Tower of Mana

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The Tower of Mana is one of the infamous Towers of Magic that appeared during 57 IA. Though this period was a time of relative peace for Chronus, the effects of this tower caused panic among those who lived in the more populated cities of the planet and increased distrust between the general population and those with the Spark of Potential. While this effect of the tower has since ended, the seeds of suspicion and fear had already been planted, though their long-term effects and implications are unclear at this time. Currently, the tower is under the control of Mirrandrar.


The exact origins of the Mana Tower, along with the Towers of Magic, remains shrouded in mystery. It is speculated that the Mana Tower was one of the original towers due to its link to the inherent magic of the planet, specifically the leylines. The Tower of Mana, when manifested, has always appeared at the intersection of the vast majority of the world's leylines, though what causes it to manifest is unknown.

In addition to serving as a source of magical energy, the Mana Tower also acts as a museum of source of the history of magic on Chronus, with statues present of the most famous wizards, sorcerers, and other mages in Chronus history.

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Due to the actions of some of the first trespassers within the tower, the flow of magic from the leylines was used for a very sinister purpose, causing those with the Spark of Potential to explode with magical energy, turning into rampaging and bloodthirsty beasts in the process. In a phenomon that became known as Spontaneous Human Combustion, those with the Spark became targets for the Tower's overwhelming magical energy, overflowing their bodies. While this effect could be used on anyone who uses magic, it is said that those with the Spark were specifically targeted to stir distrust and suspicion between those with power and those who do not.

In response to this phenomenon, many kingdoms created units specifically designed to deal with magic and to protect their populations. Though each kingdom has their own variations, these forces became widely known as the "Null Force." While the threat of the Mana Tower has since been dealt with, these forces are maintained, in case future events or magic related emergencies occur.

Inside the Tower

As a sign that the Tower of Mana is linked to many of the others, exploring the full contents of the tower requires that one acquire various "crystals" linked to the original schools of magic on the planet. Possessing these crystals within the tower helps to empower its wielder within that school of magic. When a group of adventurers entered the tower, they found themselves forced to solve various puzzles using a wide array of magic.

The Prime

The Prime

The Prime of the Mana Tower, who serves as its guardian, is both a powerful caster and a researcher. Provided he is allowed to continue his endless study of magic and its potential, he is unconcerned about who controls the Tower. To prove their loyalty, the Prime asked if the adventurers who entered the Tower would sacrifice their magical potential to bring peace to the world. Though he was eventually convinced to allow them to pass, it is clear that he looks down on even the most powerful casters of Chronus.


The initial invaders of the Tower of Mana were representatives of a dark god who sought to consume Chronus and other worlds that threaten the natural balance of the universe. Their leader was known as the "Hand," a powerful illusionist who used the power of the Illusion Crystal to further enhance his powers. Though he was defeated, he left an ominous warning upon his defeat, suggesting that the war for Chronus has only just begun.