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Beginning at the Old Ruins

When the Founder of Junction discovered the slowly decaying ruins of an old town they decided that such a place should never be forgotten. They set about restoring the houses and sending messages to those who have lost their previous homes. According to those that came to the town before the Founder left, the founder was of average height and build, had a normal hair colour and dressed appropriately; Nobody is entirely sure what race or even gender the Founder was.

After the Founder came Governor Nel, a woman with a fierce personality who took charge of Junction. Governor Nel set up greater housing for the citizens that came to the town, she began writing rules and decrees that must be followed, and most importantly she set mechanics to work creating a new invention.

The Carriage yard of Junction

The Steam Carriage

A massive beast of a carriage created from metal and grease, the Steam Carriage uses steam to power itself; moving as if enchanted by magics. The invention of the Steam Carriage being not credited to a single person but the town of Junction itself; it is the pride of the citizens and protected by patents and laws that Governor Nel has brought into the world.

The Steam Carriage runs on tracks of wood and iron at incredible speeds between it's three main locations, Junction, Cassiton and Shorewood. Citizens of these towns are permitted a free ride upon the Steam Carriage twice per day as they so graciously allowed the construction of the end points of the tracks. There are apparently plans to stretch the rails all the way to Babel and beyond, which several years after the forming of the town have come to full effect, most major cities on Etera have networks leading to and from them.

Features of Junction

When someone enters Junction for the first time they may note that things are not like most towns, through the air fly many different types of Poppet, winged creatures made from fabric with different designs. These are designated mail carriers within the city and pamphlets can be bought to identify each Poppet and it's characteristics and design. Many tourists come to the town for this feature alone as different Poppets are used for different times and days of the week.

The Steam Carriage is another creature that most would notice if they didn't come on the Carriage itself, a massive creature of steam, grease, and noise. It is unique to the town and several test models are on display for curious artisans to take a tour of.

The buildings of Junction have a very distinct style, taller roofs and many window boxes full of flora native to the location, the furniture in Junction is intricate and most would say the buildings and things within them are of a masterwork quality and marvel that any broken pieces of them are repaired in the morning.

Future of Steam

Junction mechanics and crafters are constantly creating new and ever more fascinating creations. Those that wish to join the town's force are welcomed with open arms and shown how to repair and maintain the Steam Carriage. The future of Junction is unsure in the current year but anything could happen in times to come.

Notable Citizens

Leonard Covax is the current liason for the branch of the Adventuring Guild in Junction, he is also one of the people who are allowed to repair and drive the steam carriages.

Rules of Junction

Junction functions under the normal laws of the continent...

  • Theft is punishable to the severity of item stolen but nobody in the town hurts for food or water and furnishing replenishes itself overnight if broken.
  • Murder is illegal as obvious as it sounds, this does note that Constructs walk the streets of the town and are considered Sentient for the purpose of this law.
  • The people of Junction are the ones who can sell their trades within the town, other traders must go to the towns connected to Junction to do so but gain free package if they show proof of trade certificates that can be gotten from most major towns.
  • Tampering with the Poppets in any way is punishable as a capital crime, those that are found doing so will be punished by the Governor herself, and nobody has heard from those that she has dealt with before so it's not something to do.
  • Raising the dead for purpose of labour is only allowed if you have signed permission from the person the corpse once belonged to, there is no official document for this but they can be picked up in Junction along with a discussion with the corpse to prove it was allowed.
  • Mind affecting spells including telepathy should always be treated as a crime if permission is not given beforehand, any attempt to use these magics to influence people for any reason will result in banishment from Junction and the use of it's Steam Carriage.
  • Numerous smaller laws are in place within Junction, if confused about a law contact Governor Nel by Poppet.

Category:Places Category:City