The Titan of Daylight

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The Titan of Daylight is a mysterious being who calls Vrozai her home. Though not much is known about her, it is believed that she has some connection to the Kaiju, as it seems as though they follow her commands. Though not very bright, her fiery temper and constant aggression has made her a threat that no one on Vrozai can ignore.


The Titan of Daylight first appeared in 69 IA, and immediately made her presence felt by visiting each of the major cities on Vrozai. She rode upon the top of a Domina class Kaiju, and demanded that the occupants of the city leave their settlements and the continent behind. Of course, she did this by shouting at random people on the street, until she grew frustrated and left, saying that they had until the next day to heed her demands.

Needless to say, no one did.

Though the Titan of Daylight has, since that day, not made another appearance in the major cities, she has continued to issue threats and send messages. When the Titan says that a Kaiju attack will occur, her words always carry truth, which has led most to believe that she acts as a commander for the Kaiju. Her current base of operations is unknown, but since it has not been discovered anywhere near the cities of Vrozai, many speculate that she dwells in one of the areas they cannot reach, specifically the volcano at the center of the continent.


The Titan of Daylight is not the only being who seems to have some level of control over the Kaiju. She has a counterpart who operates during the night. Indeed, any of the attacks that the Titan has seemingly led have only occurred during the middle of the day. For some reason, it would appear that she and her counterpart do not ever operate at the same time.


Though the Titan of Daylight has not been directly fought, her appearance has caused many to believe that she has powers that resemble those of the Titans themselves. She is arrogant enough to challenge even the most powerful or famous warriors in the land, and will happily stare down even the strongest of Vrozai’s weapons.

What is known is that she appears to have control over the Kaiju and even has the power to enhance their abilities. During many battles, she has caused the Kaiju under her command to grow in size or otherwise enhance their powers, which has turned many potential victories into bitter defeats.

Category:Non-Player Character Category:Entities