Magnus Crimsonblade

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'Oh, me? Well, I suppose I can be strict and a bit too blunt & forward. I am a very hard worker and always give any task I am given my very best. I gave up my claim to royalty so I could instead become an Explorer & Scholar. There are already enough Noble's in the world & I want a better legacy than being a great ruler.' -Magnus Crimsonblade


Magnus Crimsonblade is heir and scion to a proud arcane tradition. His great-uncle was an archmagus who watched over the great tracts of wildland, as well as those cities fortunate enough to be given his protection and guidance.

In his youth he faced the vagaries of the gods, joining his brothers & Sisters in arms against a grim darkness plaguing the pantheon of the Far East, and sending it back to the darkness from which it was wrought, with the blessings of the very blood of creatures beyond the veil and the hidden wisdom of his grand-uncle.

Since then he has taken to heart the virtues of the eldritch knight & diabolical principles, as he rested in his demiplane

Reputation, Strategy & Tactics

Magnus has the reputation of being a distant cousin to the late Verk Emperor & his bastard daughter which he holds no active social connection with, and a connection with Devil's, having generally speaking been publicly outed as a Diabolist. He does not care very much for hiding it at this point. Nothing negative came of this except losing advancement in social circles so he has instead devoted his time to study, research & exploration of new land's in which case he has easily made a name for himself as a capable researcher & explorer with several apprentices.

Having fought several war's & trained with the legion's of Hell and Hellknights, he is a master of battle magic's and the sword. When people speak of the Arcane Knight, they know of Magnus & fear him for his skill with spell & blade is both equally great & overwhelming. That said, her personality is reflective of his tactics. Naturally at home in the front of back of the battleline, he will sling spells or cut enemies down as needed with great versatility. He adapts to situations on the fly & fight's as hard as he can, but knows when the dice have been rolled & hand's shown, it is better to retreat and live to fight another day than suffer the humiliation of death.

Despite being something of a loner, he works to the best of his ability with those he comes across and tries to utilize and bring the best out of them.

Spellcasting, Spellbooks & Magic Crafting Services

For magic casting services, he offers permanency & Contingency Castings (Up to 5th level for the later) as a price of 15xSpell & metamagic level you want (Up to 5th)x10 GP per spell (Multiply it by 2 if you want the mythic version contingencies). For contingency, this has an additional cost of 500 gp to fabricate an Ivory statuette of you as a material component, with the fabricate coming free of charge.

For magical crafting, he usually asks for a fair rate of 70% to 80% cost. For longer projects, he charges more, sometimes up to the full pricing, but only because his time is rather valuable.

Achievements & Career

He was a servitor of Pescyra for a while, till she violated their deal & he walked away from the situation with his souls & power intact. That said, he is a half-devil, invested with the power of hell who aside from defending its general interests, has his own goals & motivations as well. He has had a long and successful carrear though. Having accomplished several military campaigns, he has a history as a successful tactician.

He has fought several legendary beings: A true dragon, the avatar of a chaos god, a Great Old One on equal terms in a duel of magic & several fey warlords. In every single instance, he won the conflicts with flying colors and established himself as a noble & very powerful Eldritch Knight.