Elyn Dayne

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Arrival in Babel

When a small time business Dwarf passed away from age, Elyn arrived in Babel as though a reaper called her. She announced that she was related to this Dwarf and that the family be allowed to grieve before his smithy be reopened.

A week later the smithy opened under Elyn's management, the name of the smithy staying as it ever was and everyone going about their business, the smithy never having been that popular anyway.

Working in Babel

As the years passed people began noticing that the products produced by this smithy had vastly increased in quality and that it was frequented by strange and foreign individuals, only in Babel for the specific purpose of shopping at the place Elyn had taken over.

Those that shopped at the smithy were impressed by the products on display and the low prices of the things produced here. They were then further impressed by the service, strange creatures would run the shop in times that Elyn was out, when she was present the woman always treated new quests as old friends and old customers as family.


In all aspects Elyn is perfectly average for a Human. She has brown hair that nobody has ever described as 'Chestnut', her height and weight never seem to fluctuate and she slips into any crowd as though a natural.

Clothing wise, Elyn wears clothing that are apparent for the trade or activity she is currently undergoing.


An amiable woman, Elyn is always available to help others if she has the time. She rarely treats any person differently based on race or choice of magical expertise, the rare instances in which she would do this have been when the opposing party became aggressive.

Seemingly interested in people watching, she can be found interacting with people from all walks of life, one week spending her whole week within a library just to see what books get read the most often and another following a group of Halflings on a quest to a nearby volcano, she never seems to get tired of seeing the simple interactions people have and she makes a point of trying to attend as many social events as possible. Nobody really knows how she keeps getting invited.


Elyn has never said anything about her relatives beyond the late Dwarf Dayne who had left his shop to her in his will. She keeps friendly relations with everyone she meets and seems to have a knack for names others might call obsessive. Those who have purchased items from her will sometimes receive small gifts or letters by unconventional means.


Small Ventures

As she is prone to wander, Elyn keeps watch on mission boards that adventurers peruse and loves to accompany people on quests she has interest in. Examples of this being a quest to a mysterious forest, a seaside town, and a ruin of a town she declined to say much about.

Tower of Death Preparations

When the news came out about the venture that is to be planned upon The Ghostlands, Elyn's zone of influence changed overnight. Messengers rushing to gather information and send for additional resources of all kinds of materials to be sent towards Dayne's smithy, merchants buying up strange alchemical ingredients people rarely use, old warehouses being bought and becoming fully housed within hours, and scholars being sent out to all libraries for documentation of Undead and their abilities.

Elyn is rarely seen during these times, spending all of her time working within a forge or at a station, crafting, tinkering, and creating. The first thing she personally built was a gauntlet that could float on it's own. Once this was created she began to mass produce these strange Animated Objects, equipping all of them with either large spears or tower shields. She then began enchanting; weapons at first, armour after that, then onto anything she could think would help those that would need it. The enchantments placed being done in such a fashion leaves them easy to fade over time but this wasn't her worry.

Once these things had been done, Elyn began to read everything she could get her hands on about Undead. She started with generic things, their size and shape, their consistency and creation. She started to compile these into types of creatures and abilities, she delved further, asking adventurers about their experiences with the Undead and what they had observed about their capabilities beyond the norm. She had her own run-ins with the Undead herself, adding that to the notes and then refining it. She called in favours from people unmentioned with abilities Babel had considered illegal, using their knowledge to add to this book.

Once she had compiled every inch of knowledge of the Undead she could, Elyn began quick release of her findings in an easy to carry and read guide for those who would face the Undead. Libris Mortis (The name of the book) was passed out in every location adventurers would normally congregate, for free and an encouragement to peruse the pages. The books are written is most of the common languages of Babel and even some not so common that are handed to specific individuals.

After this, or perhaps even during this time, it's hard to tell for people who aren't Elyn, Elyn began to create rituals of her own make designed to attract the attention of the holiest of creatures; Angels. It's unsure if she failed in these rituals or that her calls for aid simply went unanswered, however she was suddenly accompanied everywhere she went with a cabal of Celestial Humanoids known more commonly as Aasimar. These Outsiders equipped with better gear than most medium level adventurers had seen in their lifetime, they did cause a bit of a stir in the chatter around Elyn's origin.

Her final act after assisting other crafting operations, teaching their crafters tricks to work faster and more efficiently, Elyn made her way to the edges of The Ghostlands, the group of Aasimar accompanying her through the outskirts. She spent time walking through the lands that Undead didn't patrol, mapping the edges of The Ghostlands for those that may trek in their for the future. Unlike her other activities this doesn't seem to be done in that frantic manner all other things have been done, witnesses would say she was almost sad as she travelled through the ancient lands.

Lalotai Defense

Elyn has always loved Lalotai, staying on it's beaches and conversing with it's people. She is a very relaxed person at heart and her recent problems with work schedule have her loving the time she spends on the island much more. Now that it's under threat she is very likely to help out and so she does.

Her first plan to help is memorising the entirety of Lalotai to a micro scale. She remembers the builds and the wear on them, she remembers each piece of equipment around the area. She makes sure to protect those she can and remember their faces. She even spends time remembering the small trinkets the islanders own such as dolls and pictures. This is insurance for if the worst happens and the islanders have to rebuild. She wants to do that for them.

Her second plan is to augment her airships with large five-hundred foot long tubes reaching below the ships that can be used to pump up sea water. The reason for this is her airships have be outfitted with large fixtures that can shoot water out at a great distance. The airships will sail around Lalotai, spraying as much water onto the fires there as they can. These water launchers wont damage the fire based creatures but they will act as a deterrent to them when nothing around them can catch on fire. And if any gets too close a good spray to the face will scare them away.

Hopefully her third plan never needs to be used, she secretly constructs a large underwater domed area off the shores of Lalotai, removing the water from within and setting it up as a living space with flora everywhere. The hope is this can be used as a last resort for if the fires push people back too far. The islanders can stay safe underwater until the situation is resolved.

With these plans in place and working, something that doesn't take Elyn all that long she starts to consider what can be done for the main problems. She tries to spread the word that the elemental's aren't to be killed, this isn't potentially their fault and shouldn't have their lives taken simply because they're under someone else's control.

She also asks her friends, Nel and Lo to use their innate abilities to aid the people, Nel being immune to flames makes her really good at getting people out of flaming areas with her secondary abilities to dominate monsters as a backup. Lo is a new friend of Elyn and has many magical abilities, using these to give as many resistance to fire as they can is a sure in, they can also help resurrect those that have died. 

Elyn herself, once her other plans have gotten up, makes her way to the mountain. With her augment form and resistances, all her items and abilities. She begins rapidly moving through the volcano, moving the elemental's with her when possible and into the Plane of Fire where she's set up a small settlement for them to stay. Hopefully they don't cause too much havoc there as well.