this alone in future." The chest is otherwise empty and not even slightly dangerous.
81-90 A cat. A regular actual cat. It must have gotten in here somehow. Those that show the cat to the exit will maybe later find that the cat had recently gone missing, a reward of one silver piece put up as bounty.
91-99 The adventurers find a lever in one of the rooms. When pulled it makes very loud clanking and gear grinding noises until the entire dungeon is echoing with them. Nothing seems to happen beyond that however regardless of how many Perception checks the adventurers make.
100 You happened upon the Creator of the dungeon, she happily welcomes you and asks you of your tale. She will listen to all stories and may present you with a much rarer gift for the story. Contact Aimay#1709 on discord. (This result can only be gotten if you roll for the table)

Category:Places Category:Geography