Circle of the Eclipse

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Located on the northwestern side of the Incandelth Peninsula, the Circle of the Eclipse is a coven

Sister Lyra

of druidic figures - almost entirely women - who shun the trappings of technology in favor of a closer connection with the world around them.

While the Circle has historically kept to its own devices, only occasionally sending members out to trade, find new recruits, or find spouses, the fall of the Verk Empire and the widespread effects of its fall mean that the Circle has become more interested in the outside world...


The Circle has a loose hierarchy of authority. While its members are free-spirited and shun the idea of true rulers, they do tend to show respect based on seniority and deeds. The generally recognized positions are as follows:


Mothers are the oldest and most experienced members of the Circle of the Eclipse. Many have been a part of it for all of their lives and are intimately familiar with the forest and all of its residents. Other members of the Circle often consult with them for wisdom and guidance on a wide assortment of matters.


The 'normal' rank of the Circle of the Eclipse, and where most of its members are at any given time. Sisters (and, more rarely, Brothers) are broadly considered equal to each other. Rather than giving commands to others, they simply make requests, and it is up to others to help them or not. Sisters are often active within the forest, hunting food for the Circle, warding away threats, and generally taking care of the land.


Daughters are members of the Circle who are too young or inexperienced to be a full Sister. Despite the group's general lack of a formal hierarchy, everyone acknowledges that Daughters are expected to obey anyone grown until they're old and mature enough to gain the greater rank.

Living Areas

The Circle of the Eclipse does not have a village in the way others understand the term. The main group of the Circle is often on the move, traveling throughout the forest for one reason or another. Camps are set up in the evening and gone by mid-morning.

Rites Of Passage

Before one can become a Sister of the Circle, they must undergo a rite of passage within the forest. This may involve hunting down a dangerous beast, communing with a spirit of nature, or otherwise following one's own path. The Mothers of the Circle often call the Eclipse on nights when a rite of passage takes place, and applicants must complete it before the eclipse ends.

Powers And Abilities

The abilities of the Circle are as varied as its members, but the majority of them are either Druids or Shifters. Those with Spherecasting typically specialize in the Alteration, Nature, and Weather spheres, with a particular emphasis on simply experiencing the natural world better. Many possess the Transformation feats, allowing them to assume a favored form at-will.

In addition, the Mothers of the Circle share the ability to veil the moon in an eclipse. This is not visible beyond the forest they call their home, but can bring shadows during any hunt. Beyond that, the Circle may be keeping secrets from the rest of the world - although whether it's for good or for ill remains unknown...


The members of the Circle of the Eclipse typically wear minimal clothing, all of which is made from plants and animal products. They generall disdain metal armor, though they occasionally use metal in their weapons. The clothing choice is mostly practical, as the forest itself tends to be warm throughout the year and anything too much heavier would be difficult to wear.


Mother Celeste - One of the oldest members of the Circle of the Eclipse, Mother Celeste is a gentle human woman who often looks out for the children. Though she rarely casts so much as a cantrip, she's also one of the most powerful druids the Circle has ever known, and once unleashed a hurricane on a fleet of pirate ships.

Sister Lyra - An upbeat, cheerful member of the Circle of the Eclipse, Lyra is constantly getting into scuffles and brawls, though she usually has the presence of mind to heal people afterwards. This is largely for fun. In recent months, she's become interested in seeing the rest of Etera - while she loves her home, she does have a bit of wanderlust, and feels like she should see more of the land before she starts settling down. A nice husband would be good, too.